I have this SELECT
D3 as "three month ago",
D2 as "two month ago",
D1 as "last month",
F0 as "current month",
F1 as "next month",
F2 as "next two month",
I want to specify the column name according to the current month.
I have a function get_month_name
that gets the month symbol like (d1,d2,d3,f0..) and return a string that represent the month name in Hebrew.
What is the best way to solve the problem?
Just for the record I am trying to do this in a stored procedure in SQL Server
It is possible to do this with dynamic SQL:
However, dynamic SQL has its issues. See The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL for an in-depth explanation.
So if it's somehow possible, I would rather not use dynamic SQL, but do something like marc_s suggested in his comment:
leave the query as it is, return the month names in addition and let the client display the month names in the right place.