You can't get a pop-up, but you can switch between open tabs with Alt + → and Alt + ←, and you can press Ctrl + E to get a list of recently opened files, which is almost the same thing. EDIT: (In response to comment) Oh, if that is what, it is just a question of changing the KeyMap. You go to File -> Settings and under there you have a keymap option. You will have to create a new KeyMap (can't change the default) by clicking copy, and then look in the other section for "Select Next Tab in multi-editor file" and change/add the keymap you want. Ctrl + Tab is legit - it is just defaulted to switching between splits. EDIT 2: (In response to second comment) The function you are looking for in IDEA (at least as close as it gets) is Go Back, which is in the other group of the key map as well. That being said, you said you were looking for how it works in firefox (don't know about Visual Studio) and "Select Next Tab" is the firefox behavior.
You can't get a pop-up, but you can switch between open tabs with Alt + → and Alt + ←, and you can press Ctrl + E to get a list of recently opened files, which is almost the same thing.
EDIT: (In response to comment) Oh, if that is what, it is just a question of changing the KeyMap. You go to
File -> Settings
and under there you have a keymap option. You will have to create a new KeyMap (can't change the default) by clicking copy, and then look in the other section for "Select Next Tab in multi-editor file" and change/add the keymap you want. Ctrl + Tab is legit - it is just defaulted to switching between splits.EDIT 2: (In response to second comment) The function you are looking for in IDEA (at least as close as it gets) is Go Back, which is in the other group of the key map as well. That being said, you said you were looking for how it works in firefox (don't know about Visual Studio) and "Select Next Tab" is the firefox behavior.
您尝试过下载并安装TabSwitch插件吗?它允许您循环打开编辑器,并在按Alt + A时在弹出窗口中显示它们。此默认键Map很容易在Keymap IDE设置中更改为Ctrl + Tab。
如果您正在寻找通常通过在Web浏览器中单击Ctrl + Tab获得的功能,您可以更改键盘Map设置中的“选择下一个选项卡”:
TabSwitch无疑是这个问题的答案。如果不这样做,你可以使用Ctrl + E来弹出最近使用的文件列表并导航到那里。所以跳到最近使用的文件应该是Ctrl + E + Enter。