.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
s1 byte "GARDEN"
s2 byte "DANGER"
c1 byte 26 dup(0) ;counter for each letter in s1
c2 byte 26 dup(0) ;counter for each letter in s2
main proc
mov eax, 0 ;we will assume that we do not have an anagram
movzx ebx, lengthof s1 ;(1) iterate lengthof s1 times
mov esi, 0 ;start at the first byte of s1 and s2
CounterLoop: ;this will increment the proper 'elements' of c1 and c2
movzx edi, s1[esi] ;move the value from s1 into edi
inc c1[edi - 65] ;(2) increment the counter at the value - 65.
;subtract 65 because the ASCII value of A is 65, B is 66, C is 67...
;when you subtract 65 then the sum of all the As will be stored in 'index' 0
;Bs in 'index' 1, Cs in 'index' 2...
movzx edi, s2[esi] ;(3) Do the same procedure for s2
inc c2[edi - 65] ;(4) increment the second counter at the value - 65.
inc esi ;increment esi
loop CounterLoop ;after this loop terminates our couter arrays will have the proper values
movzx esi, 0 ;(5) start checking the counter arrays at 'index' 0
movzx ebx, lengthof c1 ;(6)iterate lengthof c1 times
mov bl, c1 ;(7) move value of c1 into bl
cmp bl, c2 ;(8) check bl vs the value of c2
jmp NoAna ;(9) if they are not equal then we do not have an anagram. jump to NoAna
inc esi ;increment esi
loop VerifyLoop
mov eax, 1 ;if the loop terminates and we have not jumped then we know we have an anagram
invoke ExitProcess, 0
main endp
end main
指令依赖于ECX,而不是您设置的EBX。请改为写入mov ecx, LENGTHOF s1
loop VerifyLoop
。这个循环有一些额外的问题:jmp NoAna
必须成为条件跳转jne NoAna
。inc esi
当前没有任何用途,因为您不用它来寻址 c1 和 c2 数组中的连续字节。