stack SEGMENT stack ;stack segment
db 128 dup (?)
stack_top db ? ;stack_top pointer to stack
stack ENDS
ds_data SEGMENT ;ds segment
data_set_1 db 3bh,4ch,73h,0e5h,6dh, 8bh,6ch,17h,6eh,41h
;3bh,52h,98h, 67h,1fh,0aeh,36h,17h,70h,0edh
position db "Position ",'$'
position_offset db 0
set_1 db "Data Set 1 ",'$'
set_2 db "Data Set 2 ",'$'
set_3 db "Data Set 3 ",'$'
elements_same db " - Value 1 = Value 2",'$'
elements_less db " - Value 1 < Value 2",'$'
elements_greater db " - Value 1 > Value 2",'$'
result_msg db "Result - Data in 3rd segment",'$'
newline db 13,10,'$'
ds_data ENDS
es_data SEGMENT ;es segment
data_set_2 db 3bh,52h,98h,67h,1fh,0aeh,36h,17h,70h,0edh
es_data ENDS
result_data SEGMENT ;result segment
data_set_3 db 10 dup(?)
set_3_offset dw 0
result_data ENDS
;Set up segments
mov ax, seg stack
mov ss, ax
mov sp, offset stack_top
mov ax, seg ds_data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, seg es_data
mov es, ax
mov si, offset ds:data_set_1 ;offset to source string
mov di, offset es:data_set_2 ;offset to destination string
cld ; clear direction flag, increase adresses
mov cx,10
mov ah,9 ;new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
check_elements: ; compare 10 elements one by one
push cx
mov cx,1
repz cmpsb ; compare ds:[si] to es:[di]
; set flags
; values same ZF = 1
; src value is less than destination value CF = 1
; src value is greater than destination value CF = 0, ZF = 0
pushf ;push flags on stack
call text_position
popf ;pop flags
ja src_greater_than_dest ;src > dest
jb src_less_than_dest ;src < dest
;else src = dest
call text_src_equals_dest
dec si
dec di
push es
mov ax, seg result_data
mov es, ax
mov bx, offset es:data_set_3 ;offset to result string
add bx,es:[set_3_offset] ;position in result string
mov al, [si] ;copy value to result string
mov es:[bx],al
inc es:[set_3_offset] ;next position in result string
pop es
inc si
inc di
jmp check_element_done
call text_src_greater_dest
dec si
dec di
push es
mov ax, seg result_data
mov es, ax
mov bx, offset es:data_set_3 ;offset to result string
add bx,es:[set_3_offset] ;position in result string
mov al, [si] ;copy value to result string
mov es:[bx],al
inc es:[set_3_offset] ;next position in result string
pop es
inc si
inc di
jmp check_element_done
call text_src_less_dest
dec si
dec di
mov al, es:[di] ;copy value to result string
push es
push ax
mov ax, seg result_data
mov es, ax
mov bx, offset es:data_set_3 ;offset to result string
add bx,es:[set_3_offset] ;position in result string
pop ax
mov es:[bx],al
inc es:[set_3_offset] ;next position in result string
pop es
inc si
inc di
pop cx
inc ds:[position_offset]
loop check_elements
;Print data_set_1
mov ah,9 ; new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
mov ah,9 ; print "Data Set 1 "
mov dx,offset set_1
int 21h
mov cx,10
mov bx, offset data_set_1
mov ah,2
mov dl,[bx]
int 21h
mov ah,2
mov dl,' '
int 21h
inc bx
loop Show_data_set_1
;Print data_set_2
mov ah,9 ; new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
mov ah,9 ; print "Data Set 2 "
mov dx,offset set_2
int 21h
mov cx,10
mov bx, offset es:data_set_2
mov ah,2
mov dl,es:[bx]
int 21h
mov ah,2
mov dl,' '
int 21h
inc bx
loop Show_data_set_2
;Print data_set_3
mov ah,9 ; new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
mov ah,9 ; print "Data Set 3 "
mov dx,offset set_3
int 21h
mov cx,10
mov ax, seg result_data ;change segment to result_data
mov es, ax
mov bx, offset es:data_set_3
mov ah,2
mov dl,es:[bx]
int 21h
mov ah,2
mov dl,' '
int 21h
inc bx
loop Show_data_set_3
mov ah,9 ; new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
; Terminate program
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
text_position proc
mov ah,9 ; print "Position"
mov dx,offset position
int 21h
mov ah,2
mov dl,ds:[position_offset] ; print position number
add dl,30h
int 21h
text_position endp
text_src_equals_dest proc
mov ah,9 ; print "Src = Destination"
mov dx,offset elements_same
int 21h
mov ah,9 ; new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
text_src_equals_dest endp
text_src_greater_dest proc
mov ah,9 ; print "Src > Destination"
mov dx,offset elements_greater
int 21h
mov ah,9 ; new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
text_src_greater_dest endp
text_src_less_dest proc
mov ah,9 ; print "Src < Destination"
mov dx,offset elements_less
int 21h
mov ah,9 ; new line
mov dx,offset newline
int 21h
text_src_less_dest endp
code ENDS
END start
repz cmpsb
可能更好。还有太多的inc/dec si/di