Get OUTPUT of stored procedure when executing it as a dynamic query in SQL Server

pftdvrlh  于 2023-03-17  发布在  SQL Server

I have a stored procedure that looks something like this,

CREATE PROCEDURE my_schema.sp_do   
    @param1 VARCHAR(50),   
    @param2 VARCHAR(MAX),
    @count INT OUTPUT
    -- execute logic
    SET @count = (SELECT col1 FROM @tbl)

This will basically execute some logic and set the @count output variable to some value, which I want to be able to access when the stored procedure is actually called.

I am able to execute it like this and get the value of the output,

EXEC my_schema.sp_do 'val1', 'val2', @i OUTPUT;

However, when I am actually making use of this, I am building this query dynamically. How exactly can I execute this query as a string and still be able to access the output?

For instance,

SET @sql = 'EXEC my_schema.sp_do ''val1'', ''val2'', @i OUTPUT;'
exec sp_executesql @sql

I know this does not work. How can I do this correctly?

If I understand correctly, I need to pass names and the data types of the parameters as the second argument to sp_executesql ? Since I am building the query dynamically, I cannot do this. I don't have access to the data types, I only have access to the parameter names and the values.

If there is an entirely better way to do this, I am open to that as well.

Note: As to why I need to do this, I have several stored procedures and each of them have their own parameters. These stored procedures are defined by a number of database admins. This essentially means that the numbers of SPs will increase/decrease over time (however, the structure will remain somewhat the same: the count OUTPUT needs to be available in every SP). There are users who configure these stored procedures to be executed by providing the parameters and a kind of alias to the stored procedure itself (this information is stored in table, let's call it the metadata table). This is done through an application. I am in the process of writing a controller of sorts that will query the metadata table and execute each of these configured stored procedures on a schedule.

Using the metadata table, I can build the path to each stored procedure and I can pass in the parameters. However, I am not entirely sure how the data types of the parameters can be accessed. Is there a way to do this?



You just need to add an output parameter to the call to sp_executesql :

DECLARE @i int, @sql nvarchar(max);
SET @sql = 'EXEC my_schema.sp_do ''val1'', ''val2'', @i OUTPUT;';
EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, N'@i int OUTPUT', @i OUTPUT;
  • Working example in this db<>fiddle (minus your specific schema). Though you should always name your parameters, especially if you start building strings within strings within strings, it gets brittle and hard to follow very quickly.

(Though I read the extensive comment thread after, and agree generally that this doesn't sound like a very stable solution to implement in T-SQL.)
