
vwhgwdsa  于 2023-03-27  发布在  Shell



$day = Get-Date -format dd
$Dir = "C:\test\output"
$file = "$Dir\result_esxhost_memory_check2.dat"
$location = "C:\test\output"
$FileExist =  Test-Path -Path $location
$date = Get-Date -format "dd.MM.yy HH:mm"

#Declaring variables which stores a value from a selected column in the CSV file
$memoryusage = Import-Csv -Path C:\test\log\checks2.csv | select -ExpandProperty MemoryUsage
$name = Import-Csv -Path "C:\test\log\checks2.csv" | select -ExpandProperty Name -First 1


Clear-Content "$file"

    foreach ($row in $memoryusage) {

    If ( "$row" -lt [int32]"45") {
        $Line = "$name" + "|" + $date + "|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host $name is below the threshold" + " " + "($row)" }
    else {
        $Line = "$name" + "|" + $date + "|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host $name is above the threshold" + " " + "($row)"}

         Add-Content "$file" `n$Line
                $in = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($file)
$text = ($in.readtoend()).trim("`n")

$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter]$file


Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (33.14%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (25.23%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (54.23%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (37.57%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (46.76%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (48.94%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (61.30%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (43.27%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (52.16%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (1.74%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (1.78%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (26.95%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (39.59%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (1.89%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (39.40%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (33.16%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (1.90%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (23.37%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (23.73%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (25.26%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (12.39%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (44.62%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (23.60%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (12.82%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (12.84%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (75.82%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (73.86%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (57.83%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (1.77%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is above the threshold (6.30%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (11.74%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (21.01%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (18.65%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (28.65%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (22.22%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (1.88%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (23.21%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (12.36%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (23.45%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (23.83%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (23.63%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (14.96%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (16.05%)
Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (15.25%)

请注意:我只在$name变量的末尾添加了-First 1,以保持数据的整洁,因为它将简单地将CSV文件中“Name”列的每一行中的每个服务器名称添加到DAT文件的每一行。





Server1|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1 is below the threshold (33.14%)
Server2|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server2 is below the threshold (25.23%)
Server3|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server3 is above the threshold (54.23%)
Server2esx401|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host Server2esx401 is below the threshold (37.57%)
Server2esx403|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server2esx403 is above the threshold (46.76%)
Server1esx403|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1esx403 is above the threshold (48.94%)
Server1esx402|21.03.23 12:46|MemoryUsage|NONE|WARNING|Memory usage of ESX Host Server1esx402 is above the threshold (61.30%)




简单地使用$csvData = Import-Csv -Path "YourPath"就足以让你将整个CSV文件放入一个对象中,其中CSV列名现在是对象属性名。如果你只需要CSV文件中的名称和memoryUsage,那么你可以这样做:

$csvData = Import-CSV -Path "YourPath" | Select-Object -Property Name, MemoryUsage


ForEach($row in $csvData){
   #skipping the conditional logic for clarity
   $line = $row.name + '|' + $date + '|' + $row.MemoryUsage + etc...


$line = [string]::concat($row.Name, '|', $date, '|MemoryUsage|NONE|OK|Memory usage of ESX Host ', $row.Name, ' is below the threshold ', $row.MemoryUsage)
