VS Code Dev Container在使用Vuejs开发时通常会很慢吗

p5cysglq  于 2023-06-24  发布在  Vue.js

我有一个用Vuejs框架构建的静态网站。这个网站本身是相当轻量级的,我把它移到了一个VS Code开发容器中,这样它就可以更方便地被一些同事共享/重用。
但是我注意到运行npm installnpm run serve需要更长的时间;我怀疑它与主机和容器之间同步的目录node_modules有关。


    "name": "Personal Website Dev Container",
    "dockerFile": "../Dockerfile",
    "forwardPorts": [8080],
    "settings": {
        "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "/bin/bash"


FROM node:latest


COPY . .



是的,这是可以预料的;)你可以 checkout 下面的链接,以加快一些事情。

Follow these steps:

Use the workspaceMount property in devcontainer.json to tell VS Code where to bind your source code. Then use the mounts property (VS Code 1.41+) to mount the node_modules sub-folder into a named local volume instead.

"mounts": [
Note: You may use ${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}, ${devcontainerId}, or a hardcoded name in the source.

Since this repository runs VS Code as the non-root "node" user, we need to add a postCreateCommand to be sure the user can access the folder.

"remoteUser": "node",
"mounts": [
"postCreateCommand": "sudo chown node node_modules"
This second step is not required if you will be running in the container as root.

If you've already built the container and connected to it, run Dev Containers: Rebuild Container from the Command Palette (F1) to pick up the change. Otherwise run Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container... to connect to the container.

Two notes on this approach:

If you delete the node_modules folder in the container, it may lose the connection to the volume. Delete the contents of the node_modules folder instead when needed (rm -rf node_modules/* node_modules/.*).

You'll find that an empty node_modules folder gets created locally with this method. This is because the volume mount point in the container is inside the local filesystem bind mount. This is expected and harmless.
