MS Access & Microsoft SQL Server Date Format Problems

lf3rwulv  于 2023-03-22  发布在  SQL Server

I have an MS Access Applications where some fields are dates. On my testserver on my localmachine everything works great, but when i change the tables to the production server, the date formats change to american. Is that a setting in the database I am missing? I searched all the options but I couldn't find a way to change it. I also looked in Ms Access but I didnt see an option to change the dateformat. All help is appreciated!

Ms Access Version is 2016. My testserver is version 15 but the production server is version 12.



I found a solution. The problem was that i used an old ODBC driver and thus access didnt recognize the date field as a date but as a shortText. I resolved it by changing the type date to type datetime in the database.
