swift 泛型类型方法返回

5tmbdcev  于 2023-03-07  发布在  Swift


static func value<T>(forKey key: String, in dict: [String:Any], type: T.Type) throws -> T? {
    let required = !(T.self is ExpressibleByNilLiteral.Type)
    let val = dict[key]
    if val == nil {
        if required {
            throw APIClientResponseError.missing(key: key, in: dict)
        return nil
    if !(val is T) {
        throw APIClientResponseError.invalid(key: key, in: dict)
    return val as? T





func tryGetValue<T>(forKey key: String, in dict: [String:Any], type: T.Type) -> T? {
    guard let val = dict[key] else {
        return nil
    return val as? T

func value<T>(forKey key: String, in dict: [String:Any], type: T.Type) throws -> T {
    guard let val = dict[key] else {
        throw APIClientResponseError.missing(key: key, in: dict)
    guard let t = val as? T else {
        throw APIClientRespondError.invalid(key: key, in: dict)
    return t

如果你真的想要一个函数,你可以把“returnnil or throwerror”逻辑抽象成一个协议,尽管说实话,这比我在生产中使用的任何东西都更像是一个黑客。

// Can't really think of a good name for this protocol and its methods...
protocol APIValue {
    static func missing(in dict: [String: Any], key: String) throws -> Self
    static func invalid(in dict: [String: Any], key: String) throws -> Self

extension Optional: APIValue {
    static func missing(in dict: [String: Any], key: String) throws -> Optional<Wrapped> {

    static func invalid(in dict: [String: Any], key: String) throws -> Optional<Wrapped> {

extension APIValue {
    static func missing(in dict: [String: Any], key: String) throws -> Self {
        throw APIClientResponseError.missing(key: key, in: dict)

    static func invalid(in dict: [String: Any], key: String) throws -> Self {
        throw APIClientResponseError.invalid(key: key, in: dict)

// add extensions for all the other types that can go in the method...
extension String: APIValue {}
extension Int: APIValue {}
extension Double: APIValue {}
// ...

// now the value method can be:
func value<T: APIValue>(forKey key: String, in dict: [String:Any], type: T.Type) throws -> T {
    guard let val = dict[key] else {
        return try type.missing(dict: dict, key: key)
    guard let t = val as? T else {
        return try type.invalid(dict: dict, key: key)
    return t
