I found a guide to output the results of a dynamic SQL stored procedure into a variable, but the tricky part for my issue is that I'm using OPENQUERY
, which makes using dynamic SQL a bit more challenging.
The attempt below gives and error when I try to execute it:
Incorrect syntax near '@LinkedServer'
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DateLastUsage]
(@Part nvarchar(50),
@LinkedServer nvarchar(50),
@DateLastUsage datetime2 OUTPUT)
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)
SET @SQL = N'SELECT TOP 1 @DateLastUsage = DateLastUsage FROM OPENQUERY(@LinkedServer, ''SELECT MAX(date_history) DateLastUsage FROM v_inventory_hist WHERE part = ''@Part'' '' )'
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@LinkedServer nvarchar(50), @Part nvarchar(50), @DateLastUsage datetime2 output', @LinkedServer = @LinkedServer, @Part = @Part, @DateLastUsage = @DateLastUsage output
DECLARE @DateLastUsage datetime2
EXEC dbo.GSSDateLastUsage 'PartA', 'GSS', @DateLastUsage OUTPUT
SELECT @DateLastUsage
As documented:
does not accept variables for its arguments.So you'd need to use dynamic SQL for that also. Eg:
Note the way
is embedded directly in the query, otherwise it also doesn't work/But to be honest, it's not clear why you are using
anyway. You can query the linked server directlyfrom linkedserver...v_inventory_hist
. Now you can pass the parameters properly.Or, if the linked server is also SQL Server, you can construct a
variable which points tosp_executesql
on the remote server.Note also the change of data type to
and `nvarchar(max)1 respectively.