ruby Dijkstra城市间最短路径实现

ppcbkaq5  于 2023-08-04  发布在  Ruby

我正在将 Dijkstra shortest path between cities 算法从Ruby转换为JavaScript,并在输出数组中获得undefined值。

我什么都试过了。我花了六个小时在这个问题上。ChatGPT、Copilot Chat均无法解决此问题。这个错误似乎来自这个片段:// ! Visit the next unvisited city with the cheapest price但在这一点上我有疑问。

  • 正确输出:["Atlanta", "Denver", "Chicago", "El Paso"]
  • 我的错误:[ 'Atlanta', undefined, 'El Paso' ]


## City class:

class City
  attr_accessor :name, :routes

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name
    @routes = {}

  def add_route(city, price)
    @routes[city] = price

## Dijkstra's Algorithm:

def dijkstra_shortest_path(starting_city, final_destination)
  cheapest_prices_table = {}
  cheapest_previous_stopover_city_table = {}

  # To keep our code simple, we'll use a basic array to keep track of
  # the known cities we haven't yet visited:
  unvisited_cities = []

  # We keep track of the cities we've visited using a hash table. 
  # We could have used an array, but since we'll be doing lookups,
  # a hash table is more efficient:
  visited_cities = {}

  # We add the starting city's name as the first key inside the 
  # cheapest_prices_table. It has a value of 0, since it costs nothing
  # to get there:
  cheapest_prices_table[] = 0

  current_city = starting_city

  # This loop is the core of the algorithm. It runs as long as we can 
  # visit a city that we haven't visited yet:
  while current_city

    # We add the current_city's name to the visited_cities hash to record
    # that we've offiically visited it. We also remove it from the list
    # of unvisited cities:
    visited_cities[] = true

    # We iterate over each of the current_city's adjacent cities:
    current_city.routes.each do |adjacent_city, price|

      # If we've discovered a new city, 
      # we add it to the list of unvisited_cities:
      unvisited_cities << 
        adjacent_city unless visited_cities[]

      # We calculate the price of getting from the STARTING city to the
      # ADJACENT city using the CURRENT city as the second-to-last stop:
      price_through_current_city = 
        cheapest_prices_table[] + price

      # If the price from the STARTING city to the ADJACENT city is 
      # the cheapest one we've found so far...
      if !cheapest_prices_table[] ||
       price_through_current_city < cheapest_prices_table[]

        # ... we update our two tables:
        cheapest_prices_table[] = price_through_current_city
        cheapest_previous_stopover_city_table[] = 


    # We visit our next unvisited city. We choose the one that is cheapest
    # to get to from the STARTING city:
    current_city = unvisited_cities.min do |city|

  # We have completed the core algorithm. At this point, the
  # cheapest_prices_table contains all the cheapest prices to get to each
  # city from the starting city. However, to calculate the precise path
  # to take from our starting city to our final destination, we need to move on.

  # We'll build the shortest path using a simple array:
  shortest_path = []
  # To construct the shortest path, we need to work backwards from our 
  # final destination. So we begin with the final destination as our 
  # current_city_name:
  current_city_name =

  # We loop until we reach our starting city:
  while current_city_name !=

    # We add each current_city_name we encounter to the shortest path array:
    shortest_path << current_city_name
    # We use the cheapest_previous_stopover_city_table to follow each city
    # to its previous stopover city:
    current_city_name = cheapest_previous_stopover_city_table[current_city_name]

  # We cap things off by adding the starting city to the shortest path:
  shortest_path <<

  # We reverse the output so we can see the path from beginning to end:
  return shortest_path.reverse

atlanta ="Atlanta")
boston ="Boston")
chicago ="Chicago")
denver ="Denver")
el_paso ="El Paso")

atlanta.add_route(boston, 100)
atlanta.add_route(denver, 160)
boston.add_route(chicago, 120)
boston.add_route(denver, 180)
chicago.add_route(el_paso, 80)
denver.add_route(chicago, 40)
denver.add_route(el_paso, 140)

p dijkstra_shortest_path(atlanta, el_paso)


class City {
  constructor(name) { = name
    this.routes = {}

  addRoute(city, price) {
    this.routes[city] = price

// * Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
function dijkstraShortestPath(startingCity, finalDestination) {
  let cheapestPricesTable = {}
  let cheapestPreviousStopoverCityTable = {}

  // Keep track of known cities we haven't visited yet
  let unvisitedCities = []

  // Keep track of cities we have visited using a hash table
  let visitedCities = {}

  // Initialize the cheapest prices table with the starting city (the price will be zero since we are already there)
  cheapestPricesTable[] = 0

  // Initialize the current city to the starting city
  let currentCity = startingCity

  // While there is a current city
  while (currentCity) {
    // Mark the current city as visited
    visitedCities[] = true

    // Delete the current city from the unvisited cities array
    unvisitedCities = unvisitedCities.filter((city) => city !== currentCity)

    // Iterate over each current city's adjacent cities
    for (let adjacentCity in currentCity.routes) {
      // Get the price to get to the adjacent city from the current city
      let price = currentCity.routes[adjacentCity]
      // If we have discovered a new city, we add it to the unvisited cities array
      if (!visitedCities[]) {

      // Calculate the price to get to the adjacent city through the current city
      let priceThroughCurrentCity =
        cheapestPricesTable[] + price

