
rn0zuynd  于 2023-04-30  发布在  Shell

n总是〉= 5,因此4字节编码字符+ null将适合。

  • 拆分、编码、测试长度,如果太大,则用较小的拆分重复。
  • 编码、遍历、掩码和计数字节,并跟踪边界,手动拆分




好的,首先,我所知道的关于UTF-8的二进制编码过程的一切都是刚刚从UTF-8 Wikipedia page中学到的,所以注意:-)。也就是说,与@mklement0的答案相比,下面的代码似乎给予了一堆测试数据的正确结果(我毫不怀疑这是正确的),所以也许其中有一些里程碑。..
很高兴听到里面是否有任何咆哮的声音-我认为它 * 应该 * 在原则上工作,即使下面的实现是错误的地方:-)。
在任何情况下,核心函数是下面的函数,它返回utf-8编码字节数组中块的 * 位置 *。我想,一旦你知道了位置,你可能想使用字节的地方(e。例如,使用Stream.Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)或类似的方法),所以我避免了将块的副本提取到一个新列表中,但是如果需要的话,使用输出来做这件事非常容易(请参阅下面的内容)。

# extracts the *positions* of chunks of bytes in a ut8 byte array
# such that no multi-byte codepoints are split across chunks, and
# all chunks are a maximum of $MaxLen bytes
# note - assumes $Utf8Bytes is a *valid* utf8 byte array, so may
# need error handling if you expect invalid data to be passed in.
function Get-UTF8ChunkPositions
    param( [byte[]] $Utf8Bytes, [int] $MaxLen )

    # from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
    # Code point ↔ UTF-8 conversion
    # -----------------------------
    # First code point  Last code point  Byte 1    Byte 2    Byte 3    Byte 4    Code points
    # U+0000            U+007F           0xxxxxxx                                        128
    # U+0080            U+07FF           110xxxxx  10xxxxxx                             1920
    # U+0800            U+FFFF           1110xxxx  10xxxxxx  10xxxxxx                  61440
    # U+10000           U+10FFFF         11110xxx  10xxxxxx  10xxxxxx  10xxxxxx      1048576

    # stores the start position of each chunk
    $startPositions = [System.Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new();

    $i = 0;
    while( $i -lt $Utf8Bytes.Length )

        # remember the start position for the current chunk

        # jump past the end of the current chunk, optimistically assuming we won't land in
        # the middle of a multi-byte codepoint (but we'll deal with that in a minute)
        $i += $MaxLen;

        # if we've gone past the end of the array then we're done as there's no more
        # chunks after the current one, so there's no more start positions to record
        if( $i -ge $Utf8Bytes.Length )

        # if we're in the middle of a multi-byte codepoint, backtrack until we're not.
        # we're then at the start of the *next* chunk, and the chunk length is definitely
        # smaller then $MaxLen
        # 0xC0 = [Convert]::ToInt32("11000000", 2);
        # 0x80 = [Convert]::ToInt32("10000000", 2);
        while( ($Utf8Bytes[$i] -band 0xC0) -eq 0x80 )
            $i -= 1;


    # we know all the start positions now, so turn them into ranges.
    # (we'll add a dummy item to help build the last range)
    for( $i = 1; $i -lt $startPositions.Count; $i++ )
        [PSCustomObject] @{
            "Start"  = $startPositions[$i-1];
            "Length" = $startPositions[$i] - $startPositions[$i-1];


此函数利用了 * 有效 * utf8字节流为self-synchronizing这一事实,这意味着实际上我们 * 不必 * 遍历流中的每个字节-我们可以跳到任何我们喜欢的地方,并通过找到从00xxxxxx01xxxxxx11xxxxxx开始的最近字节来找到编码码点的开始(或者等价地,* doesn 't * start 10xxxxxx),这是 next 块的开始。

n-2       n-1        n        n+1
... 11110xxx  10xxxxxx  10xxxxxx  10xxxxxx ...

然后我们回溯到n-2作为 * 下一个 * 块的开始(所以当前块的结束逻辑上比n-3的结束早一个字节):

n-2       n-1        n        n+1
... 11110xxx  10xxxxxx  10xxxxxx  10xxxxxx ...


