
gopyfrb3  于 2023-04-27  发布在  其他


# Necessary packages
# Base URL of the search results page
  base_url <- "https://www.booking.com/searchresults.it.html"
# Parameters we add to the search get the specific results 
  params <- list(
    ss = "Firenze%2C+Toscana%2C+Italia",
    efdco = 1,
    label = "booking-name-L*Xf2U1sq4*GEkIwcLOALQS267777916051%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap22%2C563%2C000%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-65526620%3Alp9069992%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm%3Appccp",
    aid = 376363,
    lang = "it",
    sb = 1,
    src_elem = "sb",
    src = "index",
    dest_id = -117543,
    dest_type = "city",
    ac_position = 0,
    ac_click_type = "b",
    ac_langcode = "it",
    ac_suggestion_list_length = 5,
    search_selected = "true",
    search_pageview_id = "2e375b14ad810329",
    checkin = "2023-06-11",
    checkout = "2023-06-18",
    group_adults = 2,
    no_rooms = 1,
    group_children = 0,
    sb_travel_purpose = "leisure"
# Create empty vectors to store the titles, rating, price
  titles <- c()
  ratings <- c()
  prices <- c()

### Loop through each page of the search results
  for (page_num in 1:35) {
# Build the URL for the current page
    url <- modify_url(base_url, query = c(params, page = page_num))
# Read the HTML of the new page specificated
    page <- read_html(url)
# Extract the titles, rating, price from the current page
# Got the elements from Inspect code of the page
    titles_page <- page %>% html_elements("div[data-testid='title']") %>% html_text()
    prices_page <- titles_page %>% html_element("span[data-testid='price-and-discounted-price']") %>% html_text()
    ratings_page <- titles_page %>% html_element("div[aria-label^='Punteggio di']") %>% html_text()
# Append the titles, ratings, prices from the current page to the vector
    titles <- c(titles, titles_page)
    prices <- c(prices, prices_page)
    ratings <- c(ratings, ratings_page)
  hotel = data.frame(titles, prices, ratings)

I have seen being suggested to add a paretn and children node and I have tried this but it does not function:

```titles_page <- page %>% html_elements("div[data-testid='title']") %>% html_text()
  prices_page <- titles_page %>% html_element("span[data-testid='price-and-discounted-price']") %>% html_text()
  ratings_page <- titles_page %>% html_element("div[aria-label^='Punteggio di']") %>% html_text()```


titles_page <- page %>% html_elements("div[data-testid='title']") %>% html_text()正在创建一个字符串向量。
您跳过了创建父节点向量的步骤。回顾您之前的问题/答案How to report NA when scraping a web with R and it does not have value?并查看答案中的properties <- html_elements(page, xpath=".//div[@data-testid='property-card']")行。这将返回xml节点向量。现在解析此节点向量以获取所需信息。

#find the parents
properties <- html_elements(page, xpath=".//div[@data-testid='property-card']")
#getting the information from each parent
titles_page <- properties %>% html_element("div[data-testid='title']") %>% html_text()
prices_page <- properties %>% html_element("span[data-testid='price-and-discounted-price']") %>% html_text()    
ratings_page <- properties %>% html_element("div[aria-label^='Punteggio di']") %>% html_text()


for (page_num in 1:35) { 
   # Build the URL for the current page
   url <- modify_url(base_url, query = c(params, page = page_num))
   # Read the HTML of the new page specificated
   page <- read_html(url)
   #parse out the parent node for each parent 
   properties <- html_elements(page, xpath=".//div[@data-testid='property-card']")
   #now find the information from each parent
   titles_page <- properties %>% html_element("div[data-testid='title']") %>% html_text()
   prices_page <- properties %>% html_element("span[data-testid='price-and-discounted-price']") %>% html_text()    
   ratings_page <- properties %>% html_element("div[aria-label^='Punteggio di']") %>% html_text()
   # Append the titles, ratings, prices from the current page to the vector
   titles <- c(titles, titles_page)
   prices <- c(prices, prices_page)
   ratings <- c(ratings, ratings_page)
