assembly 如何在汇编中的EDX:EAX中打印乘法结果

yv5phkfx  于 2023-04-12  发布在  其他


.model flat, stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto, dwExitCode:dword

    num1 dword 1000000
    num2 dword 1000000
    temp dword ?
    full_result qword ?
main proc
    mov eax, num1
    mul num2 ;Result will be put in EDX:EAX (Upper half of number and Lower half of number)
    ;EDX has the value 232 in decimal. 000000E8 in hex
    ;EAX has the value 3567587328 in decimal. D4A51000 in hex
    ;When you put these numbers togather, you get 000000E8D4A51000 in hex. 
    ;When you convert these numbers back to its decimal representation, we get the correct value of 1000000000000

    ;How to display the result into the screen using Irvine32 library (not 64)
    mov temp, eax
    mov eax, edx ;Put the upper half of result in eax
    call WriteDec ;Write the value in eax
    mov eax, temp ;Put the lower half of result in eax
    call WriteDec

    ;This will prints out 2323567587328 instead of 1000000000000

invoke ExitProcess, 0
main endp
end main

如果无法将这个数字格式化为1000000000000,那么请告诉我如何将这个值赋给full_result qword类型变量。



mov eax, num1
mul num2

mul指令在EDX:EAX中生成一个 * 无符号 * 64位乘积。
下面的代码将EDX:EAX中的 unsigned 64位数字转换为十进制表示。然后可以使用Irvine的WriteString函数输出字符串。

转换EDX:EAX中的 unsigned 64位数


    num1   dword 1000000
    num2   dword 1000000
    Buffer byte 32 dup(0)
main proc
    mov     eax, num1
    mul     num2

    push    ebx
    push    edi
    mov     edi, OFFSET Buffer ; Begin of the buffer
    mov     ebx, 10        ; CONST
    push    ebx            ; Sentinel
.a: mov     ecx, eax       ; Temporarily store LowDividend in ECX
    mov     eax, edx       ; First divide the HighDividend
    xor     edx, edx       ; Setup for division EDX:EAX / EBX
    div     ebx            ; -> EAX is HighQuotient, Remainder is re-used
    xchg    eax, ecx       ; Temporarily move it to ECX restoring LowDividend
    div     ebx            ; -> EAX is LowQuotient, Remainder EDX=[0,9]
    push    edx            ; (1) Save remainder for now
    mov     edx, ecx       ; Build true 64-bit quotient in EDX:EAX
    or      ecx, eax       ; Is the true 64-bit quotient zero?
    jnz     .a             ; No, use as next dividend

    pop     eax            ; (1a) First pop (Is digit for sure)
.b: add     eax, "0"       ; Turn into character [0,9] -> ["0","9"]
    stosb                  ; Store in buffer
    pop     eax            ; (1b) All remaining pops
    cmp     eax, ebx       ; Was it the sentinel?
    jb      .b             ; Not yet
    mov     BYTE PTR [edi], 0 ; Irvine32 requires zero-termination
    pop     edi
    pop     ebx

    mov     edx, OFFSET Buffer
    call    WriteString

转换EDX:EAX中的 * 有符号 * 64位数


mov     edi, OFFSET Buffer ; Begin of the buffer
    test    edx, edx       ; Sign bit is bit 31 of high dword
    jns     .u             ; It's a positive number
    neg     edx            ; |
    neg     eax            ; | Negate EDX:EAX
    sbb     edx, 0         ; |
    mov     BYTE PTR [edi], "-"
    inc     edi
.u: mov     ebx, 10        ; CONST
    push    ebx            ; Sentinel

上面的代码片段基于我的16位Q/A Displaying numbers with DOS。你也可以阅读一些额外的解释...



    num1   dword 1000000
    num2   dword 1000000
    Buffer byte 32 dup(0)
main proc
    mov     eax, num1
    mul     num2

    push    ebx
    push    edi
    mov     edi, OFFSET Buffer+31 ; End of the buffer
    mov     BYTE PTR [edi], 0 ; Irvine32 requires zero-termination

    mov     ebx, 10        ; CONST
.a: mov     ecx, eax       ; Temporarily store LowDividend in ECX
    mov     eax, edx       ; First divide the HighDividend
    xor     edx, edx       ; Setup for division EDX:EAX / EBX
    div     ebx            ; -> EAX is HighQuotient, Remainder is re-used
    xchg    eax, ecx       ; Temporarily move it to ECX restoring LowDividend
    div     ebx            ; -> EAX is LowQuotient, Remainder EDX=[0,9]
    dec     edi
    add     edx, "0"       ; Turn into character [0,9] -> ["0","9"]
    mov     [edi], dl      ; Store in buffer
    mov     edx, ecx       ; Build true 64-bit quotient in EDX:EAX
    or      ecx, eax       ; Is the true 64-bit quotient zero?
    jnz     .a             ; No, use as next dividend
    mov     edx, edi       ; -> EDX is address of ASCIIZ string
    pop     edi
    pop     ebx

    call    WriteString
