SQL Server Updating JSON Array Property In SQL

rjee0c15  于 2023-04-10  发布在  其他

I am using Microsoft SQL server, and I have a variable in SQL that contains a JSON array. Now, I am trying to update one property and set it to 0 for all the JSON objects inside the JSON array.

I have tried the following query, but it just updates the first JSON object.

DECLARE @Json varchar(MAX), @updatedJson varchar(MAX);
SET @Json ='[{"LocationID":1234,"LocationName":"ABCD","MTML":1},{"LocationID":12345,"LocationName":"LMNO","MTML":3}]'
SET @updatedJson = JSON_MODIFY(@Json, '$[0].MTML', 0);
SELECT @updatedJson;

I know that I can add one more statement like:

SET @updatedJson = JSON_MODIFY(@updatedJson, '$[1].MTML', 0);

to the above query and update the second JSON object. But I would like to see some suggestions to do this in a generic way and not for specific array elements.

Would highly appreciate any help!



You can do it using OPENJSON that parses JSON text and returns objects and properties from the JSON input as rows and columns and JSON_MODIFY to update each object individually, then STRING_AGG to build the updated JSON

SELECT @updatedJson = CONCAT('[', STRING_AGG(JSON_MODIFY([value], '$.MTML', 0), ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY CONVERT(int, [key])), ']') 

Demo here
