I have a text field in a table. The field has subheadings and I want to extract the data under each subheading and create a columns named after the subheading.
For example:
ID. Text
1 NAME: abc. COMPANY: cuz. ADDRESS: dfg
Required output:
ID Name Company Address
1. abc Cuz dfg
I tried substring with charindex to get the position of the Subheading, but I am unable to get the length right. The text under each subheading is of variable length.
Updated considering new information. In the future, please be more careful and considerate
As others have stated, you should provide more data. But I will take a guess at what you want. Note that there are quite a few assumptions here.
Either way, this is what I would do.
Note that depending on indexes, volume of data, etc., you may need to use interim tables (I personally like to use temp tables).