如何使用VBA在Excel中异步刷新Power Query查询生成的某些Ranges?

lokaqttq  于 2023-03-24  发布在  其他

Stack Overflow中有一些帖子说明了如何:

  • 异步刷新所有查询
  • 逐个刷新某些查询(即非异步)

如何使用VBA在Excel中刷新由Power Query查询异步生成的某些范围(* 例如,给定这些范围名称的数组 *),并在检测到这些异步刷新完成后在VBA中执行后续句子。

Sub fail_1()
'This method cannot guarantee showing the msgbox at the end of this sub AFTER the two ranges are refreshed
    arrRngName = Array("rng1","rng2")
    For Each itm in arrRngName
        Range(itm).ListObject.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=True
    Next itm
    MsgBox "All the refreshes are done asynchronously" 'This is an example of the subsequent sentence
End Sub
Sub fail_2()
'This method cannot guarantee neither that showing the msgbox at the end of this sub AFTER the two ranges are refreshed
    arrRngName = Array("rng1","rng2")
    For Each itm in arrRngName
        With ThisWorkbook.Connections("Query - " & itm).OLEDBConnection
            .BackgroundQuery = True
        End With
    Next itm
    MsgBox "All the refreshes are done asynchronously" 'This is an example of the subsequent sentence
End Sub
Sub fail_3()
'This method can guarantee showing the msgbox at the end of this sub AFTER the two ranges are refreshed, but it cannot refresh ALL the ranges at the same time(asynchronously)
   arrRngName = Array("rng1","rng2")
   For Each itm in arrRngName
        With ThisWorkbook.Connections("Query - " & itm).OLEDBConnection
            .BackgroundQuery = False
        End With
   Next itm
   MsgBox "All the refreshes are done asynchronously" 'This is an example of the subsequent sentence
End Sub





  • 在ThisWorkbook模块中 *
Option Explicit

Private WithEvents mApp As Application
Private mIsManualRefresh As Boolean
Public Sub AwaitManualRefreshComplete()
    mIsManualRefresh = True
    If mApp Is Nothing Then Set mApp = Application
End Sub

Private Sub mApp_AfterCalculate()
    If mIsManualRefresh Then
        mIsManualRefresh = False
        Debug.Print "Manual refresh complete (after calculate)."
    End If
End Sub
  • 然后在模块中:*
Public Sub RunMe1()
    Dim arrRngName As Variant
    Dim itm As Variant
    Dim conn As WorkbookConnection
    arrRngName = Array("qryAges", "qryGender", "Merge")
    For Each itm In arrRngName
        Set conn = ThisWorkbook.Connections("Query - " & itm)
        With conn.OLEDBConnection
            .BackgroundQuery = True
        End With
        Debug.Print "Refresh " & conn.Name
End Sub

2. OnTime


  • 在模块中:*
Public Sub RunMe2()
    Dim arrRngName As Variant
    Dim itm As Variant
    Dim conn As WorkbookConnection
    arrRngName = Array("qryAges", "qryGender", "Merge")
    For Each itm In arrRngName
        Set conn = ThisWorkbook.Connections("Query - " & itm)
        With conn.OLEDBConnection
            .BackgroundQuery = True
        End With
        Debug.Print "Refresh " & conn.Name
    AwaitManualRefreshComplete arrRngName
End Sub

Public Sub AwaitManualRefreshComplete(Optional arr As Variant)
    Static arrRngName As Variant
    Dim itm As Variant
    Dim conn As WorkbookConnection
    Dim isRefreshComplete As Boolean
    If Not IsMissing(arr) Then
        arrRngName = arr
    End If
    isRefreshComplete = True
    For Each itm In arrRngName
        Set conn = ThisWorkbook.Connections("Query - " & itm)
        If conn.OLEDBConnection.Refreshing Then
            isRefreshComplete = False
        End If
    If Not isRefreshComplete Then
        Application.OnTime _
            EarliestTime:=Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1), _
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Debug.Print "Manual refresh complete (after time)."
End Sub
