
wwtsj6pe  于 2023-03-16  发布在  Python








如果你想在网格上求解FE或CFD类型的方程,你可以使用MeshPy在2维和3维上。Meshpy是现有工具tetgentriangle的很好的 Package 器。
如果你正在寻找更典型的图形风格的网格,在PyCon 2011 "Algorithmic Generation of OpenGL Geometry"上有一个有趣的演讲,它描述了一种实用的程序化网格生成方法。
如果您对根据数据重建表面感兴趣,那么您一定不能错过Standford 3D Scanning Repository,它是斯坦福大学Bunny的故乡






import numpy as np
from numpy import pi as pi
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

def ktrimesh(p,bars,pflag=0):
    # create the (x,y) data for the plot
    xx1 = p[bars[:,0],0]; yy1 = p[bars[:,0],1]
    xx2 = p[bars[:,1],0]; yy2 = p[bars[:,1],1]
    xmin = np.min(p[:,0])
    xmax = np.max(p[:,0])
    ymin = np.min(p[:,1])
    ymax = np.max(p[:,1])
    xmin = xmin - 0.05*(xmax - xmin)
    xmax = xmax + 0.05*(xmax - xmin)
    ymin = ymin - 0.05*(ymax - ymin)
    ymax = ymax + 0.05*(ymax - ymin)

    for i in range(len(xx1)):
        xp = np.array([xx1[i],xx2[i]])
        yp = np.array([yy1[i],yy2[i]])
    if pflag == 0:
        stitle = 'Triangular Mesh'
    if pflag == 1:
        stitle = 'Visual Boundary Integrity Check'
    #plt.title('Triangular Mesh')
    return 1

def ccw_tri(p,t):
    orients all the triangles counterclockwise
    # vector A from vertex 0 to vertex 1
    # vector B from vertex 0 to vertex 2
    A01x = p[t[:,1],0] - p[t[:,0],0]
    A01y = p[t[:,1],1] - p[t[:,0],1]
    B02x = p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,0],0]
    B02y = p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,0],1]
    # if vertex 2 lies to the left of vector A the component z of
    # their vectorial product A^B is positive
    Cz = A01x*B02y - A01y*B02x
    a = t[np.where(Cz<0)]
    b = t[np.where(Cz>=0)]
    a[:,[1,2]] = a[:,[2,1]]
    t = np.concatenate((a, b))
    return t

def triqual_flag(p,t):
    # a(1,0), b(2,0), c(2,1)
    a = np.sqrt((p[t[:,1],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,1],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
    b = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
    c = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,1],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,1],1])**2)
    A = 0.25*np.sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)*(a+b-c))
    R = 0.25*(a*b*c)/A
    r = 0.5*np.sqrt( (a+b-c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)/(a+b+c) )
    q = 2.0*(r/R)
    min_edge = np.minimum(np.minimum(a,b),c)
    min_angle_deg = (180.0/np.pi)*np.arcsin(0.5*min_edge/R)
    min_q = np.min(q)
    min_ang = np.min(min_angle_deg)
    return min_q, min_ang

def triqual(p,t,fh,qlim=0.2):
    # a(1,0), b(2,0), c(2,1)
    a = np.sqrt((p[t[:,1],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,1],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
    b = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,0],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,0],1])**2)
    c = np.sqrt((p[t[:,2],0] - p[t[:,1],0])**2 + (p[t[:,2],1] - p[t[:,1],1])**2)
    A = 0.25*np.sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)*(a+b-c))
    R = 0.25*(a*b*c)/A
    r = 0.5*np.sqrt( (a+b-c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)/(a+b+c) )
    q = 2.0*(r/R)
    pmid = (p[t[:,0]] + p[t[:,1]] + p[t[:,2]])/3.0
    hmid = fh(pmid)
    Ah = A/hmid
    Anorm = Ah/np.mean(Ah)
    min_edge = np.minimum(np.minimum(a,b),c)
    min_angle_deg = (180.0/np.pi)*np.arcsin(0.5*min_edge/R)
    plt.title('Histogram;Triangle Statistics:q-factor,Minimum Angle and Area')
    plt.ylabel('Number of Triangles')
    plt.xlabel('Note: for equilateral triangles q = 1 and angle = 60 deg')

