c++ 不同平面上两变幅线段间的最近两点

dgenwo3n  于 2023-03-14  发布在  其他

假设AB1, AB2, CD1, CD2.AB 1&AB 2CD 1&CD 23D点构成一条线段。并且所述线段 * 不在同一平面内
AP是点线段AB 1&AB 2BP是点线段CD 1&CD 2
两条线段之间的最短距离 *)
这只是部分解决...因为这个功能不工作时,两条线是在同一平面...感谢@MBo我遇到了Geometry GoldMine of Code and Explanations!他们有许多源代码的贡献者!我从那里挑选了一个在这里,它是干净和伟大的!

bool CalculateLineLineIntersection(Vector3D p1, Vector3D p2, Vector3D p3, Vector3D p4, Vector3D& resultSegmentPoint1, Vector3D& resultSegmentPoint2)
// Algorithm is ported from the C algorithm of 
// Paul Bourke at http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline3d/
resultSegmentPoint1 = { 0,0,0 };
resultSegmentPoint2 = { 0,0,0 };

Vector3D p13 = VectorMinus(p1, p3);
Vector3D p43 = VectorMinus(p4, p3);

/*if (p43.LengthSq() < Math.Epsilon) {
    return false;
Vector3D p21 = VectorMinus(p2, p1);
/*if (p21.LengthSq() < Math.Epsilon) {
    return false;

double d1343 = p13.x * (double)p43.x + (double)p13.y * p43.y + (double)p13.z * p43.z;
double d4321 = p43.x * (double)p21.x + (double)p43.y * p21.y + (double)p43.z * p21.z;
double d1321 = p13.x * (double)p21.x + (double)p13.y * p21.y + (double)p13.z * p21.z;
double d4343 = p43.x * (double)p43.x + (double)p43.y * p43.y + (double)p43.z * p43.z;
double d2121 = p21.x * (double)p21.x + (double)p21.y * p21.y + (double)p21.z * p21.z;

double denom = d2121 * d4343 - d4321 * d4321;
/*if (Math.Abs(denom) < Math.Epsilon) {
    return false;
double numer = d1343 * d4321 - d1321 * d4343;

double mua = numer / denom;
double mub = (d1343 + d4321 * (mua)) / d4343;

resultSegmentPoint1.x = (float)(p1.x + mua * p21.x);
resultSegmentPoint1.y = (float)(p1.y + mua * p21.y);
resultSegmentPoint1.z = (float)(p1.z + mua * p21.z);
resultSegmentPoint2.x = (float)(p3.x + mub * p43.x);
resultSegmentPoint2.y = (float)(p3.y + mub * p43.y);
resultSegmentPoint2.z = (float)(p3.z + mub * p43.z);

return true;

Link 1Link 2
我尝试计算两条线段的质心,并计算线段上距离中点最近的点。(* 我知道如何计算距离另一个点最近的点线段 *)
注:Visual Geometry Geogbra3D用于这些点的视觉表示注:AB1CD表示从点AB 1到线CD(非线段)

AB1 =                                               (6.550000, -7.540000, 0.000000 )
AB2 =                                               (4.540000, -3.870000, 6.000000 )
CD1 =                                               (0.000000, 8.000000, 3.530000 )
CD2 =                                               (0.030000, -7.240000, -1.340000 )
PointCD1AB =                                        (3.117523, -1.272742, 10.246199 )
PointCD2AB =                                        (6.318374, -7.117081, 0.691420 )
PointAB1CD =                                        (0.029794, -7.135321, -1.306549 )
PointAB2CD =                                        (0.019807, -2.062110, 0.314614 )
Magntidue of PointCD1AB - P1LineSegmentCD =          11.866340
Magntidue of PointCD2AB - P2LineSegmentCD =          6.609495
Magntidue of PointAB1CD - P1LineSegmentAB =          6.662127
Magntidue of PointAB2CD - P2LineSegmentAB =          9.186399
Magntidue of PointCD1AB - PointAB1CD =               13.318028
Magntidue of PointCD2AB - PointAB2CD =               8.084965
Magntidue of PointCD1AB - PointAB2CD =               10.433375
Magntidue of PointCD2AB - PointAB1CD =               6.598368

Actual Shortest Point are
Point1 =                                            (0.01, 1.59, 1.48 )  
Point2 =                                            (-1.23, 1.11, 3.13 )
Magnitude of Point1 And Point2 =                     2.1190799890518526


void NearestPointBetweenTwoLineSegmentOfVariedLength(Vector3D P1LineSegmentAB, Vector3D P2LineSegmentAB, Vector3D P1LineSegmentCD, Vector3D P2LineSegmentCD, Vector3D Testing)

