powershell 用于查找旧AD计算机登录的函数

a9wyjsp7  于 2023-05-29  发布在  Shell


Function Get-OldNames {
# to get an accurate list of machines that haven't logged in within a certain amount of time, we need to 
# query all the DCs in the domain then aggregate all the logins together to find the most recent to compare
# against. This function performs that search against the specified OU then returns a list of computer names
# as an array of strings 

    # Set the target OU
    $targetOU = "OU=Computers,OU=NewYork,OU=US,DC=contoso,DC=com"

    # Set the number of days to check for inactive computers
    $inactiveDays = -90
    [System.DateTime]$todaysDate = (Get-Date -Format d)
    $inactiveDate = $todaysDate.AddDays($inactiveDays)
    $inactiveDateValue = (Get-Date $inactiveDate).ToFileTime()

    # Get all domain controllers in the current domain
    $domainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *

    # Initialize an empty array to hold the results
    $inactiveComputers = @()

    # Loop through each domain controller and query for logons of computers in the target OU
    foreach ($dc in $domainControllers) {
            $dcName = $dc.Name
            Write-Host "Querying $dcName..."
            $inactiveComputers += Get-ADComputer -Filter 'Enabled -eq $true' -SearchBase $targetOU -Server $dcName -Properties LastLogon | Select-Object Name, LastLogon, @{Name='LastLogonAsDate';Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}

    # Sort the results by last logon time and filter the output
    return $inactiveComputers | Sort-Object LastLogon | Group-Object Name | Where-Object LastLogon -ge $inactiveDateValue | ForEach-Object Name





$inactiveDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$inactiveDays)
$inactiveComputers = foreach ($dc in $domainControllers) {
  $dcName = $dc.Name
  Write-Host "Querying $dcName..."
  Get-ADComputer -Filter "Enabled -eq 'True'" -Server $dcName -SearchBase $targetOU -Property LastLogonDate,LastLogon | 
    Select-Object Name, @{l='LastLogonDate';e={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}

return $inactiveComputers | sort Name | Group Name | 
  # Check all last logons after grouping
  Where {-not ($_.Group.LastLogonDate -gt $inactiveDate)} |
  Select Name,
    # Optionally include all the returned dates to see
    @{l='MostRecentLogon';e={($_.Group.LastLogonDate | sort -desc) -join ', '}}


Function Get-OldNames {
  $inactiveDays = 90
  $targetOU = "OU=Computers,OU=NewYork,OU=US,DC=contoso,DC=com"

  # much faster to filter the ldap request 
  Get-ADComputer -Filter "LastLogonDate -lt '$((Get-Date).AddDays(-$inactiveDays))'" -SearchBase $targetOU -Property LastLogonDate,LastLogon | 
    Sort Name | 
    Select -ExpandProperty Name -Unique