    indq = np.where(q < qlim)  # indq is a tuple: len(indq) = 1
    if list(indq[0]) != []:
        print ('List of triangles with q < %5.3f and the (x,y) location of their nodes' % qlim)
        print ('')
        print ('q     t[i]      t[nodes]         [x,y][0]       [x,y][1]       [x,y][2]')
        for i in indq[0]:
            print ('%.2f  %4d  [%4d,%4d,%4d]     [%+.2f,%+.2f]  [%+.2f,%+.2f]  [%+.2f,%+.2f]' % \
        print ('')
        # end of detailed data on worst offenders    
    return q,min_angle_deg,Anorm

class Circle:
    def __init__(self,xc,yc,r):
        self.xc, self.yc, self.r = xc, yc, r
    def __call__(self,p):
        xc, yc, r = self.xc, self.yc, self.r
        d = np.sqrt((p[:,0] - xc)**2 + (p[:,1] - yc)**2) - r
        return d

class Rectangle:
    def __init__(self,x1,x2,y1,y2):
        self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2 = x1,x2,y1,y2
    def __call__(self,p):
        x1,x2,y1,y2 = self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2
        d1 = p[:,1] - y1    # if p inside d1 > 0
        d2 = y2 - p[:,1]    # if p inside d2 > 0
        d3 = p[:,0] - x1    # if p inside d3 > 0
        d4 = x2 - p[:,0]    # if p inside d4 > 0
        d =  -np.minimum(np.minimum(np.minimum(d1,d2),d3),d4)
        return d

class Polygon:
    def __init__(self,verts):
        self.verts = verts
    def __call__(self,p):
        verts = self.verts
        # close the polygon
        cverts = np.zeros((len(verts)+1,2))
        cverts[0:-1] = verts
        cverts[-1] = verts[0]
        # initialize
        inside = np.zeros(len(p))
        dist = np.zeros(len(p))
        Cz = np.zeros(len(verts))  # z-components of the vectorial products
        dist_to_edge = np.zeros(len(verts))
        in_ref = np.ones(len(verts))
        # if np.sign(Cz) == in_ref then point is inside
        for j in range(len(p)):
            Cz = (cverts[1:,0] - cverts[0:-1,0])*(p[j,1] - cverts[0:-1,1]) - \
                 (cverts[1:,1] - cverts[0:-1,1])*(p[j,0] - cverts[0:-1,0])
            dist_to_edge = Cz/np.sqrt( \
                (cverts[1:,0] - cverts[0:-1,0])**2 + \
                (cverts[1:,1] - cverts[0:-1,1])**2)

            inside[j] = int(np.array_equal(np.sign(Cz),in_ref))
            dist[j] = (1 - 2*inside[j])*np.min(np.abs(dist_to_edge))
        return dist

class Union:
    def __init__(self,fd1,fd2):
        self.fd1, self.fd2 = fd1, fd2
    def __call__(self,p):
        fd1,fd2 = self.fd1, self.fd2
        d = np.minimum(fd1(p),fd2(p))
        return d

class Diff:
    def __init__(self,fd1,fd2):
        self.fd1, self.fd2 = fd1, fd2
    def __call__(self,p):
        fd1,fd2 = self.fd1, self.fd2
        d = np.maximum(fd1(p),-fd2(p))
        return d

class Intersect:
    def __init__(self,fd1,fd2):
        self.fd1, self.fd2 = fd1, fd2
    def __call__(self,p):
        fd1,fd2 = self.fd1, self.fd2
        d = np.maximum(fd1(p),fd2(p))
        return d

class Protate:
    def __init__(self,phi):
        self.phi = phi
    def __call__(self,p):
        phi = self.phi
        c = np.cos(phi)
        s = np.sin(phi)
        temp = np.copy(p[:,0])
        rp = np.copy(p)
        rp[:,0] = c*p[:,0] - s*p[:,1]
        rp[:,1] = s*temp + c*p[:,1]
        return rp

class Pshift:
    def __init__(self,x0,y0):
        self.x0, self.y0 = x0,y0
    def __call__(self,p):
        x0, y0 = self.x0, self.y0
        p[:,0] = p[:,0] + x0
        p[:,1] = p[:,1] + y0
        return p

def Ellipse_dist_to_minimize(t,p,xc,yc,a,b):
    x = xc + a*np.cos(t)    # coord x of the point on the ellipse
    y = yc + b*np.sin(t)    # coord y of the point on the ellipse
    dist = (p[0] - x)**2 + (p[1] - y)**2
    return dist

class Ellipse:
    def __init__(self,xc,yc,a,b):
        self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b = xc, yc, a, b
        self.t, self.verts = self.pick_points_on_shape()