/* float Line1Mag = Magnitude(VectorMinus(P1LineSegmentAB, P2LineSegmentAB));
float Line2Mag = Magnitude(VectorMinus(P1LineSegmentCD, P2LineSegmentCD));

P2LineSegmentAB = VectorMinus(P2LineSegmentAB, P1LineSegmentAB);
P1LineSegmentCD = VectorMinus(P1LineSegmentCD, P1LineSegmentAB);
P2LineSegmentCD = VectorMinus(P2LineSegmentCD, P1LineSegmentAB);
P1LineSegmentAB = VectorMinus(P1LineSegmentAB, P1LineSegmentAB);    

Vector3D P1P2UnitDirection = GetUnitVector(P2LineSegmentAB, { 0,0,0 });

AngleBetweenTwoVectorsWithCommonUnitVectorAngleOfSecondArgument(P1LineSegmentAB, P2LineSegmentAB, P1P2UnitDirection);*/

Vector3D ReturnVal;
Vector3D PointCD1AB;
Vector3D PointCD2AB;
Vector3D PointAB1CD;
Vector3D PointAB2CD;
NearestPointOnLineFromPoint(P1LineSegmentCD, P1LineSegmentAB, P2LineSegmentAB, PointCD1AB, false);
PrintVector3Dfor(VectorMinus(PointCD1AB, Testing), "PointCD1AB", true);
NearestPointOnLineFromPoint(P2LineSegmentCD, P1LineSegmentAB, P2LineSegmentAB, PointCD2AB, false);
PrintVector3Dfor(VectorMinus(PointCD2AB, Testing), "PointCD2AB", true);

NearestPointOnLineFromPoint(P1LineSegmentAB, P1LineSegmentCD, P2LineSegmentCD, PointAB1CD, false);
PrintVector3Dfor(VectorMinus(PointAB1CD, Testing), "PointAB1CD", true);
NearestPointOnLineFromPoint(P2LineSegmentAB, P1LineSegmentCD, P2LineSegmentCD, PointAB2CD, false);
PrintVector3Dfor(VectorMinus(PointAB2CD, Testing), "PointAB2CD", true);

float m1 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointCD1AB, P1LineSegmentCD));
float m2 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointCD2AB, P2LineSegmentCD));
float m3 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointAB1CD, P1LineSegmentAB));
float m4 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointAB1CD, P2LineSegmentAB));
float m5 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointCD1AB, PointAB1CD));
float m6 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointCD2AB, PointAB2CD));
float m7 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointCD1AB, PointAB2CD));
float m8 = Magnitude(VectorMinus(PointCD2AB, PointAB1CD));
Printfloatfor(m1, "Magntidue of PointCD1AB - P1LineSegmentCD");
Printfloatfor(m2, "Magntidue of PointCD2AB - P2LineSegmentCD");
Printfloatfor(m3, "Magntidue of PointAB1CD - P1LineSegmentAB");
Printfloatfor(m4, "Magntidue of PointAB2CD - P2LineSegmentAB");
Printfloatfor(m5, "Magntidue of PointCD1AB - PointAB1CD");
Printfloatfor(m6, "Magntidue of PointCD2AB - PointAB2CD");
Printfloatfor(m7, "Magntidue of PointCD1AB - PointAB2CD");
Printfloatfor(m8, "Magntidue of PointCD2AB - PointAB1CD");

//NearestPointBetweenTwoLineSegmentOfSameLength1(P1LineSegmentAB, P2LineSegmentAB, P1LineSegmentCD, P2LineSegmentCD);
//NearestPointBetweenTwoLineSegmentOfSameLength2(P1LineSegmentAB, P2LineSegmentAB, P1LineSegmentCD, P2LineSegmentCD);
//NearestPointBetweenTwoLineSegmentOfSameLength3(P1LineSegmentAB, P2LineSegmentAB, P1LineSegmentCD, P2LineSegmentCD);

void NearestPointOnLineFromPoint(Vector3D Point, Vector3D LineSegmentStart, Vector3D LineSegmentEnd, Vector3D& ReturnVector, bool ClampTheValue)
//Get Heading Direction of Capsule from Origin To End
Vector3D CapsuleHeading = VectorMinus(LineSegmentEnd, LineSegmentStart);
float MagnitudeOfLineSegment = Magnitude(CapsuleHeading);
CapsuleHeading = VectorDivide(CapsuleHeading, MagnitudeOfLineSegment);

