xamarin 如何使我的小部件彼此独立?

gorkyyrv  于 2023-06-20  发布在  其他


namespace CommAndroid

[BroadcastReceiver(Label = "CommAndroid", Exported = false, Enabled = true, Name = "com.company.CommAndroid.WidgetProvider",Icon ="@mipmap/terminalappicon")]
[IntentFilter(new string[] { "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE"  })]
[MetaData("android.appwidget.provider", Resource = "@xml/my_widget")]

//Class to inflate and show the widget
public class WidgetProvider : AppWidgetProvider
    //Initialize Global Vars for Class
    public static ListViewFactory listViewFactory;
    private Handler handler;

    //Update method for a widget
    public override void OnUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds)
        base.OnUpdate(context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetIds);

        foreach (int appwidgetId in appWidgetIds)
            // Build the remote views for the widget
            var widgetView = BuildRemoteViews(context);

            // Update all instances of the widget with the new remote views
            appWidgetManager.NotifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(appwidgetId, Resource.Id.listView1);
            appWidgetManager.UpdateAppWidget(appwidgetId, widgetView);



    //Build the widget view, returns to the update method
    public RemoteViews BuildRemoteViews(Context context)
        //Initialize our widget view, basically pointing to our main widget layout xml
        var widgetView = new RemoteViews(context.PackageName, Resource.Layout.widget_layout);           
        //Initializing an intent of our WidgetRemoteViewService, to handle the creation of our list view factory
        //Instructing Widget to use our WidgetRemoteViewService with our ListView
        Intent listViewIntent = new Intent(context, typeof(WidgetRemoteViewService));
        widgetView.SetRemoteAdapter(Resource.Id.listView1, listViewIntent);

        //Initializing an intent for the main widget button click
        var clickIntent = new Intent(context, typeof(WidgetProvider));

        // Initializing a new Intent for the delete button click action
        var deleteIntent = new Intent(context, typeof(WidgetProvider));

        // Initializing pending intents for the button click actions
        var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(context, 5555533, clickIntent, PendingIntentFlags.Mutable);
        var pendingDeleteIntent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(context, 55522111, deleteIntent, PendingIntentFlags.Mutable);

        // Associating the pending intents with the respective buttons in the widget layout
        widgetView.SetOnClickPendingIntent(Resource.Id.delete_button, pendingDeleteIntent);
        widgetView.SetOnClickPendingIntent(Resource.Id.widget_button, pendingIntent);

        Intent itemClickIntent = new Intent(context, typeof(WidgetProvider));
        PendingIntent itemClickPendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(context, 3434514, itemClickIntent, PendingIntentFlags.Mutable);
        widgetView.SetPendingIntentTemplate(Resource.Id.listView1, itemClickPendingIntent);

        // ...

        return widgetView;

    //On Deleted
    public override void OnDeleted(Context context, int[] appWidgetIds)
        base.OnDeleted(context, appWidgetIds);


    //Method to update the listview in widget
    private async void updateListView(Context context, RemoteViews views, bool isDelete, string command)
        //Create a new list factory and view for our widget
        //Create an AppWidgetManager, reference component name, and get appWidgetIds
        listViewFactory = new ListViewFactory(context);

        var widgetView = views;

        AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.GetInstance(context);
        ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(context, Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(WidgetProvider)).Name);
        int[] appWidgetIds = appWidgetManager.GetAppWidgetIds(componentName);

        //Checks bool parameter to see if user wants to clear list
        if (isDelete != true)
            //Initialize string result that is returned from querying the command through class TerminalCommands
            //Add the command itself, and the results to the list
            string result = await TerminalCommands.queryCommand(command, context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetIds, widgetView);
            listViewFactory.addCommand("CMD: " + command, result);

            //Create Handler to facilitate Self Scrolling of Listview
            //Set Scroll position, partially update app widget
            //Don't know why this works instead of just setting scroll position, but hey it's android development
            handler = new Handler(Looper.MainLooper);
            handler.PostDelayed(async() =>
                widgetView.SetScrollPosition(Resource.Id.listView1, ListViewFactory.items.Count - 1);
                appWidgetManager.PartiallyUpdateAppWidget(appWidgetIds, widgetView);

            }, 500);

        //Bool parameter for user clearing list
            widgetView.SetEmptyView(Resource.Id.listView1, Resource.Id.empty_view);


        //Update the widget view
        appWidgetManager.NotifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(appWidgetIds, Resource.Id.listView1);
        appWidgetManager.UpdateAppWidget(componentName, views);


    //Method for receiving broadcasts from broadcast receiver
    public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
        //Initialize view for our widget layout
        base.OnReceive(context, intent);

        //Rebuild the view, re-setting the intents ---> Goal is to fix bug where widget stops working after some time
        //Either this or settings flags to mutable
        var widgetView = BuildRemoteViews(context);

        //Command Click
        if (intent.Action == "com.company.CommAndroid.WIDGET_BUTTON_CLICK")
            //Create a new intent of activity InputProvider
            //Start the input provider activity
            Intent inputIntent = new Intent(Application.Context, typeof(InputProvider));

