assembly 如何在x86 MASM汇编语言中为哈希表编写STRUCT?

gev0vcfq  于 2023-06-30  发布在  其他

    HTEntry STRUCT
    key BYTE PTR ?   ; Pointer to a null-terminated string  
    value BYTE PTR ?  ; Pointer to a null-terminated string  
    next BYTE PTR ?    ; Pointer to the next entry in the bucket  
    HTEntry ENDS  

    HashTable STRUCT  
    hashsize DWORD ?              ; Current size of the hash table  
    maxLoadFactor DWORD ?         ; Maximum load factor before resizing  
    buckets DWORD PTR : DWORD ? ; Array of bucket pointers  
    HashTable ENDS
I get the following errors:
(For reference line 5 starts with key)
    hash.asm(5): error A2009: syntax error in expression
    hash.asm(6): error A2009: syntax error in expression
    hash.asm(7): error A2009: syntax error in expression
    hash.asm(13): error A2009: syntax error in expression





    HTEntry STRUCT
    key DWORD ?   ; Pointer to a null-terminated string  
    value DWORD ?  ; Pointer to a null-terminated string  
    next DWORD ?    ; Pointer to the next entry in the bucket  
    HTEntry ENDS  

    HashTable STRUCT  
    hashsize DWORD ?              ; Current size of the hash table  
    maxLoadFactor DWORD ?         ; Maximum load factor before resizing  
    buckets DWORD ? ; Array of bucket pointers  
    HashTable ENDS


mov al, BYTE PTR [key] 
;I can't remember if the brackets go around "byte ptr" or not, please forgive me
