File "C:\file\path\to\json-parsing.py", line 33, in parse_output_file
session['duration'] = session['end_time'] - session['start_time'] if session['end_time'] is not None else None
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'NoneType'
import json #import json and datetime libraries
from datetime import datetime
def parse_output_file(file_path): #function to load json file
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)
sessions = {} #initialize empty dictionary
for record in data: #parse through array for each record
session_id = record['id']
session_type = record['type']
timestamp = int(record['timestamp'])
comments = record.get('comments', '')
if session_id not in sessions: #creates new session_id if session_id is not found
sessions[session_id] = {'id': session_id, 'start_time': None, 'end_time': None, 'duration': None, 'late_return': False, 'damaged': False, 'comments': ''}
if session_type == 'START': #checks session type and sets start time and end time
sessions[session_id]['start_time'] = timestamp
elif session_type == 'END':
sessions[session_id]['end_time'] = timestamp
if sessions[session_id]['end_time'] is not None:
sessions[session_id]['damaged'] = bool(comments) #sets damaged and comments keys in the dictionary if present
sessions[session_id]['comments'] = comments
for session in sessions.values():
start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(session['start_time']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if session['start_time'] is not None else None
if session['end_time'] is not None:
end_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(session['end_time']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
end_time = None
session['duration'] = session['end_time'] - session['start_time'] if session['end_time'] is not None else None
late_return = session['duration'] > 24 * 3600 if session['duration'] is not None else False #checks is the session is late by comparing to 24 hours
session['late_return'] = late_return
print(f"Session ID: {session['id']}") #iterate through sessions dictionary and prints data
print(f"Start Time: {start_time}")
print(f"End Time: {end_time}")
print(f"Duration: {session['duration']} seconds")
print(f"Late Return: {late_return}")
print(f"Damaged: {session['damaged']}")
print(f"Comments: {session['comments']}")
# Store summary records to a file
# Replace 'path/to/your/file.json' with the actual path to your JSON file
file_path = r'output.json'
# Usage