SQL Server Format SQL table into HTML message (Not HTML table)?

ut6juiuv  于 2023-04-19  发布在  其他

SQL Table
| Name | Missing |
| ------------ | ------------ |
| B | Jan |
| A | Jan |
| A | Mar |

Desired Result

A is missing Jan, Mar
B is missing Jan

How can I format the above sql table into the desired html? I have experience replicating this into an html table for sending out an email but not much else...



Just a guess, but here is an option using string_agg()

with cte as (
Select Name,
       Missing = string_agg(missing,', ') 
 From  YourTable 
 Group By Name
Select string_agg(concat(Name,' is missing ',Missing),'<br>')
 From  cte


A is missing Jan, Mar<br>B is missing Jan