      // If the price from the starting city to the adjacent city is the cheapest so far...
      if (!cheapestPricesTable[] ||
        priceThroughCurrentCity < cheapestPricesTable[]
      ) {
        // ...update the two tables
        cheapestPricesTable[] = priceThroughCurrentCity
        cheapestPreviousStopoverCityTable[] =

    // ! Visit the next unvisited city with the cheapest price
    currentCity = unvisitedCities.reduce((minCity, city) => {
      return cheapestPricesTable[] < cheapestPricesTable[] ?
        city :
    }, unvisitedCities[0])

  // We have completed the core algorithm and can now build the shortest path
  let shortestPath = []

  // Start with the final destination
  let currentCityName =

  // While we haven't reached the starting city...
  while (currentCityName !== {
    // ...add the current city to the shortest path array

    // ...and update the current city to the previous stopover city
    currentCityName = cheapestPreviousStopoverCityTable[currentCityName]

  // Finally, add the starting city to the shortest path array

  // Return the shortest path array in reverse order
  return shortestPath.reverse()

// ------------------------------

let atlanta = new City('Atlanta')
let boston = new City('Boston')
let chicago = new City('Chicago')
let denver = new City('Denver')
let elPaso = new City('El Paso')

atlanta.addRoute(boston, 100)
atlanta.addRoute(denver, 160)
boston.addRoute(chicago, 120)
boston.addRoute(denver, 180)
chicago.addRoute(elPaso, 80)
denver.addRoute(chicago, 40)
denver.addRoute(elPaso, 140)

console.log(dijkstraShortestPath(atlanta, elPaso))




  • addRoute中:this.routes[city] = price不会执行您想要的操作,因为cityCity示例,而不是字符串,因此这会将City对象强制转换为[object Object]。在JavaScript中,对象键不能是对象。
  • dijkstraShortestPath为单位:for (let adjacentCity in currentCity.routes)将读取字符串(因为对象键是字符串),但稍后您将执行if (!visitedCities[]),就好像adjacentCityCity对象一样。这样不行。


class City {
  constructor(name) { = name;
    this.routes = new Map;

  addRoute(city, price) {
    this.routes.set(city, price);

// * Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
function dijkstraShortestPath(startingCity, finalDestination) {
  let cheapestPricesTable = new Map;
  let cheapestPreviousStopoverCityTable = new Map;

  // Keep track of known cities we haven't visited yet
  let unvisitedCities = [];

  // Keep track of cities we have visited using a hash table
  let visitedCities = new Set;

  // Initialize the cheapest prices table with the starting city (the price will be zero since we are already there)
  cheapestPricesTable.set(startingCity, 0);

  // Initialize the current city to the starting city
  let currentCity = startingCity
  // While there is a current city
  while (currentCity) {
    // Mark the current city as visited

    // Delete the current city from the unvisited cities array
    unvisitedCities = unvisitedCities.filter((city) => city !== currentCity);

    // Iterate over each current city's adjacent cities
    for (let [adjacentCity, price] of currentCity.routes) {
      // If we have discovered a new city, we add it to the unvisited cities array
      if (!visitedCities.has(adjacentCity)) {

      // Calculate the price to get to the adjacent city through the current city
      let priceThroughCurrentCity =
        cheapestPricesTable.get(currentCity) + price;

      // If the price from the starting city to the adjacent city is the cheapest so far...
      if (!cheapestPricesTable.has(adjacentCity) ||
        priceThroughCurrentCity < cheapestPricesTable.get(adjacentCity)
      ) {
        // ...update the two tables
        cheapestPricesTable.set(adjacentCity, priceThroughCurrentCity);
        cheapestPreviousStopoverCityTable.set(adjacentCity, currentCity);

    // ! Visit the next unvisited city with the cheapest price
    currentCity = unvisitedCities.reduce((minCity, city) => {
      return cheapestPricesTable.get(city) < cheapestPricesTable.get(minCity) ?
        city :
    }, unvisitedCities[0]);

  // We have completed the core algorithm and can now build the shortest path
  let shortestPath = [];

  // Start with the final destination
  currentCity = finalDestination;

  // While we haven't reached the starting city...
  while (currentCity !== startingCity) {
    // ...add the current city to the shortest path array

    // ...and update the current city to the previous stopover city
    currentCity = cheapestPreviousStopoverCityTable.get(currentCity);

  // Finally, add the starting city to the shortest path array

  // Return the shortest path array in reverse order
  return shortestPath.reverse();

// ------------------------------

let atlanta = new City('Atlanta');
let boston = new City('Boston');
let chicago = new City('Chicago');
let denver = new City('Denver');
let elPaso = new City('El Paso');

atlanta.addRoute(boston, 100);
atlanta.addRoute(denver, 160);
boston.addRoute(chicago, 120);
boston.addRoute(denver, 180);
chicago.addRoute(elPaso, 80);
denver.addRoute(chicago, 40);
denver.addRoute(elPaso, 140);

console.log(dijkstraShortestPath(atlanta, elPaso));



  • 在JavaScript中,请使用分号终止语句。虽然有automatic semicolon insertion,但最好不要把它留给那个算法,而是自己控制它。你不会是第一个落入陷阱的人。
  • 当使用普通数组作为优先级队列时,Dijkstra算法效率不高。对filterreduce的调用扼杀了这个本来很好的算法的效率。而是使用真正的优先级队列。JavaScript本身没有提供一个,但有很多实现可以找到。我还写了一个你可以找到here,在同一个Q&A的其他几个实现中。