// Project From Point to Origin
Vector3D Projection = VectorMinus(Point, LineSegmentStart);

float DotProd = DotProduct(Projection, CapsuleHeading);
if (ClampTheValue)
    DotProd = Clamp(DotProd, 0.0f, MagnitudeOfLineSegment);

ReturnVector = VectorAdd(LineSegmentStart, VectorMultiply(CapsuleHeading, DotProd));


Vector3D ClampPointToLine(Vector3D pointToClamp, Vector3D LineStart, Vector3D LineEnd)
Vector3D clampedPoint = {0,0,0};
double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
if (LineStart.x <= LineEnd.x)
    minX = LineStart.x;
    maxX = LineEnd.x;
    minX = LineEnd.x;
    maxX = LineStart.x;
if (LineStart.y <= LineEnd.y)
    minY = LineStart.y;
    maxY = LineEnd.y;
    minY = LineEnd.y;
    maxY = LineStart.y;
if (LineStart.z <= LineEnd.z)
    minZ = LineStart.z;
    maxZ = LineEnd.z;
    minZ = LineEnd.z;
    maxZ = LineStart.z;
clampedPoint.x = (pointToClamp.x < minX) ? minX : (pointToClamp.x > maxX) ? maxX : pointToClamp.x;
clampedPoint.y = (pointToClamp.y < minY) ? minY : (pointToClamp.y > maxY) ? maxY : pointToClamp.y;
clampedPoint.z = (pointToClamp.z < minZ) ? minZ : (pointToClamp.z > maxZ) ? maxZ : pointToClamp.z;
return clampedPoint;

void distBetweenLines(Vector3D p1, Vector3D p2, Vector3D p3, Vector3D p4, Vector3D& ClosestPointOnLineP1P2, Vector3D& ClosestPointOnLineP3P4)
Vector3D d1;
Vector3D d2;
d1 = VectorMinus(p2, p1);
d2 = VectorMinus(p4, p3);
double eq1nCoeff = (d1.x * d2.x) + (d1.y * d2.y) + (d1.z * d2.z);
double eq1mCoeff = (-(powf(d1.x, 2)) - (powf(d1.y, 2)) - (powf(d1.z, 2)));
double eq1Const = ((d1.x * p3.x) - (d1.x * p1.x) + (d1.y * p3.y) - (d1.y * p1.y) + (d1.z * p3.z) - (d1.z * p1.z));
double eq2nCoeff = ((powf(d2.x, 2)) + (powf(d2.y, 2)) + (powf(d2.z, 2)));
double eq2mCoeff = -(d1.x * d2.x) - (d1.y * d2.y) - (d1.z * d2.z);
double eq2Const = ((d2.x * p3.x) - (d2.x * p1.x) + (d2.y * p3.y) - (d2.y * p2.y) + (d2.z * p3.z) - (d2.z * p1.z));
double M[2][3] = { { eq1nCoeff, eq1mCoeff, -eq1Const }, { eq2nCoeff, eq2mCoeff, -eq2Const } };
int rowCount = 2;

// pivoting
for (int col = 0; col + 1 < rowCount; col++) if (M[col, col] == 0)
    // check for zero coefficients
    // find non-zero coefficient
    int swapRow = col + 1;
    for (; swapRow < rowCount; swapRow++) if (M[swapRow, col] != 0) break;

    if (M[swapRow, col] != 0) // found a non-zero coefficient?
        // yes, then swap it with the above
        double tmp[2];
        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount + 1; i++)
            tmp[i] = M[swapRow][i];
            M[swapRow][i] = M[col][i];
            M[col][i] = tmp[i];
        std::cout << "\n the matrix has no unique solution";
        return; // no, then the matrix has no unique solution

// elimination
for (int sourceRow = 0; sourceRow + 1 < rowCount; sourceRow++)
    for (int destRow = sourceRow + 1; destRow < rowCount; destRow++)
        double df = M[sourceRow][sourceRow];
        double sf = M[destRow][sourceRow];
        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount + 1; i++)
            M[destRow][i] = M[destRow][i] * df - M[sourceRow][i] * sf;

// back-insertion
for (int row = rowCount - 1; row >= 0; row--)
    double f = M[row][row];
    if (f == 0) return;

    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount + 1; i++) M[row][i] /= f;
    for (int destRow = 0; destRow < row; destRow++)
        M[destRow][rowCount] -= M[destRow][row] * M[row][rowCount]; M[destRow][row] = 0;

double n = M[0][2];
double m = M[1][2];
Vector3D i1 = { p1.x + (m * d1.x), p1.y + (m * d1.y), p1.z + (m * d1.z) };
Vector3D i2 = { p3.x + (n * d2.x), p3.y + (n * d2.y), p3.z + (n * d2.z) };
Vector3D i1Clamped = ClampPointToLine(i1, p1, p2);
Vector3D i2Clamped = ClampPointToLine(i2, p3, p4);
ClosestPointOnLineP1P2 = i1Clamped;
ClosestPointOnLineP3P4 = i2Clamped;



