Can I ALTER a partitioned table in SQL Server 2005?

bksxznpy  于 2023-03-07  发布在  SQL Server

I'm looking into horizontal partitioning for a table that has time-series data in it. I've discovered that partitioning is much easier in 2005 than it was in 2000 but I can't seem to find this answer:

Can I add/drop columns of a partitioned table?

Are special steps required because it's partitioned?



In addition to performing SWITCH operations that involve partitioned tables, ALTER TABLE can be used to change the state of the columns, constraints, and triggers of a partitioned table just like it is used for nonpartitioned tables. However, this statement cannot be used to change the way the table itself is partitioned. To repartition a partitioned table, use ALTER PARTITION SCHEME and ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION. Additionally, you cannot change the data type of a column of a partitioned table.

Read more here:



I couldn't find a definitive answer (I found the doc @E.J. Brennan referenced to be a little dense and unclear). So I added to this example and have tested that, yes, you can add/drop columns:

USE adventureworks

create partition function YearPF(datetime) as range right for values ('20050101');

-- Now we need to add filegroups that will contains partitioned values
alter database adventureworks add filegroup YearFG1;
alter database adventureworks add filegroup YearFG2;

-- Now we need to add file to filegroups
alter database adventureworks add file (name = 'YearF1', filename = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdvWorksF1.ndf') to filegroup YearFG1;
alter database adventureworks add file (name = 'YearF2', filename = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdvWorksF2.ndf') to filegroup YearFG2;

-- Here we associate the partition function to 
-- the created filegroup via a Partitioning Scheme
create partition scheme YearPS as partition YearPF to (YearFG1, YearFG2)

-- Now just create a table that uses the particion scheme
create table PartitionedOrders
  Id int not null identity(1,1),
  DueDate DateTime not null,
) on YearPS(DueDate)

-- And now we just have to use the table!
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20020101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20030101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20040101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20050101')
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20060101')

-- Now we want to see where our values has falled
select *, $partition.YearPF(DueDate) from PartitionedOrders

-- see if we can add a column
ALTER TABLE PartitionedOrders ADD NewColumn INT NULL

-- add some more records, populating the new column
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20010101', 1)
insert into PartitionedOrders values('20070101', 2)

-- see that they were inserted properly
select *, $partition.YearPF(DueDate) from PartitionedOrders

ALTER TABLE PartitionedOrders DROP COLUMN NewColumn

-- see that the column dropped
select *, $partition.YearPF(DueDate) from PartitionedOrders

/* clean up
drop table PartitionedOrders
drop partition scheme YearPS;
drop partition function YearPF;
alter database adventureworks remove file YearF1;
alter database adventureworks remove file YearF2;
alter database adventureworks remove  filegroup YearFG1;
alter database adventureworks remove filegroup YearFG2;
