Sub Save()
Dim SourceWorkbook As Workbook`
Dim SourceWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim SearchRange As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim NewWorkbook As Workbook
Dim NewWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim FoundWords As Boolean
Dim regex As Object
Dim match As Object
Dim SheetNames As Object
Dim SheetName As String
' Set the source workbook and worksheet
Set SourceWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
' Create a regular expression object
Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regex.Pattern = "\((\w+)\)$" ' Pattern to match any word enclosed in parentheses at the end of a cell
' Create a dictionary to hold unique sheet names
Set SheetNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Loop through all sheets in the workbook
For Each SourceWorksheet In SourceWorkbook.Sheets
' Reset flag for each sheet
FoundWords = False
' Define the search range in the source worksheet
Set SearchRange = SourceWorksheet.Range("A1:O3")
' Loop through each cell in the search range
For Each Cell In SearchRange
' Check if the cell contains the desired word enclosed in parentheses at the end
If regex.Test(Cell.Value) Then
' Get the match object
Set match = regex.Execute(Cell.Value)(0)
FoundWords = True ' Set flag to indicate that words were found
' Check if a new workbook has been created for this set of found words
If SheetNames.exists(match.SubMatches(0)) Then
' Copy the entire source worksheet to a new worksheet in the existing new workbook
SheetName = SheetNames(match.SubMatches(0))
SourceWorksheet.Copy After:=Workbooks(SheetName).Sheets(Workbooks(SheetName).Sheets.count)
' Create a new workbook
Set NewWorkbook = Workbooks.Add
Set NewWorksheet = NewWorkbook.Sheets(1)
' Copy the entire source worksheet to the new worksheet in the new workbook
SourceWorksheet.Copy Before:=NewWorksheet
' Delete the default blank sheet in the new workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' Disable alerts to prevent prompt
Application.DisplayAlerts = True ' Re-enable alerts
' Save the new workbook with a name based on the words found
NewWorkbookName = "NewWorkbook_" & match.SubMatches(0) & ".xlsx" ' Update with your desired naming convention
NewWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\JGuy\OneDrive - Redwood Living, Inc\Documents\Lender Reporting\Automation\Output Test\" & NewWorkbookName
SheetNames.Add match.SubMatches(0), NewWorkbook.Name ' Add the sheet name to the dictionary
End If
' Exit the loop after first set of found words
Exit For
End If
Next Cell
' Display a message box if no words were found in the sheet
If Not FoundWords Then
MsgBox "No words found in the specified range in " & SourceWorksheet.Name, vbInformation
End If
' Reset new worksheet reference
Set NewWorksheet = Nothing
Next SourceWorksheet
' Close all new workbooks
For Each WB In Workbooks
If Left(WB.Name, 11) = "NewWorkbook" Then ' Check if the workbook name starts with "NewWorkbook"
WB.Close False ' Close the workbook without saving changes
End If
Next WB
' Clean up objects
Set SourceWorksheet = Nothing
Set SourceWorkbook = Nothing
Set SearchRange = Nothing
Set NewWorksheet = Nothing
Set NewWorkbook = Nothing
Set SheetNames = Nothing
Set regex = Nothing
End Sub