  • 找到线l1l2之间的最短连接。
  • 找出从点AB中的任一个到线段CD的最短连接(对于CD到线段AB同样)。


l1(sc) = u*sc + A

与方向矢量u=(B-A)。因此,我们还有l1(0) = Al(1) = B。现在,我们要找出这条线与另一条经过CD的线之间的最小距离,即

l2(c) = v*tc + C

v = D-C类似,我们有l2(0) = Cl(1) = D。现在,我们定义

f(sc, tc) = 1/2*|l1(sc)-l2(tc)|^2


df/dsc = 0 and df/dtc = 0


df/dsc = [u*sc - v*tc + (A-C)]*u    and    df/dtc = [u*sc - v*tc + (A-C)]*(-v)


[ u*u    -v*u] *   [sc]  = -[ w*u] 
[-u*v     v*v]     [tc]     [-w*v]

      m        *  result = -rhs

线性系统的解为result = -m^(⁻1)* rhs,其中m^(⁻1)m的倒数。如果ac小于0或大于1,则直线的最近点位于线段ABCD之外。您也可以返回这些值。

f(sc) = 1/2*|l1(sc)-P|^2   and   g(tc) = 1/2*|l2(tc)-P|^2


sc = -(A-P)*u/(u*u)    and   rc = -(C-P)*v/(v*v)

如果sc < 0,我们设置sc = 0,如果sc > 1,我们设置sc = 1(对于tc也是如此),以获得线段上的点。

template <int dim>
struct Vector
    std::array<double, dim> components; 

using Vector2D = Vector<2>;
using Vector3D = Vector<3>;

// subtract
template <int dim>
Vector<dim> operator-(const Vector<dim> &u, const Vector<dim> &v) {
    Vector<dim> result(u);
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        result.components[i] -= v.components[i];
    return result;

// add
template <int dim>
Vector<dim> operator+(const Vector<dim> &u, const Vector<dim> &v) {
    Vector<dim> result(u);
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        result.components[i] += v.components[i];
    return result;

// negate
template <int dim>
Vector<dim> operator-(const Vector<dim> &u) {
    Vector<dim> result;
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        result.components[i] = -u.components[i];
    return result;

// scalar product
template <int dim>
double operator*(const Vector<dim> &u, const Vector<dim> &v) {
    double result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        result += u.components[i] * v.components[i];
    return result;

// scale
template <int dim>
Vector<dim> operator*(const Vector<dim> &u, const double s) {
    Vector<dim> result(u);
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        result.components[i] *= s;
    return result;

// scale
template <int dim>
Vector<dim> operator*(const double s, const Vector<dim> &u) {
    return u*s;

// ostream
template <int dim>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const Vector<dim> &u) {
    out << "(";
    for (auto c : u.components)
        out << std::setw(15) << c ;
    out << ")";
    return out;


std::pair<Vector3D, Vector3D>
shortest_connection_segment_to_segment(const Vector3D A, const Vector3D B,
                                       const Vector3D C, const Vector3D D)
    Vector3D u = B - A;
    Vector3D v = D - C;
    Vector3D w = A - C;

    double    a = u*u;         // always >= 0
    double    b = u*v;
    double    c = v*v;         // always >= 0
    double    d = u*w;
    double    e = v*w;
    double    sc, sN, sD = a*c - b*b;  // sc = sN / sD, sD >= 0
    double    tc, tN, tD = a*c - b*b;  // tc = tN / tD, tD >= 0
    double    tol = 1e-15;
    // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
    if (sD < tol) {            // the lines are almost parallel
        sN = 0.0;              // force using point A on segment AB
        sD = 1.0;              // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later
        tN = e;
        tD = c;
    else {                     // get the closest points on the infinite lines
        sN = (b*e - c*d);
        tN = (a*e - b*d);
        if (sN < 0.0) {        // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible
            sN = 0.0;          // compute shortest connection of A to segment CD
            tN = e;
            tD = c;
        else if (sN > sD) {    // sc > 1  => the s=1 edge is visible
            sN = sD;           // compute shortest connection of B to segment CD
            tN = e + b;
            tD = c;

    if (tN < 0.0) {            // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible
        tN = 0.0;             
        // recompute sc for this edge
        if (-d < 0.0)          // compute shortest connection of C to segment AB
            sN = 0.0;
        else if (-d > a)
            sN = sD;
        else {
            sN = -d;
            sD = a;
    else if (tN > tD) {      // tc > 1  => the t=1 edge is visible
        tN = tD;
        // recompute sc for this edge
        if ((-d + b) < 0.0)  // compute shortest connection of D to segment AB
            sN = 0;
        else if ((-d + b) > a)
            sN = sD;
        else {
            sN = (-d +  b);
            sD = a;
    // finally do the division to get sc and tc
    sc = (fabs(sN) < tol ? 0.0 : sN / sD);
    tc = (fabs(tN) < tol ? 0.0 : tN / tD);