    def pick_points_on_shape(self):
        xc, yc, a, b = self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b        
        c = np.array([xc,yc])
        t = np.linspace(0,(7.0/4.0)*pi,8)
        verts = np.zeros((8,2))
        verts[:,0] = c[0] + a*np.cos(t)
        verts[:,1] = c[1] + b*np.sin(t)
        return t, verts
    def inside_ellipse(self,p):
        xc, yc, a, b = self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b
        c = np.array([xc,yc])
        r, phase = self.rect_to_polar(p-c)
        r_ellipse = self.rellipse(phase)
        in_ref = np.ones(len(p))
        inside = 0.5 + 0.5*np.sign(r_ellipse-r)
        return inside

    def rect_to_polar(self,p):
        r = np.sqrt(p[:,0]**2 + p[:,1]**2)
        phase = np.arctan2(p[:,1],p[:,0])
        # note: np.arctan2(y,x) order; phase in +/- pi (+/- 180deg)
        return r, phase

    def rellipse(self,phi):
        a, b = self.a, self.b
        r = a*b/np.sqrt((b*np.cos(phi))**2 + (a*np.sin(phi))**2)
        return r

    def find_closest_vertex(self,point):
        t, verts = self.t, self.verts
        dist = np.zeros(len(t))
        for i in range(len(t)):
            dist[i] = (point[0] - verts[i,0])**2 + (point[1] - verts[i,1])**2
        ind = np.argmin(dist)
        t0 = t[ind]
        return t0   
    def __call__(self,p):
        xc, yc, a, b = self.xc, self.yc, self.a, self.b
        t, verts = self.t, self.verts
        dist = np.zeros(len(p))
        inside = self.inside_ellipse(p)
        for j in range(len(p)):
            t0 =  self.find_closest_vertex(p[j])  # initial guess to minimizer
            opt = fmin(Ellipse_dist_to_minimize,t0, \
            # add full_output=1 so we can retrieve the min dist(squared)
            # (2nd argument of opt array, 1st argument is the optimum t)
            min_dist = np.sqrt(opt[1])
            dist[j] = min_dist*(1 - 2*inside[j])
        return dist

def distmesh(fd,fh,h0,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,pfix,ttol=0.1,dptol=0.001,Iflag=1,qmin=1.0):
    geps = 0.001*h0; deltat = 0.2; Fscale = 1.2
    deps = h0 * np.sqrt(np.spacing(1))

    random_seed = 17

    h0x = h0; h0y = h0*np.sqrt(3)/2  # to obtain equilateral triangles
    Nx = int(np.floor((xmax - xmin)/h0x))
    Ny = int(np.floor((ymax - ymin)/h0y))
    x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,Nx)
    y = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,Ny)
    # create the grid in the (x,y) plane
    xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y)
    xx[1::2] = xx[1::2] + h0x/2.0   # shifts even rows by h0x/2
    p = np.zeros((np.size(xx),2))
    p[:,0] = np.reshape(xx,np.size(xx))
    p[:,1] = np.reshape(yy,np.size(yy))

    p = np.delete(p,np.where(fd(p) > geps),axis=0)

    r0 = 1.0/fh(p)**2
    p = np.concatenate((pfix,p[np.random.rand(len(p))<r0/max(r0),:]))

    pold = np.inf
    Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations = 0
    Num_of_Node_movements = 0  # dp = F*dt

    while (1):
        Num_of_Node_movements += 1
        if Iflag == 1 or Iflag == 3:  # Newton flag
            print ('Num_of_Node_movements = %3d' % (Num_of_Node_movements))
        if np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum((p - pold)**2,axis = 1))) > ttol:
            Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations += 1
            if Iflag == 1 or Iflag == 3:   # Delaunay flag
                print ('Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations = %3d' % \
            pold = p
            tri = Delaunay(p)  # instantiate a class
            t = tri.vertices
            pmid = (p[t[:,0]] + p[t[:,1]] + p[t[:,2]])/3.0
            t = t[np.where(fd(pmid) < -geps)]
            bars = np.concatenate((t[:,[0,1]],t[:,[0,2]], t[:,[1,2]]))
            bars = np.unique(np.sort(bars),axis=0)
            if Iflag == 4:
                min_q, min_angle_deg = triqual_flag(p,t)
                print ('Del iter: %3d, min q = %5.2f, min angle = %3.0f deg' \
                      % (Num_of_Delaunay_triangulations, min_q, min_angle_deg))
                if min_q > qmin:
            if Iflag == 2 or Iflag == 3:

