csv PHP脚本写入子集,但当向根添加属性时,它会崩溃

zazmityj  于 2023-05-20  发布在  PHP

我做了这个php脚本来将CSV文件转换为XML文件。我有一个for each循环来处理这个部分中的记录和内容。这产生以下结果。
current results
desired results
此外,在此部分中,一些条目(data-481.xml)是空的,但在google drive中,data-481.csv的信息中有行。
空白XML - data-481.csv https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pEinOeosPQQRoeQoJHfEb6L_80iD5bqr/view?usp=share_link


ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');

// List of CSV files
$csvFiles = [


// Loop through each CSV file
foreach ($csvFiles as $csvFile) {
    $csvFilePath = __DIR__ . '/' . $csvFile;
    // Open the CSV file
    if (($handle = fopen($csvFilePath, 'r')) !== false) {
        // Create an XMLWriter instance
        $xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
        $xmlWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

        // Read the CSV file line by line
        while (($data = fgetcsv($handle,10000,';')) !== false) {
            // Skip empty lines
            if (count($data) === 0) {

            // Ensure the array has the necessary indexes
            if (count($data) >= 4) {
                // Extract the necessary data
                $timestamp = $data[0];
                $nox = $data[1];
                $no2 = $data[2];
                $no = $data[3];

                // Check if the attribute has a value
                if (trim($no) !== '') {
                    // Start XML record element
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('ts', $timestamp);
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('nox', $nox);
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('no2', $no2);
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('no', $no);
                    // End XML record element

        // Close XML elements and file

        // Output success message
        $xmlFile = csvFileToXmlFile($csvFile);
        echo "XML file generated successfully: $xmlFile\n";

// Function to convert CSV file name to XML file name
function csvFileToXmlFile($csvFile) {
    $fileParts = pathinfo($csvFile);
    $xmlFile = $fileParts['filename'] . '.xml';
    return $xmlFile;


我希望将所有文件从CSV转换为XML,并使用所需的<station元素保存<station id=“481 location=“Bath Road”geocode=“51.3453,-2.55434”>




// Loop through each CSV file
foreach ($csvFiles as $csvFile) {
    $csvFilePath = __DIR__ . '/' . $csvFile;
    // Open the CSV file
    if (($handle = fopen($csvFilePath, 'r')) !== false) {
        // Create an XMLWriter instance

        /* You cant write the Station element until you have read the csv file
            as it needs data for its properties from there
            So moved inside the while loop

        $xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
        $xmlWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

        $flagFirstLineWritten = false;      // control writing on Station element only once
        while (($data = fgetcsv($handle,10000,';')) !== false) {
            // Skip empty lines
            if (count($data) === 0) {
                output the Station element with its properties only once
            if ( ! $flagFirstLineWritten ) {
                $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('id',        $data[4]);
                $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('name',      $data[17]);
                $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('geocode',   $data[18]);
                $flagFirstLineWritten = true;
            // Ensure the array has the necessary indexes
            if (count($data) >= 4) {
                // Extract the necessary data
                    convert the DATE to a timestamp
                $ts = (new DateTime())->createFromFormat( DateTimeInterface::ISO8601, $data[0]);
                // Check if the attribute has a value
                if (trim($data[3]) !== '') {
                    // Start XML record element
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('ts',    (string)$ts->getTimestamp());
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('nox',   $data[1]);
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('no',    $data[2]);
                    $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('no2',   $data[3]);
                    // End XML record element
                    $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end rec

        $xmlWriter->endElement();   // station element

        // Output success message
        $xmlFile = csvFileToXmlFile($csvFile);
        echo "XML file generated successfully: $xmlFile\n";

// Function to convert CSV file name to XML file name
function csvFileToXmlFile($csvFile) {
    $fileParts = pathinfo($csvFile);
    $xmlFile = $fileParts['filename'] . '.xml';
    return $xmlFile;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Station id="203" name="Brislington Depot" geocode="51.441747180510106, -2.5599558321904605">
    <rec ts="1546326000" nox="18.5" no="12.5" no2="3.75"/>
    <rec ts="1546412400" nox="163.75" no="55.0" no2="71.0"/>
    . . .

    . . .
