python 使用空值填充的列表列表列表

bihw5rsg  于 2023-05-05  发布在  Python


def mergeshuffle(self, x, y):
    if x > len(
        print("Invalid input. Try again using an integer value 1-52")
    elif x < 0:
        print("Invalid input. Try again using an posotive integer value 1-52")
    stacks = int(len(
    cardsinstack = int(len(
    print(str(stacks) +" <- stacks cards in stack -> " + str(cardsinstack))
    counter = 0
    stackholder = []   
    for i in range(stacks): 
        thisstack = []               
        for x in range(cardsinstack):
           #print (" Added " + str(thisstack[x]))  
    #print((str(stackholder)).center(10, '&') )

相关输出(Relative Output)

The deck added 2 of Spades
The deck added 3 of Spades
The deck added 4 of Spades
The deck added 5 of Spades
The deck added 6 of Spades
The deck added 7 of Spades
The deck added 8 of Spades
The deck added 9 of Spades
The deck added 10 of Spades
The deck added Jack of Spades
The deck added Queen of Spades
The deck added King of Spades
The deck added Ace of Spades
The deck added 2 of Clubs
The deck added 3 of Clubs
The deck added 4 of Clubs
The deck added 5 of Clubs
The deck added 6 of Clubs
The deck added 7 of Clubs
The deck added 8 of Clubs
The deck added 9 of Clubs
The deck added 10 of Clubs
The deck added Jack of Clubs
The deck added Queen of Clubs
The deck added King of Clubs
The deck added Ace of Clubs
The deck added 2 of Diamonds
The deck added 3 of Diamonds
The deck added 4 of Diamonds
The deck added 5 of Diamonds
The deck added 6 of Diamonds
The deck added 7 of Diamonds
The deck added 8 of Diamonds
The deck added 9 of Diamonds
The deck added 10 of Diamonds
The deck added Jack of Diamonds
The deck added Queen of Diamonds
The deck added King of Diamonds
The deck added Ace of Diamonds
The deck added 2 of Hearts
The deck added 3 of Hearts
The deck added 4 of Hearts
The deck added 5 of Hearts
The deck added 6 of Hearts
The deck added 7 of Hearts
The deck added 8 of Hearts
The deck added 9 of Hearts
The deck added 10 of Hearts
The deck added Jack of Hearts
The deck added Queen of Hearts
The deck added King of Hearts
The deck added Ace of Hearts
52 playing cards total.
13 <- stacks cards in stack -> 4
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]

希望列表的列表将填充有len() = 4的列表,该len() = 4的列表包含如所打印的顺序地以4为一组的上述卡。





thisstack = []

