jquery 基于时间的数值轮换

xmjla07d  于 2023-06-22  发布在  jQuery

我有一个脚本,它应该通过一个常数的值旋转(const旋转)。它应该从某个值和开始日期开始连续运行(const known


01:00 Skag
01:30 Pfliep
02:00 Magmaton
02:30 Eldoren // 1 hour until the next value, which is correct
03:30 Skag
04:00 Pfliep
04:30 Magmaton
05:00 Eldoren // should be 1 hour until the next value, too
05:30 Skag // so start should be at 06:00


$(function () {
          if ($("[id^=test]").length) {
            function addHours(date, hours) {
              var copy = new Date(date);
              copy.setTime(copy.getTime() + hours * 60 * 60 * 1000);
              return copy;
            function addMinutes(date, minutes) {
              return new Date(date.getTime() + minutes * 60000);
            function next(value) {
              return {
                index: (value.index + 1) % rotation.length,
                date: addHours(value.date, 0.5),
            const known = { id: 193210, ts: "2023-06-20T17:30:00" };
            const rotation = [
              { id: 193210, name: "Pfliep " },
              { id: 186827, name: "Magmaton" },
              { id: 193234, name: "Eldoren" },
              { id: 193149, name: "Skag" },
            const now33 = new Date();
            const now2 = addHours(now33, 10);
            const now3 = addHours(now33, -0);
            const end = addHours(now33, rotation.length * 2);
            var cur = {
              index: rotation.findIndex((li) => li.id == known.id),
              date: Date.parse(known.ts),
            while (cur.date < now3) {
              cur = next(cur);
            const out = document.getElementById("test");
            let increaseMinutes = 0;
            while (cur.date < end && cur.date < now2 && cur.date > now3) {
              const li = document.createElement("li");
              li.className = "test";
              var link = document.createElement("a");
              link.textContent = `${rotation[cur.index].name}`;
              link.href = "dadada";
              link.class = "dadada";
              li.innerText = `${rotation[cur.index].name} (${cur.date.toLocaleString()})`;
              var id = `${rotation[cur.index].id}`;
              var title2 = `${rotation[cur.index].name}`;
              var link = "https://de.wowhead.com/npc=";
              var ClassName = "weeklytext";
              var ClassName2 = "weeklytext2";
              var ClassName3 = "peinigertime";
              var options = { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" };
              var date33 = `${addMinutes(cur.date, increaseMinutes).toLocaleString("en-GB", options)}`;
              if (id == 193234) {
                increaseMinutes = 30;
              } else if (increaseMinutes > 0) {
                increaseMinutes += 0;
                '<li class="' +
                  ClassName2 +
                  '"><div class="' +
                  ClassName3 +
                  '"> ' +
                  date33 +
                  '</div> <a class="' +
                  ClassName +
                  '" href="' +
                  link +
                  +id +
                  '">' +
                  title2 +
              cur = next(cur);


1.当第一次遇到“Eldoren”时,条件id == 193234为true,并且increaseMinutes被设置为30。
1.对于后续值,条件increaseMinutes > 0始终为false,因为increaseMinutes保持在30并且从不更新。

$(function () {
  if ($("[id^=test]").length) {
    function addHours(date, hours) {
      var copy = new Date(date);
      copy.setTime(copy.getTime() + hours * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      return copy;

    function addMinutes(date, minutes) {
      return new Date(date.getTime() + minutes * 60000);

    function next(value) {
      return {
        index: (value.index + 1) % rotation.length,
        date: addMinutes(value.date, value.nextDelay),
        nextDelay: rotation[(value.index + 1) % rotation.length].id === 193234 ? 60 : 30,

    const known = { id: 193210, ts: "2023-06-20T17:30:00" };
    const rotation = [
      { id: 193210, name: "Pfliep " },
      { id: 186827, name: "Magmaton" },
      { id: 193234, name: "Eldoren" },
      { id: 193149, name: "Skag" },

    const now33 = new Date(); // just to Eldoren be the first, change back to new Date();
    const now2 = addHours(now33, 10);
    const now3 = addHours(now33, -0);
    const end = addHours(now33, rotation.length * 2);

    var cur = {
      index: rotation.findIndex((li) => li.id == known.id),
      date: new Date(known.ts),
      nextDelay: rotation[rotation.findIndex((li) => li.id == known.id)].id === 193234 ? 60 : 30,

    while (cur.date < now3) {
      cur = next(cur);

    const out = document.getElementById("test");

    while (cur.date < end && cur.date < now2 && cur.date > now3) {
      const li = document.createElement("li");
      li.className = "test";

      var link = document.createElement("a");
      link.textContent = `${rotation[cur.index].name}`;
      link.href = "dadada";
      link.class = "dadada";

      li.innerText = `${rotation[cur.index].name} (${cur.date.toLocaleString()})`;

      var id = `${rotation[cur.index].id}`;
      var title2 = `${rotation[cur.index].name}`;
      var link = "https://de.wowhead.com/npc=";
      var ClassName = "weeklytext";
      var ClassName2 = "weeklytext2";
      var ClassName3 = "peinigertime";

      var options = { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" };

      var date33 = `${cur.date.toLocaleString("en-GB", options)}`;

        '<li class="' +
          ClassName2 +
          '"><div class="' +
          ClassName3 +
          '"> ' +
          date33 +
          '</div> <a class="' +
          ClassName +
          '" href="' +
          link +
          id +
          '">' +
          title2 +

      cur = next(cur);
