我想看看我是否可以得到在给定的时间范围内我在系统上花费的总时间。示例:从上午9点到晚上9点,我应该确定我的机器处于锁定状态的时间、我的机器处于睡眠模式的时间以及我的机器处于活动状态的时间。我可以从最后一次 Boot 时获得它,但是如果我几天没有关闭系统怎么办?我可以获得我在机器上花费的活动时间吗?还有,有没有一种方法可以让我得到我花在应用程序上的时间?示例:我已经安装了Teams、Browser-Chrome和IDE。我是否可以获得在给定时间范围内花费在应用程序上的时间?
; workstation idle logger for windows ; Functions : IsWorkStationLocked() and IsScreenSaverRunning() ; #include <Date.au3> DllOpen("user32.dll") $actiondate = _NowCalc() $timehaspastmin = 0 $timehaspasthour =0 $tmpString1=0 $tmpString2=0 $prediction="was working for" While 1 $actiontrigger = False $file = FileOpen("lockstatus.txt", 1) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf $tmpString1=IsWorkStationLocked() $tmpString2=IsScreenSaverRunning() Sleep(10000) if $tmpString1 <> IsWorkStationLocked() Then $actiontrigger = True EndIf if $tmpString2 <> IsScreenSaverRunning() Then $actiontrigger = True EndIf if $actiontrigger = True Then $timehaspastsec = _Datediff ( 's' , $actiondate , _NowCalc()) $timehaspastmin = Round($timehaspastsec / 60,1) $timehaspasthour = Round($timehaspastmin /60,1) select case $timehaspasthour >= 1 $timetype="hour(s)" $timehaspast=$timehaspasthour case $timehaspastmin >= 1 $timetype="minute(s)" $timehaspast=$timehaspastmin case Else $timetype="second(s)" $timehaspast=$timehaspastsec EndSelect select case IsScreenSaverRunning() = False and IsWorkStationLocked() = False $prediction = "was away for" case IsScreenSaverRunning() = True and IsWorkStationLocked() = False $prediction = "was working for" case IsScreenSaverRunning() = True and IsWorkStationLocked() = True $prediction = "(really idle now) was watching my screen for " case IsScreenSaverRunning() = False and IsWorkStationLocked() = True $prediction = "was working for" EndSelect $outputstring = _NowCalc() & " - " & "scrsaver=" & IsScreenSaverRunning() & ",Locked=" & IsWorkStationLocked() & ", " & $prediction & " " & $timehaspast & " " & $timetype & @CRLF FileWrite($file , $outputstring ) ConsoleWrite ( $outputstring) $actiondate = _NowCalc() EndIf FileClose($file) WEnd Func IsWorkStationLocked() Local $Desktop, $Return $Return = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "OpenDesktopA", "str", "Default", "dword", 0, "ubyte", 0, "dword", 0x100) $Desktop = $Return[0] If $Desktop = 0 Then Return True EndIf $Return = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SwitchDesktop", "dword", $Desktop) DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "CloseDesktop", "dword", $Desktop) If $Return[0] = 0 Then Return True Else Return False EndIf EndFunc Func IsScreenSaverRunning() Local $Desktop, $Return, $Result $Result = DllStructCreate("uint") $Return = DllCall("user32.dll", "ubyte", "SystemParametersInfoA", "uint", 0x72, "uint", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($Result), "uint", 0) If $Return[0] = 0 Then Return SetError( 0, False) Return DllStructGetData($Result, 1) <> 0 EndFunc