# set up some test data
$str  = "1234abc€défg👍abüb";

$utf8 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($str);
# 49 50 51 52 97 98 99 226 130 172 100 195 169 102 103 240 159 145 141 97 98 195 188 98

$maxLen = 5 - 1; # exclude NUL terminator
$positions = Get-UTF8ChunkPositions -Utf8Bytes $utf8 -MaxLen $maxLen;
# Start Length
# ----- ------
#     0      4
#     4      3
#     7      4
#    11      4
#    15      4
#    19      4
#    23      1


$chunks = $positions | foreach-object {
    $chunk = new-object byte[] ($_.Length + 1); # allow room for NUL terminator
    [Array]::Copy($utf8, $_.Start, $chunk, 0, $_.Length);
    $chunk[$chunk.Length - 1] = 0; # utf-8 encoded NUL is 0
    @(, $chunk); # send the chunk to the pipeline



$strings = $chunks | foreach-object { [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($_) }



$sample = "1234abc€défg👍abüb" * 1000000;
$sample / 1mb;
# 17

Measure-Command {
    $utf8 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($sample);
    $maxlen = 1024;
    $positions = Get-UTF8ChunkPositions $utf8 $maxlen;
    $chunks = $positions | foreach-object {
        $chunk = [byte[]]::new($_.Length + 1); # allow room for NUL terminator
        [Array]::Copy($utf8, $_.Start, $chunk, 0, $_.Length);
        $chunk[$chunk.Length - 1] = 0; # utf-8 encoded NUL is 0
        @(, $chunk); # send the chunk to the pipeline

# TotalMilliseconds : 7986.131





  • 这个答案创建了一个(的列表。NET)* 子字符串 *,方法是将输入字符串划分为子字符串,这些子字符串的 * UTF-8字节表示 * 不超过给定的 * 字节 * 计数。
  • 为了创建这些UTF-8字节表示的列表,i.即 * 字节数组 *,参见mclayton's helpful answer


  • 逐个字符迭代输入字符串或逐个代理项对迭代输入字符串
  • 请注意.NET [char]示例,其中。NET [string]示例由无符号的16位Unicode * 代码单元 * 组成,因此只能 * 直接 * 编码代码点高达U+FFFF的Unicode字形(所谓的BMP(基本多语言平面)中的字形),并需要一个(代理)* 对 * 代码单元来编码平面外的Unicode字符,即。也就是那些代码点 * 大于 * U+FFFF的字符,特别是包括 emoji 的字符范围,例如👍
  • 根据UTF-8字节序列长度提取子字符串,根据每个字符的Unicode码位/字符和后续字符是否形成代理对(这意味着码位大于U+FFFF,这反过来意味着4字节)推断,基于此Wikipedia表。

mclayton致敬,指出跟踪原始字符串中的 indices.Substring()调用相结合足以提取块-不需要string builder

# Sample string
$str = '1234abc€défg👍'

$maxChunkLen = 4 # the max. *byte* count, excluding the trailing NUL

$chunks = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
$chunkByteCount = 0
$chunkStartNdx = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $str.Length; ++$i) {
  $codePoint = [int] $str[$i]
  $isSurrogatePair = [char]::IsSurrogatePair($str, $i)
  # Note: A surrogate pair encoded as UTF-8 is a *single* non-BMP
  #       character encoded in 4 bytes, not 2 3-byte *surrogates*.
  $thisByteCount = 
    if ($isSurrogatePair) { 4 } 
    elseif ($codePoint -ge 0x800) { 3 } 
    elseif ($codePoint -ge 0x80) { 2 } 
    else { 1 }
  if ($chunkByteCount + $thisbyteCount -gt $maxChunkLen) {
    # Including this char. / surrogate pair would make the chunk too long.
    # Add the current chunk plus a trailing NUL to the list...
    $chunks.Add($str.Substring($chunkStartNdx, ($i - $chunkStartNdx)) + "`0")
    # ... and start a new chunk with this char. / surrogate pair.
    $chunkStartNdx = $i
    $chunkByteCount = $thisByteCount
  else {
    # Still fits into the current chunk.
    $chunkByteCount += $thisByteCount
  if ($isSurrogatePair) { ++$i }
# Add a final chunk to the list, if present.
if ($chunkStartNdx -lt $str.Length) { $chunks.Add($str.Substring($chunkStartNdx) + "`0") }

# Output the resulting chunks


1234 # 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 bytes (+ NUL)
abc  # 1 + 1 + 1 bytes (+ NUL)
€d   # 3 + 1 bytes (+ NUL)
éfg  # 2 + 1 + 1 bytes (+ NUL)
👍   # 4 bytes (+ NUL)

注意,除了第一个块之外的所有块都具有 * 少于 * 4个字符(字节计数限制,不包括NUL),这是由于包含多字节为UTF-8字符和/或由于 * 下一个 * 字符是这样的字符,因此不适合当前块。
