C语言 向字符串添加行结束符

yhuiod9q  于 2023-03-22  发布在  其他

我收到一些参数,我转换成char和连接创建一个字符串,写入一个.txt文件。我试图添加一个0在上述字符串的末尾作为行结束符。然而,当我在我的ubuntu终端上使用file 10.txt,我得到10.txt: ASCII text, with no line terminators

int main() {
    int res;
    res = set_value(10, "abc", 3, 2.0);

int set_value(int key, char *value1, int value2, double value3) {
    char name[1000];
    int status;
    char line[5000];
    char temp[1000];
    int n;

    // Change directory where we work.
    if (chdir("FilesPractice1") == -1) {
        perror("Error while changing directories.");
        return -1;

    // Convert key to the name of the file.
    snprintf(name, 1000, "%d.txt", key);

    // Open the file.
    if ((status = open(name, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
        // Since the file doesnt exist, we proceed to create it.
        if ((status = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666)) == -1) {
            perror("Error while creating the tuple.\n");
            return -1;
        // Format the key and values to write them into the file.
        snprintf(line, 5000, "%d, ", key);
        n = strlen(value1);
        strncat(line, value1, n);
        snprintf(temp, 1000, ", %d, ", value2);
        n = strlen(temp);
        strncat(line, temp, n);
        snprintf(temp, 1000, "%f", value3);
        n = strlen(temp);
        strncat(line, temp, n);
        n = strlen(line);
        line[n + 1] = 0;

        // Write the values into the file.
        write(status, line, strlen(line));

    } else {
        // Since file already exists, it is considered an error.
        perror("Error: key value already exists.\n");
        return -1;

    // Close the file.
    if (close(status) == -1) {
        perror("Error while closing the file.");
        return -1;

    return 0;


为了向字符串追加一个换行符,只需使用strcat(line, "\n");

  • 调用strncat(line, temp, strlen(temp))完全等同于strcat(line, temp)
  • 如果文件已经存在,则忘记关闭该文件。
  • 应该在main函数之前定义或至少声明set_value函数。


snprintf(line, sizeof line, "%d, %s, %d, %f\n",
             key, value1, value2, value3);


#include <stdio.h>

int set_value(int key, char *value1, int value2, double value3) {
    char filename[32];
    int status;
    char line[5000];

    // Change directory where we work.
    if (chdir("FilesPractice1") == -1) {
        perror("Error while changing directories.");
        return -1;

    // Convert key to the name of the file.
    snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%d.txt", key);

    // Open the file.
    if ((status = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) != -1) {
        // The file already exists, close it and report the error
        // Cannot use `perror` as `errno` was not set
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: key value file %s already exists.\n", filename);
        return -1;

    // Since the file doesn't exist, we proceed to create it.
    if ((status = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666)) == -1) {
        perror("Error while creating the tuple.\n");
        return -1;
    // Format the key and values to write them into the file.
#if 0
    // Single call to snprintf
    size_t pos = snprintf(line, sizeof line, "%d, %s, %d, %f\n",
                          key, value1, value2, value3);
    // Separate calls for different parts
    size_t pos = snprintf(line + pos, sizeof line - pos, "%d", key);
    if (pos < sizeof line)
        pos += snprintf(line + pos, sizeof line - pos, ", %s", value1);
    if (pos < sizeof line)
        pos += snprintf(line + pos, sizeof line - pos, ", %d", value2);
    if (pos < sizeof line)
        pos += snprintf(line + pos, sizeof line - pos, ", %f", value3);
    if (pos < sizeof line)
        pos += snprintf(line + pos, sizeof line - pos, "\n");
    // Check if line is long enough.
    if (pos >= sizeof line) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Buffer size too small: need %zu bytes\n", pos + 1);
    // Write the values into the file.
    ssize_t len = strlen(line);
    ssize_t nwritten = write(status, line, len);
    if (nwritten != len) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to %s: %zd bytes written, expected %zd.\n",
                filename, nwritten, len);

    // Close the file.
    if (close(status) == -1) {
        perror("Error while closing the file.");
        return -1;

    return 0;

int main(void) {
    int res;
    res = set_value(10, "abc", 3, 2.0);


“ASCII文本,无行终止符”表示文件末尾没有line ending(CR或LF)。

n = strlen(line);
line[n + 1] = 0;


strcat(line, "\n");


strcat(line, "\r\n");

