SQL Server Why is this SQL Query causing an "Ambiguous column name" error?

uurity8g  于 2023-05-28  发布在  其他

I have a SQL query which fails to execute:

select p.PersonID, CreatedDate, * from dbo.Person p 
join dbo.PotentiallyFraudulentPeople pfp on p.PersonID= pfp.PersonID 
order by CreatedDate

The Person table has a PK of PersonID (int). The PotentiallyFraudulentPeople view is a query of the Person table joined with some other tables to decide if we trust a person or not. The PotentiallyFraudulentPeople view only has one column: PersonID .

When I try to execute this query, I get this error:
Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Ambiguous column name 'CreatedDate'.

I understand that this error is telling me that the CreatedDate column name is ambiguous and I need to preface it with my table's alias, 'p'.

This query works:

select p.PersonID, CreatedDate, * from dbo.Person p 
join dbo.PotentiallyFraudulentPeople pfp on p.PersonID= pfp.PersonID 
order by p.CreatedDate

What I don't understand is why I need to use the 'p' alias in the ORDER BY statement and not in the SELECT column list. Also, I don't understand why I need to use the table alias at all since the PotentiallyFraudulentPeople view doesn't even have a CreatedDate column.

Can anyone explain this odd behavior?

I am using SQL Server 2008 and SSMS to execute the query.

Also, I tried removing the CreatedDate column from my SELECT column list and then the query no longer requires the 'p' alias in the ORDER BY . So this query works as well:

select p.PersonID, * from dbo.Person p 
join dbo.PotentiallyFraudulentPeople pfp on p.PersonID= pfp.PersonID 
order by CreatedDate


You are selecting the CreatedDate column twice.

  1. Explicitly via CreatedDate .
  2. Implicitly via * .

It doesn't know which occurence you want to sort on - and it obviously doesn't realize that both occurences refer to the same column.



And the reason that the name is ambiguous is related to the fact that the order by clause allows use of alias names so p.CreateDt and *.CreateDt both alias to CreateDt. Since order by allows alias names, it can't resolve



You can add an alias to "CreatedDate" and sort it using the alias

    CreatedDate [create_date], 
    dbo.Person p join 
    dbo.PotentiallyFraudulentPeople pfp on p.PersonID= pfp.PersonID 
order by 


You have to specify which table that CreateDate came from. It means you have this column name in both tables. So either p.CreatedDate or pfp.CreatedDate.



if you want to use your original query, another option is to explicitly define the column's position:

Rather than:

select id, name, *  from employee order by name


select id, name, *  from employee order by 2

id would be position 1

name is position 2, etc..
