I'm trying to find a quicker, cleaner and easier way to calculate the average of an amount displayed over two months/periods. In my data set I have periods with several record per vendor going over a year, and I would like to know the average of two periods for the total amount per vendor.
So if Vendor ABC have two posts in January and 1 in February and 1 in March I would like there two be two rows in total for Vendor ABC. The first one would display the ABC average of (the Total of January + the total of February). The second row would show the ABC average of (the total in February and the total of march).
I can think of one way do this, which would be something like bellow (for the month of February):
CONCAT(YEAR(Date_Col),MONTH(Date_Col)) AS Date_Col
,SUM(Amt_Col) AS Amt_Col
WHEN MONTH(Date_Col) = '02' or MONTH(Date_Col) = '01' THEN Amt_Col)/2 AS '2MonthAvg'
Group by Date_Col, Vendor_col
This means I would have to make 11 separate WHEN-Statements: I'm thinking that the grouping would take care of displaying the vendor level 2month averages, but is there a smoother way than above to make it dynamic?
Here's an example of the data I'm working with
Date_Col Vendor_col Amt_col
202201 ABC 150.789,41
202201 ABC 75.678,85
202201 DEF 845.678,45
202201 GHI 450.657,43
202202 ABC 50.694,45
202202 DEF 135.624,86
202202 DEF 123.250,15
202202 GHI 450.000,00
202203 ABC 12.600,50
202203 DEF 60.600,60
I hope my question makes sense and please let me know if I should elaborate on anything.
I haven't really tried anything as I'm having trouble figuring out the logic, but what I've been messing around with is a dynamic SUM(CASE WHEN
But I can't figure out how to make it compare the two dates dynamically since I'm working with historical data and not MontH(Today()).
The output I'm looking at would be something like this:
Date_Col Vendor_col Amt_col
202201 ABC 226.468,30 (total Jan amt, since I want the average with prior month)
202201 DEF 845.678,45
202201 GHI 450.657,43
202202 ABC 138.581,36 ((sum of feb + sum of jan)/2)
202202 DEF 552.276,73
202202 GHI 450.328,72
202203 ABC 31.647,48 ((sum of mar + sum of jan)/2)
202203 DEF 159.737,81
I've also looked in to LAG, but as I understand LAG it looks at the preceding row, which doesn't make sense if I have several items of the Vendors which should have independent sums/averages for each period?
Try the following, it will give the desired output for one year starting from January:
See a demo .