I am attempting to catalogue a set of olap-cubes from a SQL Server DB. In the analysis services (SSMS), I can right click a measure_group/table, click partitions, properties, and then use "Script Action to New Query Window". This yields me a script with the various sources used to populate this measure_group.
In the interest of automation, I was wondering if one could retrieve this script through a query. The closest I've gotten is this:
<Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
However, the requirement to provide the Partition_Name as a restriction is problematic, because it differs from measure to measure, and would thus require manual entries, defeating the purpose of the script.
Is there a simple query that can be used to get the whole script, without needing to specify more than the database_name and measure_group?
schema rowset provides metadata information about measure groups in SSAS. TheTMEASUREGROUP_SOURCE
column contains the script used to populate the measure group.