Apache Spark 如何在sql中动态计算当月和上月?

mwkjh3gx  于 2023-08-06  发布在  Apache


|colA|period|colB|colC |colD|colE|amount     |
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1236|0000|200.9342749|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1200|0000|805086.453 |
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1230|0000|1320.738729|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1057|0000|112563.2048|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|0000|0000|481446.1162|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1185|0000|33143.72624|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1299|0000|179683.4546|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1208|0000|4645.649104|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|8307|0000|12583.31342|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1903|0000|108461.0646|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1290|0000|1018387.778|
|abc |202301|dt  |20110|1711|0000|1367565.247|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1712|0000|23.19162437|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|8158|0000|18382.71997|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1290|0000|828198.4983|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1903|0000|377226.3219|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1057|0000|51077.79188|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1299|0000|156910.4484|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|0000|0000|513661.3896|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1185|0000|32263.95939|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1208|0000|733.999577 |
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1236|0000|268.0203046|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|8307|0000|11835.60702|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1711|0000|1311061.665|
|abc |202302|dt  |20110|1200|0000|1144058.608|


1. Current and Previous month would be 202301 and 202212 respectively
2. Current and Previous month would be 202302 and 202301 respectively
3. Current and Previous month would be 202303 and 202302 respectively
4. Current and Previous month would be 202304 and 202303 respectively
5. Current and Previous month would be 202305 and 202304 respectively
6. Current and Previous month would be 202305 and 202304 respectively
7. Current and Previous month would be 202306 and 202305 respectively
So on and so forth for other use cases as well


    LOWER(colA) as colA, 
    LOWER(colB) as colB, 
    LOWER(colC) as colC, 
    LOWER(colD) as colD,
    LOWER(colE) as colE, 
    COALESCE(SUM(usdamount), 0) AS current_month, 
    LAG(COALESCE(SUM(usdamount), 0)) over(order by period ) as previous_month
from cte 
where trim(colC) = '20110' and lower(trim(colB)) = 'dt' and "period" between 202301 and  202302 
group by colA, period, colB, colC, colD, colE

本质上我的用法是SUM(CASE WHEN period = 202302 THEN amount END) - SUM(CASE WHEN period = 202301 THEN amount END)应该等同于320614.5204,并且需要如上所述动态化。此外,分组是必要的,因为我需要他们在输出以及。




create table amounts(
  colA text not null,
  period int not null,
  colB text not null,
  colC int not null,
  colD int not null,
  colE int not null,
  amount real not null

insert into amounts(colA, period, colB, colC, colD, colE, amount) values
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1236, 0000, 200.9342749),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1200, 0000, 805086.453 ),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1230, 0000, 1320.738729),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1057, 0000, 112563.2048),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 0000, 0000, 481446.1162),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1185, 0000, 33143.72624),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1299, 0000, 179683.4546),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1208, 0000, 4645.649104),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 8307, 0000, 12583.31342),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1903, 0000, 108461.0646),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1290, 0000, 1018387.778),
('abc', '202301', 'dt', 20110, 1711, 0000, 1367565.247),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1712, 0000, 23.19162437),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 8158, 0000, 18382.71997),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1290, 0000, 828198.4983),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1903, 0000, 377226.3219),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1057, 0000, 51077.79188),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1299, 0000, 156910.4484),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 0000, 0000, 513661.3896),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1185, 0000, 32263.95939),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1208, 0000, 733.999577 ),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1236, 0000, 268.0203046),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 8307, 0000, 11835.60702),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1711, 0000, 1311061.665),
('abc', '202302', 'dt', 20110, 1200, 0000, 1144058.608);

with sane_dates as (
  select period,
         make_date(year => period/100, month=>period%100, day=>1) as period_start,
         sum(amount) as amount
  from amounts
  group by period
select amounts.*, differences.diff
from amounts
join (
  select second.period as period,
         second.amount - first.amount as diff
  from sane_dates as first
  join sane_dates as second on second.period_start = first.period_start + make_interval(months => 1)
) differences on differences.period = amounts.period;

