c++ Eigen在乘小矩阵时很慢吗?

nbnkbykc  于 2023-05-30  发布在  其他

我写了一个函数,将维数为10 x10的特征矩阵相乘。然后我写了一个简单的乘法函数CustomMultiply,它比Eigen的实现快了2倍。

#include <Eigen/Core>

  constexpr int dimension = 10;
  using Matrix = Eigen::Matrix<double, dimension, dimension>;

  Matrix CustomMultiply(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) {
    Matrix result = Matrix::Zero();
    for (int bcol_idx = 0; bcol_idx < dimension; ++bcol_idx) {
      for (int brow_idx = 0; brow_idx < dimension; ++brow_idx) {
        result.col(bcol_idx).noalias() += a.col(brow_idx) * b(brow_idx, bcol_idx);
    return result;

  Matrix PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAlias(int num_repetitions, const std::vector<Matrix>& input) {
    Matrix acc = Matrix::Zero();
    for (int i = 0; i < num_repetitions; ++i) {
      for (const auto& matrix_a : input) {
        for (const auto& matrix_b : input) {
          acc.noalias() += matrix_a * matrix_b;
    return acc;

  Matrix PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixCustom(int num_repetitions, const std::vector<Matrix>& input) {
    Matrix acc = Matrix::Zero();
    for (int i = 0; i < num_repetitions; ++i) {
      for (const auto& matrix_a : input) {
        for (const auto& matrix_b : input) {
          acc.noalias() += CustomMultiply(matrix_a, matrix_b);
    return acc;

在我的机器上,当我传入100个随机矩阵作为input并使用100作为num_repetitions时,PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAliasPairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixCustom慢2倍。我的机器详细信息:Intel Xeon CPU E5-2630 v4,Ubuntu 16.04,Eigen 3

  • num_repetitions = 1input.size() = 1000
  • 使用.lazyProduct()和使用.eval()实际上会导致进一步的减速
  • clang 8.0.0
  • g++ 9.2
  • 使用标志-march=native -DNDEBUG

在Google Benchmark库中跟踪@dtell的发现后,我发现了一个有趣的结果。将2个矩阵与特征值相乘比自定义快,但将许多矩阵与特征值相乘慢2倍,与之前的发现一致。
这是我的Google Benchmark代码。(注意:下面的GenerateRandomMatrices()函数中有一个off-by,现在已修复。

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/StdVector>
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>

constexpr int dimension = 10;
constexpr int num_random_matrices = 10;
using Matrix = Eigen::Matrix<double, dimension, dimension>;
using Eigen_std_vector = std::vector<Matrix,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Matrix>>;

Eigen_std_vector GetRandomMatrices(int num_matrices) {
  Eigen_std_vector matrices;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_matrices; ++i) {
  return matrices;

Matrix CustomMultiply(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) {
  Matrix result = Matrix::Zero();
  for (int bcol_idx = 0; bcol_idx < dimension; ++bcol_idx) {
    for (int brow_idx = 0; brow_idx < dimension; ++brow_idx) {
      result.col(bcol_idx).noalias() += a.col(brow_idx) * b(brow_idx, bcol_idx);
  return result;

Matrix PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAlias(int num_repetitions, const Eigen_std_vector& input) {
  Matrix acc = Matrix::Zero();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_repetitions; ++i) {
    for (const auto& matrix_a : input) {
      for (const auto& matrix_b : input) {
        acc.noalias() += matrix_a * matrix_b;
  return acc;

Matrix PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixCustom(int num_repetitions, const Eigen_std_vector& input) {
  Matrix acc = Matrix::Zero();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_repetitions; ++i) {
    for (const auto& matrix_a : input) {
      for (const auto& matrix_b : input) {
        acc.noalias() += CustomMultiply(matrix_a, matrix_b);
  return acc;

void BM_PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAlias(benchmark::State& state) {
  // Perform setup here
  const auto random_matrices = GetRandomMatrices(num_random_matrices);
  for (auto _ : state) {
    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAlias(1, random_matrices));

void BM_PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixCustom(benchmark::State& state) {
  // Perform setup here
  const auto random_matrices = GetRandomMatrices(num_random_matrices);
  for (auto _ : state) {
    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixCustom(1, random_matrices));

void BM_MultiplySingle(benchmark::State& state) {
  // Perform setup here
  const auto random_matrices = GetRandomMatrices(2);
  for (auto _ : state) {
    benchmark::DoNotOptimize((random_matrices[0] * random_matrices[1]).eval());

void BM_MultiplySingleCustom(benchmark::State& state) {
  // Perform setup here
  const auto random_matrices = GetRandomMatrices(2);
  for (auto _ : state) {
    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(CustomMultiply(random_matrices[0], random_matrices[1]));

double TestCustom() {
  const Matrix a = Matrix::Random();
  const Matrix b = Matrix::Random();

  const Matrix c = a * b;
  const Matrix custom_c = CustomMultiply(a, b);

  const double err = (c - custom_c).squaredNorm();
  return err;