    Vector3D P1 = A + (sc * u);
    Vector3D P2 = C + (tc * v);  

    return {P1, P2};   // return the closest distance


int main() {

    Vector3D A = {-7.54, 6.55, 0 };
    Vector3D B = {4.54, -3.87, 6.0 };
    Vector3D C = {0.0, 8.0, 3.53 };
    Vector3D D = {0.03, -7.24, -1.34 };

    auto [P1, P2] = shortest_connection_segment_to_segment (A, B, C, D);

    std::cout << "P1 = " << P1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "P2 = " << P2 << std::endl;

    return 0;


P1 = (       -1.24635         1.1212        3.12599)
P2 = (      0.0125125        1.64365        1.49881)

live demo .





void NearestPointBetweenTwoLineSegment(Vector3D AB1, Vector3D AB2, Vector3D CD1, Vector3D CD2, Vector3D& resultSegmentPoint1, Vector3D& resultSegmentPoint2)
Vector3D u = VectorMinus(AB2, AB1);
Vector3D v = VectorMinus(CD2, CD1);
Vector3D w = VectorMinus(AB1, CD1);

double    a = DotProduct(u, u);         // always >= 0
double    b = DotProduct(u, v);
double    c = DotProduct(v, v);         // always >= 0
double    d = DotProduct(u, w);
double    e = DotProduct(v, w);
double    sN, sD = (a * c) - (b * b);  // sc = sN / sD, default sD = D >= 0
double    tN, tD = (a * c) - (b * b);  // tc = tN / tD, default tD = D >= 0

float Temp1;
float Temp2;
float Temp3;// Unfortuantely i have no choice but to use this...

//Part 1
Temp1 = (sD < 1e-6f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
sN = (1.0f - Temp1) * (b * e - c * d);
sD = ((1.0f - Temp1) * sD) + Temp1;
tN = (Temp1 * e) +  ((1.0f - Temp1) * ((a * e) - (b * d)));
tD = (Temp1 * c) + ((1.0f - Temp1) * tD);

Temp2 = (sN < 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
Temp2 = Temp2 * (1.0f - Temp1);
sN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN);
tN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tN) + (Temp2 * e);
tD = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tD) + (Temp2 * c);

Temp2 = ((sN > sD) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp2);
Temp2 = Temp2 * (1.0f - Temp1);
sN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN) + (Temp2 * sD);
tN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tN) + (Temp2 * (e + b));
tD = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tD) + (Temp2 * c);

//Part 2.1
Temp1 = (tN < 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
tN = tN * (1.0f - Temp1);

Temp2 = (((-d) < 0.0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * Temp1;
sN = (1.0f - Temp2) * sN;//sN = (Temp2 * 0) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN);    
Temp3 = ((((-d) > a) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp2)) * (Temp1);
sN = (Temp3 * sD) + ((1.0f - Temp3) * (sN));

Temp2 = (1.0f - Temp3) * (1.0f - Temp2) * (Temp1);
sN = (Temp2 * (-d)) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sN));
sD = (Temp2 * a) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sD));

//Part 2.2
Temp1 = ((tN > tD) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp1);
tN = ((1.0f - Temp1) * tN) + (Temp1 * tD);

Temp2 = (((-d + b) < 0.0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * Temp1;
sN = (1.0f - Temp2) * sN;//sN = (Temp2 * 0) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN);    
Temp3 = ((((-d + b) > a) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp2)) * (Temp1);
sN = (Temp3 * sD) + ((1.0f - Temp3) * (sN));

Temp2 = (1.0f - Temp3) * (1.0f - Temp2) * (Temp1);
sN = (Temp2 * (-d)) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sN));
sD = (Temp2 * a) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sD));

resultSegmentPoint1 = VectorAdd(AB1, VectorMultiply(u, (fabs(sN) < 1e-6f ? 0.0 : sN / sD)));
resultSegmentPoint2 = VectorAdd(CD1, VectorMultiply(v, (fabs(tN) < 1e-6f ? 0.0 : tN / tD)));
