I have a simple while loop:
SET @Counter = 1
WHILE (@Counter <= 10)
PRINT 'The counter value is = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@Counter) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
SET @Counter = @Counter + 1
I expect that @counter value will be printed out with 1 second delay, but instead, code is executed after 10 seconds and result is printed at the end of the execution in one go.
The counter value is = 1
The counter value is = 2
The counter value is = 3
The counter value is = 4
The counter value is = 5
The counter value is = 6
The counter value is = 7
The counter value is = 8
The counter value is = 9
The counter value is = 10
How to make sure that every next value is printed out with 1 second delay, so I can monitor progress?
Just some backgroud. I would like to use similar script to monitor backup and restore progress. E.g. assign initial value of progress percentage to:
SELECT @Counter = percent_complete
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a
and monitor progress in while loop every 5 seconds till percent_complete reaches 100%.
Aside from the advice already in the comments, try this modified script to demo how you can use raiserror for the behaviour you are expecting in your example code.
Remember to select the Messages table to view output.
You say
I would like to use similar script to monitor backup and restore progress
Don't use this loop at all. Just use the
option, where you can specify a percentage change to show an update. This is what all backup tools use to monitor progress.unhi4e5o3#
One solution is mentioned in How to show progress in a batch file using sqlcmd? . Other solution is to use Powershell.
And to call this procedure use Invoke-Sqlcmd.
powershell.exe -command "Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance '.' -Query '[scutility].[SqlCmdTestOutput]' -Database SCUTILITY -Verbose -QueryTimeout 0"
More details here - https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/222054/how-to-report-stats-on-restore-via-sqlcmd