// Just sanity check the multiplication
void BM_TestCustom(benchmark::State& state) {
  if (TestCustom() > 1e-10) {


Run on (20 X 3100 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x10)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x10)
  L2 Unified 256K (x10)
  L3 Unified 25600K (x1)
***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
Benchmark                                     Time           CPU Iterations
BM_PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAlias      28283 ns      28285 ns      20250
BM_PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixCustom       14442 ns      14443 ns      48488
BM_MultiplySingle                           791 ns        791 ns     876969
BM_MultiplySingleCustom                     874 ns        874 ns     802052
BM_TestCustom                                 0 ns          0 ns          0




CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x10)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x10)
  L2 Unified 256K (x10)
  L3 Unified 25600K (x1)
***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
Benchmark                                     Time           CPU Iterations
BM_PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAlias      34787 ns      34789 ns      16477
BM_PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixCustom       17901 ns      17902 ns      37759
BM_MultiplySingle                           349 ns        349 ns    2054295
BM_MultiplySingleCustom                     178 ns        178 ns    4624183
BM_TestCustom                                 0 ns          0 ns          0




(gdb) bt
#0  0x00005555555679e3 in Eigen::internal::gemm_pack_rhs<double, long, Eigen::internal::const_blas_data_mapper<double, long, 0>, 4, 0, false, false>::operator()(double*, Eigen::internal::const_blas_data_mapper<double, long, 0> const&, long, long, long, long) ()
#1  0x0000555555566654 in Eigen::internal::general_matrix_matrix_product<long, double, 0, false, double, 0, false, 0>::run(long, long, long, double const*, long, double const*, long, double*, long, double, Eigen::internal::level3_blocking<double, double>&, Eigen::internal::GemmParallelInfo<long>*) ()
#2  0x0000555555565822 in BM_PairwiseMultiplyEachMatrixNoAlias(benchmark::State&) ()
#3  0x000055555556d571 in benchmark::internal::(anonymous namespace)::RunInThread(benchmark::internal::Benchmark::Instance const*, unsigned long, int, benchmark::internal::ThreadManager*) ()
#4  0x000055555556b469 in benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*, benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*) ()
#5  0x000055555556a450 in main ()




我已经使用适当的基准库(即Google Benchmark)重写了您的代码,无法重现您的测量结果。

Running ./benchmark
Run on (12 X 2900 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x6)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x6)
  L2 Unified 262K (x6)
  L3 Unified 12582K (x1)
Benchmark                              Time           CPU Iterations
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 3>        5391 ns       5389 ns     105066
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 4>        9365 ns       9364 ns      73649
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 5>       15349 ns      15349 ns      44008
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 6>       20953 ns      20947 ns      32230
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 7>       33328 ns      33318 ns      21584
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 8>       44237 ns      44230 ns      15500
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 9>       57142 ns      57140 ns      11953
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 10>      69382 ns      69382 ns       9998
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 3>         2335 ns       2335 ns     295458
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 4>         1613 ns       1613 ns     457382
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 5>         4791 ns       4791 ns     142992
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 6>         3471 ns       3469 ns     206002
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 7>         9052 ns       9051 ns      78135
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 8>         8655 ns       8655 ns      81717
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 9>        11446 ns      11399 ns      67001
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 10>       15092 ns      15053 ns      46924

正如您所看到的,Google Benchmark使用的迭代次数比您的基准测试高出一个数量级。微基准测试是非常困难的,特别是当你处理几百纳秒的执行时间时。
使用手动内联CustomMultiply-O2 -DNDEBUG -march=native进行测量:

Running ./benchmark
Run on (12 X 2900 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x6)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x6)
  L2 Unified 262K (x6)
  L3 Unified 12582K (x1)
Benchmark                              Time           CPU Iterations
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 3>          51 ns         51 ns   11108114
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 4>          88 ns         88 ns    7683611
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 5>         147 ns        147 ns    4642341
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 6>         213 ns        213 ns    3205627
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 7>         308 ns        308 ns    2246391
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 8>         365 ns        365 ns    1904860
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 9>         556 ns        556 ns    1254953
BM_CustomMultiply<double, 10>        661 ns        661 ns    1027825
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 3>           39 ns         39 ns   17918807
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 4>           69 ns         69 ns    9931755
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 5>          119 ns        119 ns    5801185
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 6>          178 ns        178 ns    3838772
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 7>          256 ns        256 ns    2692898
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 8>          385 ns        385 ns    1826598
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 9>          546 ns        546 ns    1271687
BM_EigenMultiply<double, 10>         644 ns        644 ns    1104798


