#function to look behind one (
r_sen_from_states_alabama <- function(x){
ifelse(str_detect(x, regex("the senator from Alabama",ignore_case = TRUE))==TRUE & str_detect(lag(x),"^Mr\\. SHELBY \\(R; Alabama\\):")==TRUE,
str_replace(x,regex("the senator from Alabama", ignore_case = TRUE),"senator Shelby"),
ifelse(str_detect(x, regex("the senator from Alabama", ignore_case = TRUE))==TRUE & str_detect(lag(x),"^Mr\\. SESSIONS \\(R; Alabama\\):")==TRUE,
str_replace(x, regex("the senator from Alabama",ignore_case = TRUE), "senator Sessions"),x))
#function to look ahead one
r_sen_from_states_alabama <- function(x){
ifelse(str_detect(x, regex("the senator from Alabama",ignore_case = TRUE))==TRUE & str_detect(lead(x),"^Mr\\. SHELBY \\(R; Alabama\\):")==TRUE,
str_replace(x,regex("the senator from Alabama", ignore_case = TRUE),"senator Shelby"),
ifelse(str_detect(x, regex("the senator from Alabama", ignore_case = TRUE))==TRUE & str_detect(lead(x),"^Mr\\. SESSIONS \\(R; Alabama\\):")==TRUE,
str_replace(x, regex("the senator from Alabama",ignore_case = TRUE), "senator Sessions"),x))
test_df_try_1 <- as.data.frame(r_sen_from_states_alabama(test_df))
#testing env data
test_col <- c("Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I acknowledge this is a test.",
"Mrs. MURRAY (D; Washington): I say to my friend, the senator from Alabama, that they are wrong.",
"Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I do not agree with my colleague.",
"Mr. FRIST (R; Tennessee): The senator from Alabama is correct, senator Murray.",
"Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I thank the majority leader for their support.",
"Mr. SESSIONS (R; Alabama): I am proud of my junior, the senator from Alabama.",
"Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): To my senior peer, the senator from Alabama, I say great things.",
"Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space.",
"Mr. Quail (Q; Nowhere): Match this one, the senator from Alabama, with the senator at the bottom.",
"Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space.",
"Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space!",
"Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space?",
"Mr. SESSIONS (R; Alabama): Match this one with Quail.")
test_df <- data.frame(test_col)
colnames(test_df) <- c("speeches")
#Desired hypothetical results when using lag [note: 9 went lag(n = 2)
1 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I acknowledge this is a test.
2 Mrs. MURRAY (D; Washington): I say to my friend, senator Shelby, that they are wrong.
3 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I do not agree with my colleague.
4 Mr. FRIST (R; Tennessee): senator Shelby is correct, senator Murray.
5 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I thank the majority leader for their support.
6 Mr. SESSIONS (R; Alabama): I am proud of my junior, senator Shelby.
7 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): To my senior peer, senator Sessions, I say great things.
8 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space.
9 Mr. Quail (Q; Nowhere): Match this one, senator Shelby, with the senator before.
10 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space.
11 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space!
12 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space?
13 Mr. SESSIONS (R; Alabama): Match this one with Quail.
#Desired hypothetical results when using lead [note: 6 went lead(n=7, 9 went lead(n=4)]
1 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I acknowledge this is a test.
2 Mrs. MURRAY (D; Washington): I say to my friend, senator Shelby, that they are wrong.
3 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I do not agree with my colleague.
4 Mr. FRIST (R; Tennessee): senator Shelby is correct, senator Murray.
5 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): I thank the majority leader for their support.
6 Mr. SESSIONS (R; Alabama): I am proud of my junior, senator Shelby.
7 Mr. SHELBY (R; Alabama): To my senior peer, senator Sessions, I say great things.
8 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space.
9 Mr. Quail (Q; Nowhere): Match this one, senator Sessions, with the senator at the bottom.
10 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space.
11 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space!
12 Ms. PEABODY (I; Atlantis): This is just to fill space?
13 Mr. SESSIONS (R; Alabama): Match this one with Quail.