
a9wyjsp7  于 2023-04-03  发布在  其他

通过下面的链接下载了一个csv文件。我无法将其用作pandas Dataframe
this is the NSE website .
this is the Dev Tools from where the headers has to be copied

import requests
import pandas as pd
import csv

header = ''''''

def header_in_dictionary(header):
    unwanted = '''sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="111", "Not(A:Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="111"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"
sec-fetch-dest: empty
sec-fetch-mode: cors
sec-fetch-site: same-origin'''
    header = header.replace(unwanted,'')
    header_list = header.split('\n')
    key_list = ['accept','accept-encoding','accept-language','cookie','referer','user-agent','x-requested-with']
    value_list = []
    for ele in header_list:
        if ':' in ele:
            value_list.append(ele[ele.index(':') + 2:len(ele)])

    header_dictionary = {}
    index_counter = 0
    for ele in key_list :
        header_dictionary[ele] = value_list[index_counter]
        index_counter += 1
    return header_dictionary

aa = requests.get("https://www.nseindia.com/api/historical/cm/equity?symbol=ASIANPAINT&series=[%22EQ%22]&from=01-04-2021&to=9-03-2023&csv=true", headers = header_in_dictionary(header))

我想使用csv文件的数据。为此,我必须将其转换为pandas Dataframe 。




import pandas as pd
import requests
import io

headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0'}

# Create a HTTP session
session = requests.Session()

# Get cookies
response = session.get('https://www.nseindia.com/', headers=headers)

# Download csv
response = session.get("https://www.nseindia.com/api/historical/cm/equity?symbol=ASIANPAINT&series=[%22EQ%22]&from=01-04-2021&to=9-03-2023&csv=true", headers=headers)

# Create dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(response.content))


>>> df
           Date  series      OPEN      HIGH       LOW  PREV. CLOSE       ltp     close      vwap     52W H     52W L   VOLUME             VALUE   No of trades 
0    09-Mar-2023      EQ  2,862.00  2,872.45  2,836.85     2,859.55  2,856.00  2,853.55  2,855.48  3,582.90  2,560.00   774224  2,210,782,913.25          51928
1    08-Mar-2023      EQ  2,870.00  2,870.00  2,827.00     2,864.55  2,857.00  2,859.55  2,850.88  3,582.90  2,560.00   580250  1,654,225,600.65          50105
2    06-Mar-2023      EQ  2,843.00  2,884.00  2,830.25     2,828.85  2,861.60  2,864.55  2,869.75  3,582.90  2,560.00  1050267  3,013,998,661.15          74159
3    03-Mar-2023      EQ  2,837.05  2,852.00  2,810.65     2,833.90  2,830.15  2,828.85  2,826.34  3,582.90  2,560.00   679295  1,919,921,555.35          64015
4    02-Mar-2023      EQ  2,831.00  2,849.00  2,811.00     2,840.90  2,833.00  2,833.90  2,832.79  3,582.90  2,560.00   604523  1,712,488,953.55          44537
..           ...     ...       ...       ...       ...          ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...      ...               ...            ...
477  08-Apr-2021      EQ  2,630.00  2,658.40  2,628.00     2,628.60  2,643.95  2,650.65  2,647.85  2,873.45  1,482.95   897483  2,376,398,265.70          60031
478  07-Apr-2021      EQ  2,605.00  2,668.05  2,600.10     2,611.60  2,621.60  2,628.60  2,644.44  2,873.45  1,482.95  1937977  5,124,871,995.00         110658
479  06-Apr-2021      EQ  2,526.00  2,620.00  2,504.50     2,510.65  2,610.10  2,611.60  2,585.83  2,873.45  1,482.95  3372846  8,721,612,490.50         178805
480  05-Apr-2021      EQ  2,558.00  2,558.00  2,484.50     2,551.75  2,512.00  2,510.65  2,509.91  2,873.45  1,482.95  1268939  3,184,919,119.35          74815
481  01-Apr-2021      EQ  2,532.00  2,564.55  2,532.00     2,537.40  2,545.00  2,551.75  2,549.80  2,873.45  1,482.95  1219588  3,109,711,122.00          54928

[482 rows x 14 columns]
