
ddrv8njm  于 2023-05-23  发布在  其他



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<!-- Body -->
<main class="flex min-h-screen bg-gray-900">
  <div class="grid grid-cols-[1fr,min(70ch,calc(100%-64px)),1fr] gap-8 overflow-auto p-8 [&>*]:col-start-2">
    <div class="prose grid grid-cols-[70px_1fr_70px] border-8 border-red-400 bg-gray-100 [&>*]:col-start-2">
      <h2>this is my first headline</h2>
      <img class="h-32 w-32" src="https://picsum.photos/300/300?blur" alt="temp img 1" />
      <p>i want to make the image come besides the headline</p>
      <p>i don't want to use absolute positioning unless</p>
      <p>i can make sure the images come on the side of headline</p>
      <p>i have a landing page with 20+ images</p>
      <p>and i want them on the left & right side of each `h2` tag</p>
      <p>they must not overlap with `h2` but be on the edges of the red border</p>
      <h2>this is my second headline</h2>
      <img class="h-32 w-32" src="https://picsum.photos/200/200?blur" alt="temp img 2" />
      <p>i want the first image on the right side</p>
      <p>and the second one on the left side</p>
      <p>how do i do it?</p>
      <p>i tried using translate-x & relative positioning with no luck</p>
      <p>i want it to be in a way that i don't have to use top-[300px] or some random position</p>
      <p>i don't want to keep calculating</p>
      <p>ideally, i'd love to keep the same structure of `h2` & `img` as siblings</p>
      <p>if its not possible, i'd love to have a `h2` & `img` wrapped in a `div`</p>
      <p>or better version would be `img` (absolute) wrapped inside `h2` with a `relative` position</p>

演示可以在tailwind play → https://play.tailwindcss.com/oxshT4UNKX上看到(编辑代码并单击共享以共享最新版本)
我认为div.relative.flex > {h2,img}是一个更糟糕的布局,但h2.relative > img.absolute@tailwind/typography一起使用要好得多。




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<!-- Body -->
<main class="flex min-h-screen bg-gray-900">
  <div class="grid grid-cols-[1fr,min(70ch,calc(100%-64px)),1fr] gap-8 overflow-auto p-8 [&>*]:col-start-2">
    <div class="prose grid grid-cols-[70px_calc(theme(spacing.32)-70px)_1fr_calc(theme(spacing.32)-70px)_70px] border-8 border-red-400 bg-gray-100 [&>*]:col-start-2 [&>*]:col-span-3 grid-flow-dense">
      <h2 class="!col-start-2 !col-span-2">this is my first headline</h2>
      <img class="h-32 w-32 !col-start-4 !col-span-2" src="https://picsum.photos/300/300?blur" alt="temp img 1" />
      <p>i want to make the image come besides the headline</p>
      <p>i don't want to use absolute positioning unless</p>
      <p>i can make sure the images come on the side of headline</p>
      <p>i have a landing page with 20+ images</p>
      <p>and i want them on the left & right side of each `h2` tag</p>
      <p>they must not overlap with `h2` but be on the edges of the red border</p>
      <h2 class="!col-start-3 !col-span-2">this is my second headline</h2>
      <img class="h-32 w-32 !col-start-1 !col-span-2" src="https://picsum.photos/200/200?blur" alt="temp img 2" />
      <p>i want the first image on the right side</p>
      <p>and the second one on the left side</p>
      <p>how do i do it?</p>
      <p>i tried using translate-x & relative positioning with no luck</p>
      <p>i want it to be in a way that i don't have to use top-[300px] or some random position</p>
      <p>i don't want to keep calculating</p>
      <p>ideally, i'd love to keep the same structure of `h2` & `img` as siblings</p>
      <p>if its not possible, i'd love to have a `h2` & `img` wrapped in a `div`</p>
      <p>or better version would be `img` (absolute) wrapped inside `h2` with a `relative` position</p>


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<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com?plugins=typography"></script>

<!-- Body -->
<main class="flex min-h-screen bg-gray-900">
  <div class="grid grid-cols-[1fr,min(70ch,calc(100%-64px)),1fr] gap-8 overflow-auto p-8 [&>*]:col-start-2">
    <div class="prose border-8 border-red-400 bg-gray-100 px-[70px]">
      <img class="h-32 w-32 float-right -mr-[70px]" src="https://picsum.photos/300/300?blur" alt="temp img 1" />
      <h2>this is my first headline</h2>
      <p>i want to make the image come besides the headline</p>
      <p>i don't want to use absolute positioning unless</p>
      <p>i can make sure the images come on the side of headline</p>
      <p>i have a landing page with 20+ images</p>
      <p>and i want them on the left & right side of each `h2` tag</p>
      <p>they must not overlap with `h2` but be on the edges of the red border</p>
      <img class="h-32 w-32 float-left -ml-[70px]" src="https://picsum.photos/200/200?blur" alt="temp img 2" />
      <h2>this is my second headline</h2>
      <p>i want the first image on the right side</p>
      <p>and the second one on the left side</p>
      <p>how do i do it?</p>
      <p>i tried using translate-x & relative positioning with no luck</p>
      <p>i want it to be in a way that i don't have to use top-[300px] or some random position</p>
      <p>i don't want to keep calculating</p>
      <p>ideally, i'd love to keep the same structure of `h2` & `img` as siblings</p>
      <p>if its not possible, i'd love to have a `h2` & `img` wrapped in a `div`</p>
      <p>or better version would be `img` (absolute) wrapped inside `h2` with a `relative` position</p>



<main class="flex min-h-screen bg-gray-900">
  <div class="dark:prose-light prose prose-lg mx-auto my-4 max-w-[750px] overflow-auto rounded-lg border-8 border-red-400 bg-gray-100 px-24 py-16">
    <h2 class="relative">
      this is my first headline
      <img class="absolute -right-44 -top-24 z-10 h-32 w-32" src="https://picsum.photos/300/300?blur" alt="temp img 1" />
    <p>i want to make the image come besides the headline</p>
    <p>i don't want to use absolute positioning unless</p>
    <p>i can make sure the images come on the side of headline</p>
    <p>i have a landing page with 20+ images</p>
    <p>and i want them on the left & right side of each `h2` tag</p>
    <p>they must not overlap with `h2` but be on the edges of the red border</p>
    <h2 class="relative">
      this is my second headline and it works like the best thing in the world
      <img class="absolute -left-44 -top-20 z-10 h-32 w-32" src="https://picsum.photos/200/200?blur" alt="temp img 2" />
    <p>i want the first image on the right side</p>
    <p>and the second one on the left side</p>
    <p>how do i do it?</p>
    <p>i tried using translate-x & relative positioning with no luck</p>
    <p>i want it to be in a way that i don't have to use top-[300px] or some random position</p>
    <p>i don't want to keep calculating</p>
    <p>ideally, i'd love to keep the same structure of `h2` & `img` as siblings</p>
    <p>if its not possible, i'd love to have a `h2` & `img` wrapped in a `div`</p>
    <p>or better version would be `img` (absolute) wrapped inside `h2` with a `relative` position</p>

h2包含了我做的img,而h2relative ...然后我用topleft,& right来定位它们自己。
顺风游戏在这里→ https://play.tailwindcss.com/yWhtSK9dYX
