Pass a parameter to a SQL Server trigger

brccelvz  于 2023-05-05  发布在  SQL Server

I want to pass a parameter from a Session value in C# to my Trigger in SQL Server. Is it possible for me to do that?



A trigger can't accept parameters, Instead, you can use a function or stored procedure. Or if you want the trigger to work based on some parameters or values from your session, try this

  • Add a column to your table which will store the value from the session
  • Now insert or update the value from your session to this new columns
  • You can read the value inside the trigger from this column and do your calculations accordingly


Please and always mention the specific version and edition of sql server you are using. Functionality varies according to these facts; you can avoid a lot of misdirection and confusion by including that information.

Next, provide context for your questions. Does your application/architecture use a common login/user to access the database? If not, try user_name or one of the related functions. If it does use a common identity, then you will need to provide that information prior to executing the statement that fires the trigger. In older versions you use context_info; newer ones can use session_context .



I know I am a little late, but had the same kind of problem last week. I used the answer from this question:

How to add custom attributes to SQL connection string?

aka, used the ApplicationName attribute in c# and used the APP_NAME() in sql, as we did not use this variabel anywhere.

Your question, however seems like you could use the ORIGINAL_LOGIN() in sql, if it is an SQL user you want to save.

You could also, if you need the APP_NAME somewhere else, go with substringing the APP_NAME so that the first 100 bytes are for the application name and the rest is for a user. It is dirty and requires some manual labor but will do the job.
