assembly 如何为中断服务例程保存x86_64上的寄存器?

quhf5bfb  于 2023-04-30  发布在  其他


pushl   %ds
pushl   %es
pushl   %fs
pushl   %gs
pushl   %ss




如果中断处理程序代码只是一个转发到C代码的存根,则不需要保存所有寄存器。您可以假设C编译器将生成保留rbxrbprsirdir12r15的代码。您应该只需要通过r11保存和恢复raxrcxrdxr8。* (注意:在Linux或其他System V ABI平台上,编译器将保留rbxrbpr12-r15,您可以预期rsirdi将被删除)*。
段寄存器在长模式下不保存任何值(如果中断的线程运行在32位兼容模式下,你必须保留段寄存器,谢谢ughoavgfhw)。实际上,他们去掉了长模式下的大部分分段,但FS仍然保留给操作系统,用作线程本地数据的基地址。寄存器值本身并不重要,FSGS的基址通过MSR 0xC00001000xC0000101设置。假设你不会使用FS,你不需要担心它,只要记住C代码访问的任何线程本地数据可以使用任何随机线程的TLS。要注意这一点,因为C运行库使用TLS来实现某些功能(例如:strtok通常使用TLS)。
将值加载到FSGS(即使在用户模式下)也会覆盖FSBASEGSBASE MSR。由于一些操作系统使用GS作为“处理器本地”存储(它们需要一种方法来为每个CPU提供指向结构的指针),因此它们需要将其保存在不会因在用户模式下加载GS而受到破坏的地方。为解决此问题,为GSBASE寄存器保留了两个MSR:一个活动的一个和一个隐藏的一个。在内核模式下,内核的GSBASE保存在通常的GSBASE MSR中,用户模式库保存在另一个(隐藏的)GSBASE MSR中。从内核模式切换到用户模式上下文时,以及保存用户模式上下文并进入内核模式时,上下文切换代码必须执行SWAPGS指令,该指令交换可见和隐藏GSBASE MSR的值。由于内核的GSBASE在用户模式下安全地隐藏在另一个MSR中,因此用户模式代码不能通过将值加载到GS中来破坏内核的GSBASE。当CPU重新进入内核模式时,上下文保存代码将执行SWAPGS并恢复内核的GSBASE




事实上,“手动推动”规则是AMD 64上的唯一方法,因为PUSHA不存在。AMD 64在这方面并不是唯一的--大多数非x86 CPU在某些时候也需要逐个寄存器的保存/恢复。







.macro pushaq
    push %rax
    push %rcx
    push %rdx
    push %rbx
    push %rbp
    push %rsi
    push %rdi
.endm # pushaq

.macro popaq
    pop %rdi
    pop %rsi
    pop %rbp
    pop %rbx
    pop %rdx
    pop %rcx
    pop %rax
.endm # popaq





#Author: Jonathan Lee
#Professor: Devin Cook

.intel_syntax noprefix


        .asciz "Learning about system calls.\n"


.global _start

        pusha   #facilitates saving the current general purpose registers only 32 bit processor
        mov rax, 1
        mov rdi, 1
        lea rsi, Message
        mov rdx, 30
        popa    #facilitates restoring the registers only 32 bit processor
        mov rax, 60
        mov rdi, 0


practicesyscall.asm: Assembler messages:
practicesyscall.asm:19: Error: `pusha' is not supported in 64-bit mode
practicesyscall.asm:25: Error: `popa' is not supported in 64-bit mode


Learning about system calls.

这将适用于x32模式:Intel Ref Document

#Jonathan Lee
#Professor Cook
#Practice NON credit assignment
.intel_syntax noprefix

        .ascii "Hello world my name is Jonathan Lee\n\n                                     SAC STATE STINGERS UP\n\n"
        .ascii "This program is to aid in learning more about stacks inside of assembly language.\n"
        .ascii "Register RSP is used to point to the top of the stack. If you use (push) it will load the stack and move the pointer (RSP) automatically.\n"
        .ascii "The stack counts down not up in assembly language.\n"
        .ascii "This is the current RSP point prior to loading a stack or program run:--------------------->  \0"

        .ascii "\n\0"

    .ascii "Program will now load 1-14 into registers and push to the stack after it will write the register values and current RSP pointer value again.\n"
        .ascii "This will not use registers RSP/RDI they are in use for stack pointer and class subroutines.\n\0"

    .ascii "Program will now load 0 into all registers and write register values after to show values are now stored in memory not registers.\n\0"

        .ascii "Note RSP is still using the same value. The program will now pop the stack and reverse load the values into the registers, after will write register values.\n"
        .ascii "Last In First Out.\n\0"

    .ascii "This is the current next available RSP Pointer Memory Address on top of stack:------------->  \0"

    .ascii "This is the the current next available RSP Pointer Memory Address after stack is popped:--->  \0"

