numpy 在百万大小的nD空间上进行快速范围查询以确定统计信息

hm2xizp9  于 2023-06-23  发布在  其他


import numpy as np
import time

num_points = 10_000_000
df_us = np.random.rand(num_points, 5)
df = df_us[df_us[:,0].argsort()] #sort along the first axis to mimick the real data feature

# for this expt ignoring the fact that each axis has different limits and different sampling resolution
xmin = np.random.rand(num_points)
xmax = xmin + 0.2
ymin = np.random.rand(num_points)
ymax = ymin + 0.4
zmin = np.random.rand(num_points)
zmax = zmin + 0.4
tmin = np.random.rand(num_points)
tmax = tmin + 0.4

def bbox_stat(xr_df, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, tmin, tmax):
    for i in range(len(xmin)):
        # use the fact the first axis is presorted in the dataset
        x_si = np.searchsorted(xr_df[:,0], xmin[i], side='left')
        x_ei = np.searchsorted(xr_df[:,0], xmax[i], side='right')
        y_conditions = (xr_df[x_si:x_ei, 1] >= ymin[i]) & (xr_df[x_si:x_ei, 1] <= ymax[i])
        z_conditions = (xr_df[x_si:x_ei, 2] >= zmin[i]) & (xr_df[x_si:x_ei, 2] <= zmax[i])
        t_conditions = (xr_df[x_si:x_ei, 3] >= tmin[i]) & (xr_df[x_si:x_ei, 3] <= tmax[i])
        conditions = y_conditions & z_conditions & t_conditions
        med_i = xr_df[x_si:x_ei,:][conditions,3].median() # use this fillup an array mean
        std_i = xr_df[x_si:x_ei,:][conditions,3].std() # use this to fillup an array std

arguments = []
num_cores = 50
orig_len = df.shape[0]
unit_len = orig_len//num_cores
for i in range(num_cores):
   arguments.append((df, xmin[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len], xmax[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len], ymin[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len], ymax[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len], zmin[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len], zmax[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len], tmin[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len], tmax[i*uni_len:(i+1)*uni_len]))

start_time = time.time()
pool = Pool(processes=num_cores)
pool.starmap(bbox_stat, arguments)
pool. Close()
pool. Join()
end_time = time.time()

print(f"Time taken: {end_time - start_time} seconds")



我最初的解决方案(保存在下面供后人参考)是不正确的,因为我误解了。也就是说,这个问题仍然存在效率问题(由于其规模),尽管希望我的答案将是一个很好的起点。与我最初的解决方案类似,您可以使用kd树来加快搜索速度。使用scipy KDTree,您可以为每个方向(x,y,z)和t创建一个kd树,然后使用query_ball_point查找距离长方体中心给定距离(定义为xminxmaxymin,...)内的点。使用使用每个范围找到的点的交集仅找到满足所有条件的点。

import numpy as np
from time import perf_counter
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

num_points = 10_000

rng = np.random.default_rng(1245)
df_us = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points, 5))

# sort along the first axis to mimick the real data feature
df = df_us[df_us[:, 0].argsort()]

tic = perf_counter()
xtree = KDTree(df[:, 0, None])
ytree = KDTree(df[:, 1, None])
ztree = KDTree(df[:, 2, None])
ttree = KDTree(df[:, 3, None])
toc = perf_counter()
print(f"Tree creation time: {toc - tic:.4f}")

# for this expt ignoring the fact that each axis has different limits and
# different sampling resolution
xmins = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
xmaxs = xmins + 0.2
ymins = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
ymaxs = ymins + 0.4
zmins = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
zmaxs = zmins + 0.4
tmins = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
tmaxs = tmins + 0.4

def bbox_stat(df, trees, x_range, y_range, z_range, t_range):
    xtree, ytree, ztree, ttree = trees
    xmin, xmax = x_range
    ymin, ymax = y_range
    zmin, zmax = z_range
    tmin, tmax = t_range

    cuboid_coord = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])

    x_half_length = (xmax - xmin)/2
    cuboid_coord[0] = xmin + x_half_length

    y_half_length = (ymax - ymin)/2
    cuboid_coord[1] = ymin + y_half_length

    z_half_length = (zmax - zmin)/2
    cuboid_coord[2] = zmin + z_half_length

    t_half_length = (tmax - tmin)/2
    cuboid_coord[3] = tmin + t_half_length

    xpoints_idxs = set(xtree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[0], x_half_length))
    ypoints_idxs = set(ytree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[1], y_half_length))
    zpoints_idxs = set(ztree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[2], z_half_length))
    tpoints_idxs = set(ttree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[3], t_half_length))

    points_idxs = xpoints_idxs & ypoints_idxs & zpoints_idxs & tpoints_idxs
    points_idxs = np.array(list(points_idxs))