        # move mesh points based on bar lengths L and forces F
        barvec = p[bars[:,0],:] - p[bars[:,1],:]
        L = np.sqrt(np.sum(barvec**2,axis=1))
        hbars = 0.5*(fh(p[bars[:,0],:]) + fh(p[bars[:,1],:]))
        L0 = hbars*Fscale*np.sqrt(np.sum(L**2)/np.sum(hbars**2))
        F = np.maximum(L0-L,0)
        Fvec = np.column_stack((F,F))*(barvec/np.column_stack((L,L)))
        Ftot = np.zeros((len(p),2))
        n = len(bars)
        for j in range(n):
            Ftot[bars[j,0],:] += Fvec[j,:]  # the : for the (x,y) components

            Ftot[bars[j,1],:] -= Fvec[j,:]
        # force = 0 at fixed points, so they do not move:
        Ftot[0: len(pfix),:] = 0

        # update the node positions
        p = p + deltat*Ftot

        # bring outside points back to the boundary
        d = fd(p); ix = d > 0   # find points outside (d > 0)
        dpx = np.column_stack((p[ix,0] + deps,p[ix,1]))
        dgradx = (fd(dpx) - d[ix])/deps
        dpy = np.column_stack((p[ix,0], p[ix,1] + deps))
        dgrady = (fd(dpy) - d[ix])/deps
        p[ix,:] = p[ix,:] - np.column_stack((dgradx*d[ix], dgrady*d[ix]))

        # termination criterium: all interior nodes move less than dptol:

        if max(np.sqrt(np.sum(deltat*Ftot[d<-geps,:]**2,axis=1))/h0) < dptol:

    final_tri = Delaunay(p)  # another instantiation of the class
    t = final_tri.vertices
    pmid = (p[t[:,0]] + p[t[:,1]] + p[t[:,2]])/3.0
    # keep the triangles whose geometrical center is inside the shape
    t = t[np.where(fd(pmid) < -geps)]
    bars = np.concatenate((t[:,[0,1]],t[:,[0,2]], t[:,[1,2]]))
    # delete repeated bars
    #bars = unique_rows(np.sort(bars))
    bars = np.unique(np.sort(bars),axis=0)
    # orient all the triangles counterclockwise (ccw)
    t = ccw_tri(p,t)
    # graphical output of the current mesh
    return p,t,bars

def boundary_bars(t):
    # create the bars (edges) of every triangle
    bars = np.concatenate((t[:,[0,1]],t[:,[0,2]], t[:,[1,2]]))
    # sort all the bars
    data = np.sort(bars)
    # find the bars that are not repeated
    Delaunay_bars = dict()
    for row in data:
        row = tuple(row)
        if row in Delaunay_bars:
            Delaunay_bars[row] += 1
            Delaunay_bars[row] = 1
    # return the keys of Delaunay_bars whose value is 1 (non-repeated bars)
    bbars = []
    for key in Delaunay_bars:
        if Delaunay_bars[key] == 1:
    bbars = np.asarray(bbars)
    return bbars   

def plot_shapes(xc,yc,r):
    # circle for plotting
    t_cir = np.linspace(0,2*pi)
    x_cir = xc + r*np.cos(t_cir)
    y_cir = yc + r*np.sin(t_cir)



xc = 0; yc = 0; r = 1.0

x1,y1 = -1.0,-2.0
x2,y2 = 2.0,3.0


xmin = -1.5; ymin = -1.5
xmax = 1.5; ymax = 1.5
h0 = 0.4 

pfix = np.zeros((0,2))   # null 2D array, no fixed points provided

fd = Circle(xc,yc,r)

fh = lambda p: np.ones(len(p))

p,t,bars = distmesh(fd,fh,h0,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,pfix,Iflag=4)


我推荐使用NumPy(特别是如果你以前用过MATLAB的话),许多用python工作的计算科学家/机械工程师可能会同意,但我有偏见,因为我发现它在我去年的研究中占据了很大一部分,它是SciPy的一部分:Link我很喜欢numpy.linspace(a,b,N),它可以生成一个长度为N的向量,这些向量的值从a到B是等间距的。您可以使用numpy.ndarray生成一个N x M矩阵,或者如果您想要二维数组,则使用numpy.meshgrid
