Given two tables A and B, where table A contains data about segments in a document and table B contains document names and their corresponding beginning segment values.((table a and table b are temp tables, table a will have values fetch or parse from input document))
Table A
(line_no (INT), segment(VARCHAR(10)
2 GS
3 ST
4 BCH --//this is beginning segment of doc
9 N1 --this is a document1
10 N3
11 N4
12 N1
13 SE
14 ST
15 BEG --//this is beginning segment of doc
16 N1 ---this is document2
17 N3
18 N4
19 SE
20 ST
21 BRA--//this is beginning segment of doc
22 N1
23 N3 --this is document3
24 N4
25 SE
26 ST
27 BCX--//this is beginning segment of doc
28 N1
29 N3 --this is a document4
30 N4
31 SE
32 GE
33 IEA
Table A has columns line_no and segment. Each row in this table represents a segment in a document. The ST segment marks the beginning of a new document.
Table B has columns Document_name and segment. Each row in this table represents a document name and its corresponding beginning segment value.
Table B
Document_name(VARCHAR(10)), segment(VARCHAR(10))
I am trying to write a query, if document in table A has a valid beginning segment value immediately following the ST segment. If the beginning segment value from table a is not present in table B, the document is considered invalid. If the beginning segment value is present in table B, the document is considered valid. (Note : beginning segment values will be always follow by "ST" Segment)
I have written like this but its not near to what I am expecting
CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @BCH_Segment_Table AS b WHERE b.beg_segment = a.Segment_Identifier)
THEN 'Valid'
ELSE 'Invalid'
END AS NewFiled
FROM @Segment_Table as a
Output should be be show for four document(based on table a (each ST will represent one document)) not for individual segment is :
document 1 :valid
document 2 :valid
document 3 :valid
document 4 :invalid
Something like this very rough script perhaps:
I identify rows where previous segment name is ST and then check if the value exists in tableB.