        //Clear Click
        else if (intent.Action == "com.company.CommAndroid.DELETE_BUTTON_CLICK")
            updateListView(context, widgetView, true, "");
        //User input
        else if (intent.Action == "com.company.CommAndroid.USER_INPUT_SUBMITTED")
            string command = intent.GetStringExtra("user_input");
            updateListView(context, widgetView, false, command);
        else if(intent.Action == "com.company.CommAndroid.LIST_ITEM_CLICK")
            Log.Debug("hi", "we got here");
            string commandText = intent.GetStringExtra("command_text");





namespace CommAndroid

public class ListViewFactory : Java.Lang.Object, RemoteViewsService.IRemoteViewsFactory
    private Context context;
    public static List<string> items;
    public static List<string> results;

    //Constructor to create list view factory
    public ListViewFactory(Context context)
        this.context = context;
        if (items == null)
            items = new List<string>();

        if (results == null)
            results = new List<string>();

        if(items.Count == 0 && results.Count == 0)
            items.Add("CMD: ");


    public void OnCreate()
        // Initialize your data source

    public void removeLast()
        items.RemoveAt(items.Count - 1);
        results.RemoveAt(results.Count - 1);

    //Add's a command to the listview, removes the prior placeholder CMD text
    public void addCommand(string command,string result)
        if (items == null || items.Count < 0)
            items = new List<string>();
        items.Add("CMD: ");

    //Clear the lists
    public void clearList()
        items.Add("CMD: ");

    public void OnDestroy()
        // Cleanup resources if needed

    public int Count => items.Count;

    //Method to create and set the listview view
    public RemoteViews GetViewAt(int position)
        // Create a RemoteViews object for each item in the data source, Referencing our Layout for our List View
        RemoteViews remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.PackageName, Resource.Layout.listview_layout);

        //Check's if there is items, iterates until there is none
        if (items != null && items.Count > position)
            //Sets text in listview to command items and result items
            //Also checks the commands text to determine what color to output
            remoteViews.SetTextViewText(Resource.Id.command_text, items[position]);
            if (results[position].ToLower().Split(' ')[0] == "invalid")
                remoteViews.SetTextColor(Resource.Id.results_text, Color.Red);
                remoteViews.SetTextColor(Resource.Id.results_text, Color.ParseColor("#52db02"));
            if (items[position].ToLower().Split(' ')[1] == "help" || items[position].ToLower().Split(' ')[1] == "dir" || results[position].ToLower().Split(' ')[0] == "flipping")
              if(results[position].ToLower().Split(' ')[0] != "invalid")
                    remoteViews.SetTextColor(Resource.Id.results_text, Color.White);
            remoteViews.SetTextViewText(Resource.Id.results_text, results[position]); 
        //If statement checking whether the position in the list is the last one
        //Sets blinking animation to visible
        if (position == items.Count - 1)
            remoteViews.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.blinking_dot, ViewStates.Visible);
            remoteViews.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.blinking_dot, ViewStates.Gone);

        Intent fillInIntent = new Intent();
        fillInIntent.PutExtra("command_text", items[position]);
       remoteViews.SetOnClickFillInIntent(Resource.Id.listviewlayout, fillInIntent);

        return remoteViews;

    public RemoteViews LoadingView => null;

    public int ViewTypeCount => 1;

    public long GetItemId(int position)
        return position;

    public bool HasStableIds => true;

    public void OnDataSetChanged()
        // Update your data source if needed


namespace CommAndroid

//Handles the creation of the List View Factory Class --> Function to return our ListViewFactory
//Declare as service in android manifest, name is pointer for location

[Service(Enabled = true,  Exported = false, Permission = "android.permission.BIND_REMOTEVIEWS")]
public class WidgetRemoteViewService : RemoteViewsService
    public override IRemoteViewsFactory OnGetViewFactory(Intent intent)
        return new ListViewFactory(this);

我的代码被上传到github repo。https://github.com/chrisz99/CommAndroid




  • 什么样的用户操作会导致创建小部件?
  • 当用户执行该操作时,您的哪些代码会运行?


public class UserInputData
    public List<string> items;
    public List<string> results;


private Context context;
private List<string> items;
private List<string> results;

public ListViewFactory(Context context, UserInputData data)
    this.context = context;
    this.items = data.items;
    this.results = data.results;


public class WidgetRemoteViewService : RemoteViewsService
    // TODO: "Somehow" set this before each OnGetViewFactory call.
    private UserInputData NextData;

    public void SetNextData(UserInputData data)
        NextData = data;

    public override IRemoteViewsFactory OnGetViewFactory(Intent intent)
        return new ListViewFactory(this, NextData);

1.* * TODO**在创建每个widget之前设置NextData

  • 缺少的部分是如何/何时设置NextData


  • 如果该代码可以直接访问WidgetRemoteViewService的示例,那么它可以在正确的时刻设置NextData
  • 如果该代码没有访问权限,则搜索xamarin MessagingCenter,并阅读有关发布/订阅的信息。试着安排一下。
