excel 如果CubeField.Orientation = xlPageField,如何设置PivotField.HiddenItemsList属性值

66bbxpm5  于 2023-04-22  发布在  其他


With Worksheets(sWorksheetName).PivotTables(sPivotTableName)
    With .CubeFields(sCubeFieldName)
        .Orientation = xlRowField
        .IncludeNewItemsInFilter = True
    End With
    .PivotFields(sPivotFieldName).HiddenItemsList = vSomeItemsToExclude
End With


With Worksheets(sWorksheetName).PivotTables(sPivotTableName)
    With .CubeFields(sCubeFieldName)
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .IncludeNewItemsInFilter = True
    End With
    .PivotFields(sPivotFieldName).HiddenItemsList = vSomeItemsToExclude
End With




这里有一个函数,它可以处理过滤,不管你是处理RowField还是PageField,也不管你是想使用.VisibleItemsList还是. HiddenItemsList来设置过滤器
在你的特殊情况下,你会这样称呼它:FilterOLAP SomePivotField,vSomeItemsToExclude,False

Function FilterOLAP(pf As PivotField, vList As Variant, Optional bVisible As Boolean = True)

    Dim vAll        As Variant
    Dim dic          As Object
    Dim sItem       As String
    Dim i           As Long
    Dim wsTemp      As Worksheet
    Dim ptTemp      As PivotTable
    Dim pfTemp      As PivotField
    Dim sPrefix     As String

    Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    With pf
        If .Orientation = xlPageField Then
        pf.CubeField.EnableMultiplePageItems = True

            If Not pf.CubeField.EnableMultiplePageItems Then pf.CubeField.EnableMultiplePageItems = True
        End If

        If bVisible Then
            If .CubeField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter Then .CubeField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter = False
            .VisibleItemsList = vList

            If .Orientation = xlPageField Then
                ' Can't use pf.HiddenItemsList on PageFields
                ' We'll need to manipulate a copy of the PT to get a complete list of visible fields
                Set wsTemp = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
                pf.Parent.TableRange2.Copy wsTemp.Range("A1")
                Set ptTemp = wsTemp.Range("A1").PivotTable

                With ptTemp
                    .ColumnGrand = False
                    .RowGrand = False
                    .ManualUpdate = True
                    For Each pfTemp In .VisibleFields
                        With pfTemp
                            If .Name <> pf.Name And .Name <> "Values" And .CubeField.Orientation <> xlDataField Then .CubeField.Orientation = xlHidden
                        End With
                    Next pfTemp
                    .ManualUpdate = False
                End With
                sPrefix = Left(pf.Name, InStrRev(pf.Name, ".")) & "&["
                Set pfTemp = ptTemp.PivotFields(pf.Name)
                pfTemp.CubeField.Orientation = xlRowField

                vAll = Application.Transpose(pfTemp.DataRange)
                For i = 1 To UBound(vAll)
                    vAll(i) = sPrefix & vAll(i) & "]"
                    dic.Add vAll(i), i
                Next i

                'Find an item that we know is visible
                For i = 1 To UBound(vList)
                    If Not dic.exists(vList(i)) Then
                        sItem = vList(i)
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next i

                'Change any items that should be hidden to sItem
                For i = 1 To UBound(vList)
                    If dic.exists(vList(i)) Then
                        vAll(dic.Item(vList(i))) = sItem
                    End If
                Next i

                .VisibleItemsList = vAll

                Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                Application.DisplayAlerts = True

                If Not .CubeField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter Then .CubeField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter = True
                .HiddenItemsList = vList
            End If
        End If

    End With

End Function



Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField

Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Сводная таблица2")
Set pf = pt.PivotFields("[груп бай].[Название клиента].[Название клиента]")
wList = "[груп бай].[Название клиента].&[ООО ""Сеть автоматизированных пунктов выдачи""]"
FilterOLAP(pf, wList, FAlse)


> If .Name <> pf.Name And .Name <> "Values" And .CubeField.Orientation
> <> xlDataField Then .CubeField.Orientation = xlHidden



  • 避免了创建和销毁临时数据透视表以获得完整的项目列表的开销和尴尬;
  • 正确处理成员数超过1,048,575的OLAP数据透视表字段--使用临时数据透视表方法将这些数据放在行上会导致错误,因为数据透视表将超过工作表上的最大行数;并且,
  • 使用MDX查询比Excel默认情况下最可能使用的查询更快、更有效。


' Filter a PivotField in an OLAP PivotTable on either Visible or Hidden items.
Public Sub FilterOLAPPivotField(oPF As PivotField, vItems As Variant, _
        Optional ByVal bVisible As Boolean = True)

    Dim dictItems As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim sConn As String, sConnItems() As String
    Dim sCatalog As String
    Dim sQuery As String
    Dim oConn As Object
    Dim oRS As Object
    Dim vRecordsetRows As Variant
    Dim dictVisibleItems As Object

'   In case something fails while we still have the ADODB Connection or Recordset 
'   open, this ensures the subroutine will "fail gracefully" and still close them.
'   Feel free to add some more error handling if you like!