    # about 2x slower
    # xpoints_idxs = np.array(xtree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[0],
    #                                                x_half_length))
    # ypoints_idxs = np.array(ytree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[1],
    #                                                y_half_length))
    # zpoints_idxs = np.array(ztree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[2],
    #                                                z_half_length))
    # tpoints_idxs = np.array(ttree.query_ball_point(cuboid_coord[3],
    #                                                t_half_length))

    # points_idxs = xpoints_idxs
    # points_idxs = np.intersect1d(points_idxs, ypoints_idxs, assume_unique=True)
    # points_idxs = np.intersect1d(points_idxs, zpoints_idxs, assume_unique=True)
    # points_idxs = np.intersect1d(points_idxs, tpoints_idxs, assume_unique=True)

    if points_idxs.size == 0:
        return -1, -1
    vals_within = df[points_idxs, -1]
    return np.median(vals_within), vals_within.std()

trees = (xtree, ytree, ztree, ttree)
x_ranges = np.vstack((xmins, xmaxs)).T
y_ranges = np.vstack((ymins, ymaxs)).T
z_ranges = np.vstack((zmins, zmaxs)).T
t_ranges = np.vstack((tmins, tmaxs)).T

median = np.full((df.shape[0], 1), -1.)
std = np.full((df.shape[0], 1), -1.)

tic = perf_counter()
for i, ranges in enumerate(zip(x_ranges, y_ranges, z_ranges, t_ranges)):
    res = bbox_stat(df, trees, *ranges)
    median[i], std[i] = res
toc = perf_counter()
print(f"bbox_stat time: {toc - tic:.4f}")



这个问题的问题,我在你的last post中提到过,是你不可能存储你想要的所有信息。最后,您需要在感兴趣的点周围的任何长方体内的点的中位数和标准差。假设median和std值为1字节,则您将拥有10,000,000 x 10,000,000个数据点,每个数据点对应于100Tb数组。这是假设值是布尔值,而实际上它们是浮点数(假设最小的np.float16是2个字节,每个数组是200Tb)。
假设你有一个更小、更易管理的问题,你可以使用kd树来加速搜索。使用scipy KDTree,可以将query_ball_point方法与p=np.inf一起使用,以查询多维数据集区域。这可以用来快速减少采样点的数量,首先查询最大可能的立方体。有了这个结果,你可以继续进行正常的检查,并从那里计算中位数和标准差。

import numpy as np
from time import perf_counter
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

num_points = 100

rng = np.random.default_rng()
df_us = rng.uniform(size=(num_points, 5))
# sort along the first axis to mimick the real data feature
df = df_us[df_us[:, 0].argsort()]

# KDTree of the points
tree = KDTree(df[:, :3])

# for this example, ignoring the fact that each axis has different limits and different sampling resolution
xmin = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
xmax = xmin + 0.2
ymin = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
ymax = ymin + 0.4
zmin = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
zmax = zmin + 0.4
tmin = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
tmax = tmin + 0.4

# you used 0.2 and 0.4 above, but I'm assuming that isn't standard
x_range = xmax - xmin
x_range_max = x_range.max()
y_range = ymax - ymin
y_range_max = y_range.max()
z_range = zmax - zmin
z_range_max = z_range.max()
range_max = max([x_range_max, y_range_max, z_range_max])

def bbox_stat(point, df, tree, range_max, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, tmin, tmax):
    points_idxs = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(point, range_max, p=np.inf))
    points = df[points_idxs]
    x_cond = (points[:, 0, None] >= xmin) & (points[:, 0, None] <= xmax)
    y_cond = (points[:, 1, None] >= ymin) & (points[:, 1, None] <= ymax)
    z_cond = (points[:, 2, None] >= zmin) & (points[:, 2, None] <= zmax)
    t_cond = (points[:, 3, None] >= tmin) & (points[:, 3, None] <= tmax)
    cond = x_cond & y_cond & z_cond & t_cond

    median = np.full((df.shape[0], 1), -1.)
    std = np.full((df.shape[0], 1), -1.)
    for idx, col in enumerate(cond.T):
        if np.any(col):
            val_within = df[points_idxs[col],-1]
            median[idx] = np.median(val_within)
            std[idx] = val_within.std()

    return median, std

# example with the point at index 12
median, std = bbox_stat(df[12, :3], df, tree, range_max, 
                        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, tmin, tmax)

tic = perf_counter()
for i in range(num_points):
    bbox_stat(df[i, :3], df, tree, range_max, 
                            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, tmin, tmax)
toc = perf_counter()
print(f"Time: {toc - tic:.4f}")

