assembly 汇编语言80x86

hmmo2u0o  于 2023-03-30  发布在  其他



INCLUDE io.h            ; header file for input/output

.STACK 4096

array1 DWORD 0aff01h, 0bff02h, 0cff03h, 0dff04h, 0eff05h
array2 DWORD 002ff0affh, 003ff0bffh, 004ff0cffh, 005ff0dffh, 006ff0effh
array3 DWORD 5 DUP(0)             ; reserve space for 5 DWORDs
count  DWORD ?

_MainProc PROC

    mov ecx, 5                          ; set the loop counter
    lea esi, array1                 ; load address of array1
    lea edi, array2                 ; load address of array2
    lea ebx, array3                 ; load address of array3
    call arrMix                     ; call the arrMix procedure
    mov eax, 0                      ; set a breakpoint here
    ret                             ; return from the program
_MainProc ENDP

 arrMix PROC 
    mov ecx, count                  ; initialize loop counter
    mov esi, array1                 ; load address of array1
    mov edi, array2                 ; load address of array2
    mov ebx, array3                 ; load address of array3

    mov eax, {esi]                  ; load element from array1
    and eax, 00FF00FFh              ; keep only bits 0-7 and 16-23
    shl eax, 8                      ; shift left by 8 bits
    mov edx, [edi]                  ; load element from array2
    and edx, 0FF00FF00h             ; keep only bits 8-16 and 24-31
    shr edx, 8                      ; shift right by 8 bits
    or eax, edx                     ; combine the two bit sets
    mov [ebx], eax                  ; store the result in array3
    add esi, 4                      ; move to the next element in array1
    add edi, 4                      ; move to the next element in array2
    add ebx, 4                      ; move to the next element in array3
    loop arrMixLoop                 ; repeat until loop counter is zero

    ret                             ; return from the procedure

arrMix ENDP
END                               ; end of source code


arrMix PROC 
   mov ecx, count                  ; initialize loop counter
   mov esi, array1                 ; load address of array1
   mov edi, array2                 ; load address of array2
   mov ebx, array3

您正在调用 arrMix 过程,其中输入已经在EBX、ECX、ESI和EDI中。但是 arrMix 过程首先销毁这些输入。
未初始化的count 变量加载ECX时,ECX=5设置会出现问题,并且3个指针会被其各自的第一个数组元素覆盖。
因为ECX很可能被0覆盖,loop arrMixLoop指令开始执行它的40亿次迭代!而且因为指针现在无效,读/写访问冲突必然会发生。
在MASM中,mov esi, array1从内存中加载一个值,而mov esi, OFFSET array1加载数组的地址(如您所料)。
mov eax, {esi]在开始的方括号上有一个错字。这应该是mov eax, [esi]