        .ascii "\nNote that the RSP is now pointing to the same memory address value as when the program started.\n\n\0"

.global _start

        call ClearScreen
        lea rdi, NewLine
        call WriteString
        lea rdi, Intro
        call WriteString
        mov rdi, rsp
        call WriteHex
        lea rdi, NewLine
        call WriteString

        mov rax, 1
        mov rbx, 2
        mov rcx, 3
        mov rdx, 4
        mov rsi, 5
        mov rdi, 6
        mov rbp, 7
        #rsp index use
        mov r8, 8
        mov r9, 9
        mov r10, 10
        mov r11, 11
        mov r12, 12
        mov r13, 13
        mov r14, 14
        mov r15, 15

        lea rdi, StackLoad
        call WriteString
        push rax
        push rbx
        push rcx
        push rdx
        push rsi
        push rbp
        push r8
        push r9
        push r10
        push r11
        push r12
        push r13
        push r14
        push r15

        call WriteRegisters
        lea rdi, RSPAddress
        call WriteString
        mov rdi, rsp
        call WriteHex
        lea rdi, NewLine
        call WriteString
        lea rdi, ZeroLoad
        call WriteString

        mov rax, 0
        mov rbx, 0
        mov rcx, 0
        mov rdx, 0
        mov rsi, 0
        mov rbp, 0
        mov r8, 0
        mov r9, 0
        mov r10, 0
        mov r11, 0
        mov r12, 0
        mov r13, 0
        mov r14, 0
        mov r15, 0

        call WriteRegisterslea rdi, RSPAddress
        call WriteString
        mov rdi, rsp
        call WriteHex
        lea rdi, NewLine
        call WriteString

        lea rdi, PopLoad
        call WriteString

        pop rax
        pop rbx #Last In First Out
        pop rcx
        pop rdx
        pop rsi
        pop rbp
        pop r8
        pop r9
        pop r10
        pop r11
        pop r12
        pop r13
        pop r14#flip stack
        pop r15

        call WriteRegisters
        lea rdi, PostStack
        call WriteString
        mov rdi, rsp
        call WriteHex
        lea rdi, NewLine
        call WriteString
        lea rdi, PreExit
        call WriteString

        call Exit


Hello world my name is Jonathan Lee

                                     SAC STATE STINGERS UP

This program is to aid in learning more about stacks inside of assembly language.
Register RSP is used to point to the top of the stack. If you use (push) it will load the stack and move the pointer (RSP) automatically.
The stack counts down not up in assembly language.
This is the current RSP point prior to loading a stack or program run:--------------------->  00007FFEC3675420
Program will now load 1-14 into registers and push to the stack after it will write the register values and current RSP pointer value again.
This will not use registers RSP/RDI they are in use for stack pointer and class subroutines.
RAX : 0000000000000001    R8  : 0000000000000008 
RBX : 0000000000000002    R9  : 0000000000000009 
RCX : 0000000000000003    R10 : 000000000000000A 
RDX : 0000000000000004    R11 : 000000000000000B 
RDI : 0000000000600AA5    R12 : 000000000000000C 
RSI : 0000000000000005    R13 : 000000000000000D 
RBP : 0000000000000007    R14 : 000000000000000E 
RSP : 00007FFEC36753A0    R15 : 000000000000000F

This is the current next available RSP Pointer Memory Address on top of stack:------------->  00007FFEC36753B0
Program will now load 0 into all registers and write register values after to show values are now stored in memory not registers.
RAX : 0000000000000000    R8  : 0000000000000000 
RBX : 0000000000000000    R9  : 0000000000000000 
RCX : 0000000000000000    R10 : 0000000000000000 
RDX : 0000000000000000    R11 : 0000000000000000 
RDI : 0000000000600B90    R12 : 0000000000000000 
RSI : 0000000000000000    R13 : 0000000000000000 
RBP : 0000000000000000    R14 : 0000000000000000 
RSP : 00007FFEC36753A0    R15 : 0000000000000000

This is the current next available RSP Pointer Memory Address on top of stack:------------->  00007FFEC36753B0
Note RSP is still using the same value. The program will now pop the stack and reverse load the values into the registers, after will write register values.
Last In First Out.
RAX : 000000000000000F    R8  : 0000000000000009 
RBX : 000000000000000E    R9  : 0000000000000008 
RCX : 000000000000000D    R10 : 0000000000000007 
RDX : 000000000000000C    R11 : 0000000000000005 
RDI : 0000000000600C13    R12 : 0000000000000004 
RSI : 000000000000000B    R13 : 0000000000000003 
RBP : 000000000000000A    R14 : 0000000000000002 
RSP : 00007FFEC3675410    R15 : 0000000000000001

This is the the current next available RSP Pointer Memory Address after stack is popped:--->  00007FFEC3675420

Note that the RSP is now pointing to the same memory address value as when the program started.