    On Error GoTo Fail

'   Turn on "checkbox mode" for selecting more than one filter item, for convenience.

    oPF.CubeField.EnableMultiplePageItems = True

'   If filtering on Visible items: then we just need to set the PivotField's 
'   VisibleItemsList property to the vItems array, and we can skip the rest.

    If bVisible Then
        oPF.VisibleItemsList = vItems
        Exit Sub
    End If

'   All the rest of this subroutine is just for the case where we want our vItems 
'   to be the *Hidden* items, i.e. so everything *but* those items is visible.

'   Read vItems into a Scripting.Dictionary. This is for convenience; we want to use 
'   its Exists method later. We only really care about the Keys; the Item:=True 
'   is just a dummy.

    Set dictItems = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For i = LBound(vItems) To UBound(vItems)
        dictItems.Add Key:=vItems(i), Item:=True
    Next i

'   Get the connection string from the PivotCache of the PivotField's parent PivotTable 
'     (This assumes it is an OLEDB connection.)
'   The connection string is needed to make a separate connection to the server 
'   with ADODB. It also contains the Initial Catalog, which we also need.

    sConn = Replace$(oPF.Parent.PivotCache.Connection, "OLEDB;", vbNullString, Count:=1)
    sConnItems = Split(sConn, ";")
    For i = LBound(sConnItems) To UBound(sConnItems)
        If sConnItems(i) Like "Initial Catalog=*" Then
            sCatalog = "[" & Split(sConnItems(i), "=")(1) & "]"
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i

'   Construct an MDX query to send to the server, which just gets the UNIQUE_NAME of 
'   all the members in the hierarchy we're interested in.

    sQuery = Join$(Array( _
        "WITH MEMBER [Unique Name] AS", _
        oPF.CubeField.Name & ".CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUE_NAME", _
        "SELECT [Unique Name] ON 0,", _
        oPF.Name, "ON 1 FROM", _
        sCatalog _

'   Using ADODB, get the result of the query, and dump it into a Variant array.

    Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    oConn.Open sConn
    oRS.Open sQuery, oConn
    vRecordsetRows = oRS.GetRows()

'   The Recordset rows are a multidimensional array with 2 columns: column 0 contains 
'   the member captions, and column 1 (which is the one we want) contains the unique names.
'   So we loop through the result, adding any member which was *not* in vItems to 
'   a new Scripting.Dictionary.

    Set dictVisibleItems = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For i = 0 To oRS.RecordCount - 1
        If Not dictItems.Exists(vRecordsetRows(1, i)) Then
            dictVisibleItems.Add Key:=vRecordsetRows(1, i), Item:=True
        End If
    Next i

'   dictVisibleItems.Keys now contains all member which were *not* in vItems. 
'   All that remains is to set the PivotField's VisibleItemsList to this array!

    oPF.VisibleItemsList = dictVisibleItems.Keys

'   Last but not least: don't forget to close the ADODB Connection and Recordset.
'   If we got to this point normally, then (despite the 'Fail' label) we just close 
'   them uneventfully and end.

'   If we jumped here because of an error, then we see a MsgBox at this point, but the 
'   subroutine will try to "fail gracefully" and still close the Connection & Recordset.

'   Just in case we somehow ended up down here via an error raised *before* the 
'   Connection or Recordset was ever open, we also have "On Error Resume Next". 
'   Otherwise, the Close method itself might raise an error, sending us back to 'Fail'
'   and trapping the subroutine in an infinite loop!

    If Err Then
        MsgBox "Something went horribly wrong", vbCritical, "Error"
    End If

    On Error Resume Next

End Sub

例如:FilterOLAPPivotField(ActiveCell.PivotField, Items, False)将过滤活动单元格下的PivotField,以便它包含Items数组中的所有项目 * 除外 *。

' Invert the filters on the OLAP PivotField under the active cell.
Public Sub btnInvertOLAPPivotFieldFilter_Click()
    Dim oPF As PivotField
    Set oPF = ActiveCell.PivotField
    oPF.CubeField.EnableMultiplePageItems = True
    FilterOLAPPivotField oPF, oPF.VisibleItemsList, False
End Sub
