assembly 程序集-获取用户输入问题

sigwle7e  于 2023-05-07  发布在  其他


; "Hello World!" in 64 bit Linux NASM

global _start            ; global entry point export for ld

section .text
    ; sys_write(stdout, message, length) 
    mov     rax, 4          ; sys_write syscall
    mov     rbx, 1          ; std_out
    mov     rcx, inputMsg  ; message address
    mov     rdx, input_L    ; message string length
    int     80h

    ; grab user input   
    mov     rax, 3          ; sys_read syscall
    mov     rbx, 0          ; std_in
    mov     rcx, userIn     ; output to username
    mov     rdx, 16         ; accept 16 bytes
    int     80h

    ; say hello 
    mov     rax, 4          ; sys_write
    mov     rbx, 1          ; std_out
    mov     rcx, helloMsg
    mov     rdx, helloMsg_L
    int     80h

    ; print users name
    mov     rax, 4
    mov     rbx, 1
    mov     rcx, userIn
    mov     rdx, 16
    int     80h

    ; ask for first number
    mov     rax, 4
    mov     rbx, 1
    mov     rcx, numMsg1
    mov     rdx, numMsg1_L
    int     80h

    ; grab first number
    mov     rax, 3
    mov     rbx, 2
    mov     rcx, num1
    mov     rdx, 8
    int     80h

    ; ask user for second number
    mov     rax, 4
    mov     rbx, 1
    mov     rcx, numMsg2
    mov     rdx, numMsg2_L
    int     80h

    ; grab second number
    mov     rax, 3
    mov     rbx, 2
    mov     rcx, num2
    mov     rdx, 8
    int     80h

    ; ask user what function they want to do 1=add, 2=sub, 3=mul, 4=div
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, function
    mov rdx, function_L
    int 80h

    ; get what function user wants to do
    mov     rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, func
    mov rdx, 1
    int 80h

    ; go to appropriate label
    mov rax, [func]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _add
    cmp rax, 2
    je  _sub
    cmp rax, 3
    je  _mul
    cmp rax, 4
    je  _div

    ; display sum
    mov     rax, 4          ; sys_write
    mov     rbx, 1          ; std_out
    mov     rcx, sum
    mov     rdx, 16
    int     80h

    ; ask user if they want to enter more numbers
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, inMsg2
    mov rdx, inMsg2_L
    int     80h

    ;get answer
    mov rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, response
    mov rdx, 1
    int     80h

    mov rax, [response]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _calc
    jmp _end

    ; add numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    add     rax, rbx        ; add rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp _sum

    ; subtract numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    sub     rax, rbx        ; add rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp _sum

    ; multiply numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    imul    rax, rbx        ; multiply rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp _sum

    ; devide numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    idiv    rbx     ; divide rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp     _sum

    ; sys_exit(return_code) 
    mov     rax, 1        ; sys_exit syscall
    mov     rbx, 0        ; return 0 (success)
    int     80h

section .data
    helloMsg:   db  'Hello, '       ; message and newline
    helloMsg_L:     equ     $-helloMsg           ; 
    inputMsg:   db  'Enter your name: '  ; message telling user to input name
    input_L:    equ     $-inputMsg
    numMsg1:    db  'Enter number 1: '  ; message telling user to inpt first number
    numMsg1_L:  equ     $-numMsg1
    numMsg2:    db  'Enter number 2: '  ; message telling user to input second number
    numMsg2_L:  equ     $-numMsg2
    function:   db  'Select function: ADD(1), SUB(2), MUL(3), DIV(4) '
    function_L:     equ     $-function
    inMsg2:     db  'Run again? YES(1), NO(0) '
    inMsg2_L:   equ $-inMsg2
    sumMsg:     db  'The sum is: '
    sumMsg_L:   equ $-sumMsg

section .bss
    userIn:     resb    16
    num1:       resb    8
    num2:       resb    8
    sum:        resb    16
    func:       resb    2
    response:   resb    2


; ask user if they want to enter more numbers
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, inMsg2
    mov rdx, inMsg2_L
    int     80h

    ;get answer
    mov rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, response
    mov rdx, 1
    int     80h

    mov rax, [response]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _calc
    jmp _end


; ask user what function they want to do 1=add, 2=sub, 3=mul, 4=div
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, function
    mov rdx, function_L
    int 80h

    ; get what function user wants to do
    mov     rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, func
    mov rdx, 1
    int 80h

    ; go to appropriate label
    mov rax, [func]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _add
    cmp rax, 2
    je  _sub
    cmp rax, 3
    je  _mul
    cmp rax, 4
    je  _div


h**p@h**p-VirtualBox:~/Programming$ ./helloInput64
Enter your name: brad
Hello, brad
Enter number 1: 2
Enter number 2: 3
Select function: ADD(1), SUB(2), MUL(3), DIV(4) 1
The sum is: 5Run again? YES(1), NO(0) h**p@h**p-VirtualBox:~/Programming$




谢谢迈克尔·佩奇让我走上正轨。你最后的评论,建议机会mov rdx, 1mov rdx, 2让我走上了正确的道路。不得不做一些更多的小调整,但它现在的功能,因为我会期望。因为我读了2个字节,其中一个是一个换行(再次感谢迈克尔),我然后只是对AL的cmp,这似乎做的伎俩。

;get answer
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, response
mov edx, 2
int     80h

mov eax, [response]
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 1
je  _calc
jmp _end
