var xtrans = document.getElementById("xtext");
var xshowed = document.getElementById("xcontain");
function xsend() {
var gotten = xtrans.value;
if (/^\s*$/.test(gotten) == true) { // the crazy /^\s*$/.test(gotten) there is to check for a whitespace only on a condition that no text has been added. its a returns a boolean value, "true or false,"" so i set it to true, and if it happens, the code of block is executed.
return false; //all actions if the condition is true will be aborted
else {
xtrans.value = ""; //this is to clear the text after clicking send
function xshow(gotten) { //gooten was put here so it could pass its value below since its value was originally gotten in another function which will not work elsewhere like a global stuff.
const ximagine = document.createElement("div"); //to create an element so the text from gotten can be placed in it as its content.
ximagine.textContent = gotten; //to get the text that gotten carries and place it into the element created.
if (ximagine.textContent) { //this is to make sure a text which is null or u defined will not go past this block of code. ( like a filter).
var xfinal = xshowed.appendChild(ximagine); //the container xshowed where the x imagine was appended to had a blue border so i could see where the text entered. all the text entered the border but i wanted them to look somewhat seperate, hence i cleared all design from the container to make it look blank and i made designs to the incoming texts so they would look like they were sent differently.
xfinal.classList.add("ended"); //this is to add whatever design i want.
xbot(gotten) //call this function if everything is successful
else {
document.write("fatal error, please refresh this page and don't put such text anymore, else you will be suspended for 6 months");
function xbot(gotten) {
// gotten.trim(); //to remove whitespace both from front and back of the string.
if (gotten == "Hi" || gotten == "Hello" || gotten == "Robot?" || gotten == "Anyone?") {
const xpro = document.createElement("div");
var xreturn = xshowed.appendChild(xpro);
xblinker = document.createElement("p");
xblinker.id = "blink";
var xreply = document.createElement("p");
xreply.id = "typed";
xpro.after(xreply); //to add the xreply element and xblinker element to the parent element xpro when they're formed
var xreplyy = document.getElementById("typed");
var blinky = document.getElementById("blink"); //this is to get the element that will be blinking in front of text.
blinky.style.display = "inline";
blinky.style.borderRight = "10px solid white";
// set up text to print, each item in array is new line
var aText = new Array(
"There are only 2 types of people in the world:",
"The ones who have dominated in increasing their capacity to think, and the ones who wallow in ignorance"); //the two text strings, but here they're like objects because of the "new" keyword.
var iSpeed = 100; // time delay in typing out each character
var iIndex = 0; // start typing the array text at this position, thats at beginning.
var iArrLength = aText[0].length; // the length of the first string, thats the one before the comma of the text array.
var iScrollAt = 20; // point at which text start scrolling up, start scrolling up at this many lines. its not really important.
var iTextPos = 0; // the text position after displaying a character.
var sContents = ""; // initialise contents variable
var iRow; // Not so important, This variable is used to keep track of which lines of text have already been typed out and should be displayed on the web page.
typewriter(); //calls the function to trigger the code below
function typewriter() {
sContents = ""; //repeated though
iRow = Math.max(0, iIndex - iScrollAt); //rhis only tries to see which is the largest number. if you solve iindex-iscrollat, you'd get -20. between -20 and zero, zero is bigger, so math.max picks it and it is now assigned to iRow. you can console.log iRow to check its value. i think it is better to just say iRow is equal to zero, instead of passing through the stress.
var destination = document.getElementById("typed"); //get the element that it the array text would be appended to.
while (iRow < iIndex) { //the while here is a type of loop, while the iRow is less than the position of the text in the array. execute the below code as long as the condition is true. this condition is only true when the iIndex has been moved to 1 or the next string. that means this code for the next text string after the first. tested with console.log(iRow, iIndex);
sContents += aText[iRow] + "<br>"; //mind you, increment of zero is 1.
destination.innerHTML = sContents + aText[iIndex].substring(0, iTextPos) + blinky.innerHTML; //this code will run first for the first string text ie iIndex equal to 0. then it will run a second time, but this time it will add the next steing text to the first one, which will make them stay in the same element called destination it was tested with this "console.log(sContents);"
//the substring starts from 0, thats first character and returns the following characters as iTextPos increments. one by one.
if (iTextPos++ == iArrLength) { //the heart of the code. this says if the increment in the textposition is equal to the length of the text in that particular string. it won't work if iTextpos++ is put as iTextpos, because it is always incrementing. check this out to see "console.log(iTextPos);"
iTextPos = 0; //text position is reseted here.blinky.style.borderRight = "10px solid white"; //to show itself
blinky.style.display = "inline"; //very important, to make it inline with the text which i alredy made display as inline too, in order for them to appear on same line together.
iIndex++; //iIndex is incremented, and thats what causes iIndex to turn to 1 meaning next line, if theres another, it will turn to 2 and so on.
if (iIndex != aText.length) { //it will almost likely never be equal to it, so the below code will always run.
iArrLength = aText[iIndex].length; //the iArrLength is updated with new length for new string or next string.
setTimeout("typewriter()", 500); //function is then called again after 500ms, so as to render the next text out.
else {
setTimeout("typewriter()", iSpeed); //if no new line, call function after iSpeed value
闪光灯的 Flink 效果将由css来处理,我选择这个是因为如果我单独使用css来做文本效果,我最多只能做一行文本,因为它使用100%的文本宽度来显示它,不像js。
我要做的是调用这个函数,因为没有它,要输入的文本就不能被输入,所以我有一个光标在它附加的容器中 Flink 。
我尝试使用"use strict"
setTimeout("typewriter()", 500);
所做的那样),你需要像这样传递函数本身:setTimeout(typewriter, 500);
。其他setTimeout也是如此:setTimeout(typewriter, iSpeed);
.为什么不能在这里使用字符串?因为,正如注解中提到的,使用字符串而不是传递函数将在global scope中运行字符串,并且由于