#include "core/util/tool.h"
#include "core/util/random.h"
// Shift the bits in `a` by `n` bits to the right (towards lesser
// signifigance assuming that a[0] is the most significant word)
// prepending with zero bits as necessary.
void right_shift(std::vector<uint64_t>& a, size_t n) {
constexpr auto bits_per_word = sizeof(uint64_t) * CHAR_BIT;
// Parition n into the number of a number of whole words to shift and the
// remaining number of bits to shift.
auto words_to_shift = n / bits_per_word;
auto bits_to_shift = n % bits_per_word;
// Create a bit mask that covers the upper `bits_to_shift`
// bits in a word. The value `(uint64_t{1} << bits_to_shift) -
// 1` is the lower `bits_to_shift` bits so the bit reversal
// turns them into the upper `bits_to_shift` bits.
auto mask = __builtin_bitreverse64((uint64_t{1} << bits_to_shift) - 1);
// The words in range [0,limit) are the only bits that will appear
// in the result because words in range [limit,a.size) are shifted
// "off the end". Starting with the least significant word, loop
// over all the words that will contribute bits to the result
// (possibly none).
for (int src_idx = a.size() - words_to_shift - 1; src_idx >= 0; --src_idx) {
// In general this source word will be split between the two
// destination words left and right (least significant). The
// lower `bits_to_shift` bits will go to the upper bits of the
// right word while the upper bits will become the lower bits
// of the left word.
auto rdx = src_idx + words_to_shift + 1;
auto ldx = src_idx + words_to_shift;
// Get the source value and rotate it `bits_to_shift` bits to
// the right so that the bits are aligned with their
// eventual destinations.
auto value = __builtin_rotateright64(a[src_idx], bits_to_shift);
if (rdx < a.size())
a[rdx] |= value bitand mask;
a[ldx] = value bitand ~mask;
// Prepend with zeros as necessary
for (auto i = 0; i < words_to_shift; ++i)
a[i] = 0;
int tool_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
ArgParse opts
argValue<'n'>("number-bits", 512, "Number bits"),
argValue<'m'>("shift", 380, "Right shift M bits"),
argFlag<'v'>("verbose", "Verbose diagnostics")
opts.parse(argc, argv);
auto n = opts.get<'n'>();
auto m = opts.get<'m'>();
// auto verbose = opts.get<'v'>();
std::vector<uint64_t> bits(1 + n / 64);
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> d;
for (auto& value : bits)
value = d(core::rng());
cout << std::string(m, ' ');
for (const auto& value : bits)
cout << fmt::format("{:064b}", value);
cout << endl;
right_shift(bits, m);
for (const auto& value : bits)
cout << fmt::format("{:064b}", value);
cout << endl;
return 0;
的向量进行按位右移,假设最后一个向量元素i在右边。e.最不重要的。这是一个简单的实现,但效率很高。这段代码沿着一个简单的驱动程序可以在GitHub repo cpp-core/so中找到。功能: