We have a new iso for payment. These payment needs to contain a 'QR reference' field made of 26 + 1 digits. The last one is a validation digit obtained using a recursive function.
I created a SQL function allowing us to know wether a 'QR reference' is valid or not:
create function [dbo].[fnCheckQRReference](@Reference nvarchar(28), @Range int = 0)
returns bit as
/* Check if the SwissQR payment reference is correct
* Return 1 if QR Reference is correct
* Return 0 if not
if not(@Reference not like '%[^0-9]%')
return 0
if len(@Reference) > 27
return 0
declare @tmp as int = cast(substring(@Reference, 1, 1) as int)
, @result as int;
with tab as (
select 0 as [id], 0 as [val] union select 1, 9 union select 2, 4 union select 3, 6 union select 4, 8 union select 5, 2 union select 6, 7 union select 7, 1 union select 8, 3 union select 9, 5
select @result = val
from tab
where id = (@Range + @tmp) % 10
if len(@Reference) = 2
if (((10 - @result) % 10) = cast(substring(@Reference, 2, 26) as int))
return 1
return 0
return [dbo].[fnCheckQRReference](substring (@Reference, 2, 26), @result);
You can test it with different references (000000810877053913500061524, 903751000001009522863019583, 000000000000000002023031440, 000000000000000000002185921, etc.)
My problem reside later when I want to select drafts of incoming invoices
select cast(ii.InvoiceNumber as nvarchar(15)) as 'Invoice number'
, ii.QRReference as 'QR_Reference'
, [dbo].[fnCheckQRReference](ii.QRReference, 0) as 'Ref_OK'
from Incoming_Invoices as ii with(nolock)
where ii.InvoiceStatus not in ('D', 'E') -- Looking only for drafts and error statuses
When executing the previous query, I get the error:
Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32).
What I do not understand here is that the function can only call itself 26 times, never 32.
I tried adding a top 1
in my last query but still, SQL Server answered that the nesting level exceeded the limit of 32.
When I commented the , [dbo].[fnCheckQRReference](ii.QRReference, 0) as 'Ref_OK'
line, I had 46 result out of which only one is in error. (Ref*_*OK = 0)
Does someone see where is my mistake(s)?
You'll need to switch from recursion to iteration. 28 levels of recursion is too much to be reliable, because you only have a few frames for the calling code.
In a loop
set @Reference = substring(@Reference, 2, 26)
until you've consumed the whole string.
So I did as you told me. First, I created a view containing the required data to calculate the last digit:
Then my function with a 'while' loop :
It is a little less elegant than my previous recursiv function but works fine and it has some good sides such as the fact that the function has ony one parameter and we can test it only once.
Thank you Davide Browne from Microsoft!